Chapter 4 Suicide Lesson 3 Suicide >> Main Menu Next >> >> Chapter 3 Assessment Click for: Teacher’s notes are available in the notes section of this presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4 Suicide Lesson 3 Suicide >> Main Menu Next >> >> Chapter 3 Assessment Click for: Teacher’s notes are available in the notes section of this presentation.

Do Now In your notebook, answer the following question in at least 3 sentences: What is the difference between someone being sad and someone being depressed?

EQ: What is your role in preventing suicide? EU: Students will understand that suicide warning signs are recognizable. Agenda: PowerPoint, Video

Depression Among Teens Some studies suggest that as many as 20 percent of teens suffer from major depression. Teens who are depressed may turn to alcohol or other drugs. Left untreated, depression can become worse. If you know someone who is depressed, encourage that person to talk to a parent or other trusted adult.

Depression Among Teens Warning Signs of Depression Irritability, anger, or anxiety Lack of energy, feeling tired all the time Significant change in sleep patterns Inability to concentrate Putting blame on other people for their problems Feelings of worthlessness or guilt Indifference to things that used to bring pleasure Pessimism Physical problems that can’t be explained Thoughts of death or suicide

Suicide It is important to recognize the warning signs of suicide and seek help if you or someone you know is suffering from severe depression. suicide The intentional taking of one’s own life

Causes of Teen Suicide Causes of Depression that can Lead to Suicide A family breakup A death in the family Alcoholism or other drug dependencies within the family Witnessing domestic violence or being a victim of physical or sexual abuse Inability to handle pressure of at school or at home Unsupportive family Feelings of being disconnected from or rejected by peers

Warning Signs of Suicide Sharing suicide plans openly. Dropping hints through words and actions. A sudden fascination with the topic of death. Dramatic changes in the person’s appearance. Self-destructive behavior. Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities. A sudden change in mood. !!

Suicide Warning Signs Video

Providing Support Ways of Providing Support Talk to the person. Show an interest in the person’s problem. Do not be afraid to ask whether the individual is planning to harm him or her self. Urge the person to share his or her feelings and thoughts with a trusted adult. Never promise to keep suicide plans a secret.

Dealing with Depression Suicide is never the answer. Feelings of depression do not go on forever. You are not alone.

Dealing with Depression Two sources of help for depression are: SPAN USA (Suicide Prevention Action Network) National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center Both of these organizations have Web sites and telephone hot lines.

What to Do If You Need Help You Might Need Help If… you have been feeling sad or angry for two weeks or longer. you want to spend all your time alone. your feelings affect your sleep, eating habits, schoolwork, or relationships with family and peers. you feel “out of control,” or feel worried or nervous all the time.

What to Do If You Need Help If you feel that you need help, talk to a parent or guardian, the school nurse, a counselor at school, or other trusted adult. The person you speak to may be able to help you or point you toward someone who can, such as a mental health professional.

Kinds of Help For many emotional problems, professional counseling, or therapy, is often needed. therapy An approach that teaches you different ways of thinking or behaving

Therapy Settings Therapy setting include: Individual therapy Group therapy Family therapy family therapy Counseling that seeks to improve troubled family relationships

Drug Treatment Therapy Many medicines used to treat emotional disorders work to restore chemical imbalances in the brain. These medicines can provide relief for depression and other mental disorders.

Drug Treatment Therapy Drug therapy medicines are not right for everyone. Drug therapy medicines do not treat every mental and emotional problem. Drug therapy medicines are not meant as a replacement for therapy.

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What is YOUR role in preventing suicide? With your partner, come up with an action plan to effectively communicate suicide warning signs to a trusted adult. (3 minutes) Going to share with class steps you came up with and we’ll combine to make an effective action plan for communicating suicide warning signs.

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Chapter 4 Suicide Lesson 3 Suicide >> Main Menu Next >> >> Chapter 3 Assessment Click for: Teacher’s notes are available in the notes section of this presentation.