A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production 1 Introduction to spiritual basics Studying the Bible as a Guide to Life!


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Presentation transcript:

A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production 1 Introduction to spiritual basics Studying the Bible as a Guide to Life!

2A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production What is the Bible? As an acronym, the words stands for: Basic Basic Instruction Instruction Before Before Leaving Leaving Earth Earth Leaving earth is not an option! Where you wind up is the issue!

3A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production The Bible is a collection of Holy Scriptures (writings) 2Tim. 3:15—Holy scriptures have power to...make you wise for salvation...make you wise for salvation...focuses on the faith that is in Christ Jesus!...focuses on the faith that is in Christ Jesus! Inspired of God and is thereby profitable for: doctrine—principles of a way of life doctrine—principles of a way of life reproof—proving time and time again reproof—proving time and time again correction—aligning with God correction—aligning with God instruction in righteousness instruction in righteousness

4A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production Why must we be instructed in righteousness? Do you naturally know right from wrong? (Prov. 14:12; 16:25) If what you believe to be right always leads to death, what are your thoughts? (Rom. 6:23). Note: Your words—what seems right to you—ALWAYS leads to death! Eternal life is the gift of God, given in Jesus, the Christ!

5A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production Why is everything we do (our works) always sin? All we do naturally are works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21) Why do we do works of the flesh? Rom. 7:14-18 Rom. 7:14-18 Jer. 17:1,5,9 Jer. 17:1,5,9 Isa. 55:8 Isa. 55:8 Mark 7:23 Mark 7:23 Prov. 18:21 Prov. 18:21

6A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production Where does sin dwell in me? I Thes. 5:23—We are all body, soul and spirit. (see 1Cor. 2:9) Ezek. 18:4—The soul sins! Therefore, the soul dies! The soul is filled with the sinful nature. The “soul” is synonymous with the “heart”, It is deceitful above all things, desperately wicked and beyond cure.

7A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production Can we summarize the human condition, relative to God’s plan? Eph. 2:1-22 How can you be dead and live simultaneously? How can you be dead and live simultaneously? All you did developed from your sinful nature! All you did developed from your sinful nature! Notice how God delivered you from death and established a future for you! Notice how God delivered you from death and established a future for you! All that’s good in your life comes from God, not from you! (Remember nothing good dwells in you) All that’s good in your life comes from God, not from you! (Remember nothing good dwells in you)

8A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production Summarizing the human situation God’s love for us motivated Him to save us. To be saved, we had to die! (Col. 3:3) God rich mercifulness made us alive with Christ (He put Christ in us, see Col. 1:27) Thus, we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (see Eph. 1:3-4) Thus, we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (see Eph. 1:3-4) We are created to do good works We are created to do good works Thus we are His working workmanship!

9A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production Remember! You were born a Gentile—separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel; foreigners to the covenants of promise Without hope and without God in the world! You are now brought near by the blood of Jesus, the Christ! What law in us did Jesus destroy (see Rom. 8:1-2)