指導教授:陳明溥 博士 研 究 生:余志鴻 Student Models of Instructional Design Magliaro, S. G. & Shambaugh, N., (2006). Student models of instructional design. Educational.


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Presentation transcript:

指導教授:陳明溥 博士 研 究 生:余志鴻 Student Models of Instructional Design Magliaro, S. G. & Shambaugh, N., (2006). Student models of instructional design. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 54(1),

Mental Models  What are mental models? –Mental models as internal representations that are best characterized as a personalized network or networks of concepts.  General features –Human construct used to explain how humans make sense of the world. –Continually change, depending on our individual needs to cope, understand, and act. –Mental models of concepts, rules, and human activity can be represented by networks, maps, even visual images.  Sources for students to construct mental models –From what they know about the world –From what they observe of the world –From outside explanations

Mental Models  How to study mental models –Experimental methods Independent variables –Empirical modeling Human observations and subsequent actions can be mathematically recorded, and regression can be used to identify the input-output relationships. –Analytical modeling The goal is to minimized the differences between what humans do and what they should do based on an agreed- upon mental model. –Studying mental models is the use of verbal and written reports. User descriptions that will be incomplete and may be distorted and biased based partly on the person’s inability to verbalize how he or she is thinking as well as responding to the needs of the researcher or instructor.

ID models  What are ID models –Conceptual models, all with the goal of making instructional development efficient and predictable in terms of success of the final product-learning.  How to teach with ID models –To help students learn the value of a systematic process for developing instruction –ADDIE

Methodology  Employed content analysis to identify the components of the models(Q1) and categorize the structural nature of student ID models(Q2).  研究問題 –What ADDIE components were included (teacher,nonteacher) ---Q1 –Model structural characteristics (teacher,nonteacher) -----Q2  Participants –178 students (115teachers,63 nonteachers) – 的 12 門 ID 課程學生

Methodology  Course description and ID model task – 以 ADDIE 為架構,增加 learning beliefs & design tools –learning beliefs 告知學習任務,並定義相關的學習原則、作業規定 –design tools 在設計整個教學時,將會運用到那些工具與技術

Methodology  Data sources and analysis –ID model data Visual representation Narrative explaining the model –Analysis 由學生所設計的 ID model 中,分析符合 ADDIE 的 那些 components 分析這些 component 之間的關係 –Conceptual-sequential –Conceptual-dynamic –metaphoric

Results  ADDIE mode components 分析結果

Results  Structural categories –Conceptual-sequential models 35,19.7% –Conceptual-dynamic models 61,35.5% –Metaphoric models 76,44.2%

Conclusions and implications  Learners do not always use the models given to them, but construct mental models that meet specific needs.  Students reflect on their initial ID models as they learn about each ID component in the course and to revise their models  The value of concrete representations cannot be underestimated.

The End  Thanks