DBQ: The Golden Rules. Golden Rules Answer the question Answer the question Write a detailed thesis Write a detailed thesis Re-word the statement by taking.


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Presentation transcript:

DBQ: The Golden Rules

Golden Rules Answer the question Answer the question Write a detailed thesis Write a detailed thesis Re-word the statement by taking a position Re-word the statement by taking a position Identify three main points you are writing on Identify three main points you are writing on Use half of the documents plus 1 Use half of the documents plus 1 Body paragraphs (2,3,4) need additions of prior knowledge (details related to topic) or additions beyond the scope Body paragraphs (2,3,4) need additions of prior knowledge (details related to topic) or additions beyond the scope

Golden Rule Reference the documents (can use parenthesis) Reference the documents (can use parenthesis) Argue Argue To practice you could underline details and prior knowledge To practice you could underline details and prior knowledge Keep it simple- short simple sentences Keep it simple- short simple sentences Vary the vocabulary (Big words used correctly) Vary the vocabulary (Big words used correctly) 5 Paragraphs 5 Paragraphs

I Have the Question, Now What Do I Do? Getting Started Read the question thoroughly Read the question thoroughly Explore all parts of the question (how many parts) Explore all parts of the question (how many parts) Highlight important aspects Highlight important aspects Think about what you know about the topic Think about what you know about the topic Could list ideas you know already- Could list ideas you know already- Think about- What you must discuss in order to write a successful essay? (most important) Think about- What you must discuss in order to write a successful essay? (most important) Think about any opinion about this subject? Think about any opinion about this subject?

Read Documents Try to identify how the document relates to the topic Try to identify how the document relates to the topic Read and pull out main idea for each and consider how this document relates to the prompt Read and pull out main idea for each and consider how this document relates to the prompt Think about how you might use this document to support your point. Think about how you might use this document to support your point.

Write Thesis Based on the prompt, create a thesis that addresses prompt- Based on the prompt, create a thesis that addresses prompt- Include three main points that you will argue Include three main points that you will argue Decide where documents will fit into essay Decide where documents will fit into essay Try to create an outline of your paper Try to create an outline of your paper

Write Your Essay Get to the point Get to the point Back thesis up with facts, solid evidence not fluff Back thesis up with facts, solid evidence not fluff 3 or 4 different issues or topic sentences 3 or 4 different issues or topic sentences Make sure you are addressing the question Make sure you are addressing the question Refer back to the question several times Refer back to the question several times Include as many documents as possible Include as many documents as possible

College Board Recommendations Define Your Terms Where Necessary Define Your Terms Where Necessary Look especially at terms like liberal or conservative, radical or progressive. Be prepared to define other central terms, such as major change, that may appear to be obvious but can be ambiguous. Look especially at terms like liberal or conservative, radical or progressive. Be prepared to define other central terms, such as major change, that may appear to be obvious but can be ambiguous. Start with a Clearly Stated Thesis Start with a Clearly Stated Thesis Some good essay writers begin with a thesis statement, back it up with supporting evidence from documents and outside knowledge, and, if time permits, restate the thesis at the end. Other writers analyze the material and build up logically to their thesis statement. On an AP Exam, you should use whichever method you feel most comfortable with. In any case, exam day is probably not a good time to experiment with a new, unfamiliar method of writing. Some good essay writers begin with a thesis statement, back it up with supporting evidence from documents and outside knowledge, and, if time permits, restate the thesis at the end. Other writers analyze the material and build up logically to their thesis statement. On an AP Exam, you should use whichever method you feel most comfortable with. In any case, exam day is probably not a good time to experiment with a new, unfamiliar method of writing.