6/5 Take out your Nixon Homework. Opportunity for greater learning: Start the Review Packet- Major Documents, Amendments. Learning Target: I can explain.


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Presentation transcript:

6/5 Take out your Nixon Homework. Opportunity for greater learning: Start the Review Packet- Major Documents, Amendments. Learning Target: I can explain the domestic programs and foreign policy acts of President Nixon.

Richard M. Nixon Party: Republican Vice President: Spiro Agnew- Agnew was allowed to plead no contest to a single charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, with the condition that he resign the office of Vice President. Gerald Ford Nixon

Foreign Policy Détente- Cold War policy on easing of the tensions between USA and USSR. S.A.L.T.-Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. USA and USSR agreed to limit ICBM’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles- reduced nuclear weapons.

Foreign Policy Ping Pong Diplomacy- Opening China- Nixon sent U.S. Ping Pong Team to China to open relations. First Cold War President to visit China. Nixon met Mao Zedong. Vietnamization- Withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam- Vietnamese will now carry on fight against the North.

Foreign Policy OPEC and Gasoline Shortage- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries w/hold oil in the mid 70’s due to U.S. support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War. Led to an Oil Crisis with long lines at every gas station.

Domestic Policy- New Federalism Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) Coordinating Federal Programs to combat pollution & protect the environment. Stagflation-Economic Hardship: Inflation UP & Unemployment UP. Revenue Sharing- Fed. And State Gov’t share tax $, state have more freedom as to how to spend it. Ex. Block Grants

Foreign Policy Watergate- Watergate Hotel & site of Democratic Nat’l HQ was broken into and bugged by Nixon’s aids. Resignation- Nixon taped every conversation so they revealed he was involved and forced to resign- Only President ever! (All the Presidents Men).

Watergate – What Happened?  What- June 17 th 1972, burglars break into Dem. headquarters in Watergate Hotel, they bug room, get caught, bailed out by CREEP (Committee to RE-Elect the President) attorneys.

Nixon’s Involvement  Nixon’s involvement- requested information on what Democrats knew about him!  He denied White House involvement  He attacked Judicial Branch so tapes of Oval Office conversations don’t come out.  Bernstein & Woodward- Washington Post Bernstein & Woodward- Washington Post

Impeachment?  Nixon not impeached, resigned before Senate can vote, tapes become public and made Nixon look bad.

Obstruct Justice  Obstruct Justice- interfere with legal process, Nixon obstructs justice by trying to keep tapes secret.

ACTION & RESULT American People lose trust in the US Government.