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Watergate – What Happened?  What- June 17 th 1972, burglars break into Dem. headquarters in Watergate Hotel, they bug room, get caught, bailed out by.

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Presentation on theme: "Watergate – What Happened?  What- June 17 th 1972, burglars break into Dem. headquarters in Watergate Hotel, they bug room, get caught, bailed out by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watergate – What Happened?  What- June 17 th 1972, burglars break into Dem. headquarters in Watergate Hotel, they bug room, get caught, bailed out by CREEP (Committee to RE-Elect the President) attorneys

2 Nixon’s Involvement  Nixon’s involvement- requests information on what Democrats knew about him!  He denies White House involvement  He attacks Judicial Branch so tapes of Oval Office conversations don’t come out

3 Impeachment?  Nixon not impeached, resigns before Senate can vote, tapes become public and makes Nixon look bad

4 Obstruct Justice  Obstruct justice- interfere with legal process, Nixon obstructs justice by trying to keep tapes secret

5 Action Result: People lose trust in government.

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