Role of WMO in Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Ivan Obrusník, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Role of WMO in Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Ivan Obrusník,


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Presentation transcript:

Role of WMO in Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Ivan Obrusník, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Role of WMO in Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Ivan Obrusník, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

WMO Natural Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Program (originally Disaster prevention and Mitigation ! Established by the XIV. WMO Congress in 2003 Established by the XIV. WMO Congress in 2003 Strategy approved by the WMO EC LVI in June 2004 Strategy approved by the WMO EC LVI in June 2004 First urgent tasks: First urgent tasks: - preparation for the WCDR in Kobe preparation for the WCDR in Kobe To enhance involvement of WMO and NMHSs in - To enhance involvement of WMO and NMHSs in DR activities at international and national levels DR activities at international and national levels - To establish the network of experts - To establish the network of experts - To develop informational materials and a Website - To develop informational materials and a Website - To enhance the crosscutting coordination within - To enhance the crosscutting coordination within the WMO Secretariat, Programs and Technical the WMO Secretariat, Programs and Technical Comissions Comissions

WMO Programmes World Weather Watch Program World Weather Watch Program WMO Space Program Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Program Education and Training Programme Technical Cooperation Programme Regional Programme WorldClimateProgramme AtmosphericResearchandEnvironmentProgramme ApplicationsofMeteorologyProgramme HydrologyandWaterResourcesProgramme WMO/OMM


To encourage and assist Members in developing/enhancing NMHSs contributions to national disaster preparedness programs in a more integrated manner, especially in coordination with national civil defense/disaster coordination Office. NMHSs should be the authoritative voice in issuing weather warning for public safety at the national level. To ensure that activities and results of relevant WMO Programs are fully used in the process of WMOs participation in the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR objectives are:

Goal 1: Promote greater emphasis on proactive strategies for prevention and preparedness on the basis of a multi- hazard framework WMO will pursue this through intergovernmental programs in partnership with international organizations; and its own information and public awareness activities. It will demonstrate the benefits of investments in hydrometeoro- logical services critical to all stages of a proactive risk management strategy especially the benefits of risk assessment and early warning systems at the national level. As part of WMOs participation in ISDR, it will promote raising awareness at the ministerial level of the relation between preventive, proactive risk management strategies and economic development. It will also increase awareness among the public and decision makers of the causes and consequences of natural hazards. Goals of the WMO Disaster Risk Reduction Program Goals of the WMO Disaster Risk Reduction Program

Goal 2: Ensure that WMO core technical and scientific capabilities, particularly for risk assessment and early warning systems, are integrated optimally in all relevant phases of disaster risk management at the international, regional and national levelsGoal 2: Ensure that WMO core technical and scientific capabilities, particularly for risk assessment and early warning systems, are integrated optimally in all relevant phases of disaster risk management at the international, regional and national levels Through a user-driven approach and in partnerships with key organizations, WMO is analysing the scientific and technical information needs of various components of the disaster risk management decision-making chain. It is identifying and strengthening the relevant capabilities and activities within its own programs. In conjunction, WMO is establishing a comprehensive set of best practices, related to utilization of scientific and technical information in disaster risk reduction. It will factor those results into development of integrated products and services for the various stages of disaster risk management. WMO will do these through close collaboration with the natural disaster risk management community. It will factor those results into development of integrated products and services for the various stages of disaster risk management. WMO will do these through close collaboration with the natural disaster risk management community.

Goal 3: Promote and enhance the role of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services as a critical component of the national risk reduction platforms, particularly within developing countriesGoal 3: Promote and enhance the role of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services as a critical component of the national risk reduction platforms, particularly within developing countries WMO will implement result-driven end-to-end projects in different regions for different hazards. These activities will be carried out in working with WMOs global network of World Meteorological Centres (WMCs), Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) and the NMHSs of its 187 Members, by leveraging WMOs current activities as well as new initiatives. WMO will demonstrate the potential benefits in disaster risk management of its scientific and technical products and services that can be implemented through NMHSs at the national level. Through activities such as sharing of best practices, technology transfer, training and capacity building, WMO will help the NMHSs deliver products and services in an effective and timely manner to meet national needs for hazard information.

Goal 4: Raise awareness to the magnitude of cost- benefits from investments in natural disaster prevention, particularly in early warning systemsGoal 4: Raise awareness to the magnitude of cost- benefits from investments in natural disaster prevention, particularly in early warning systems WMO will conduct socio-economic studies to demonstrate more clearly the minimal resources needed in natural disaster prevention, in comparison to the much larger magnitude of funding involved in response and recovery efforts. The studies will also address the social costs, such as those related to deaths and damages, societal impacts of retarded economic growth, etc. These activities will be carried out in partnership with major economic development commissions, insurance and re-insurance companies, UN organizations, international and regional development banks, relevant non-governmental organizations, and other international, regional and national organizations. These activities will be carried out in partnership with major economic development commissions, insurance and re-insurance companies, UN organizations, international and regional development banks, relevant non-governmental organizations, and other international, regional and national organizations.

Goal 5: Work together with international, regional and national partners and the private sector to build A Safer WorldGoal 5: Work together with international, regional and national partners and the private sector to build A Safer World WMO, as a major partner in the ISDR, is addressing the weather, climate and water issues at the core of the culture of prevention with all the organizations within the ISDR. WMO has also cemented partnerships with other organizations within and in addition to the United Nations system, in specific sectors such as health, transportation, energy, agriculture and forestry, water resource management, and tourism. DRR will work to strengthen the existing partnerships and develop new ones WMO has also cemented partnerships with other organizations within and in addition to the United Nations system, in specific sectors such as health, transportation, energy, agriculture and forestry, water resource management, and tourism. DRR will work to strengthen the existing partnerships and develop new ones

Regional expert groups (5 experts per WMO Region) Network of focal points (located in NMHSs) Capacity building activities ( training, workshops) Strategy for the cooperation with other international organizations e.g. IATF (ISDR) Establishment of a Natural Disaster Information System Establishment of an inventory of relevant best practices (similar to WMO HOMS) Emergency and Disaster Response Activities EC AG on Natural Disaster Reduction and Mitigation as an advisory body to guide the program on all aspects of natural disaster prevention and mitigation. Main goals and strategy:

Recent enlargement of EU significant change – it could help to improve significant change – it could help to improve funding and level of NMHSs and DR Platforms funding and level of NMHSs and DR Platforms (committees) in the new EU countries (committees) in the new EU countries WMO can help with contacts to EC WMO can help with contacts to EC Possibilities of common programs (projects): Possibilities of common programs (projects): early warning in NMHSs, numerical weather early warning in NMHSs, numerical weather or climate modeling or climate modeling cooperation in disaster reduction e.g. CEUDIP cooperation in disaster reduction e.g. CEUDIP (training, early warning) (training, early warning) others (?) others (?) typical networking – suitable for EU funding typical networking – suitable for EU funding