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Search for Stability Chapter 31.

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1 Search for Stability Chapter 31

2 Nixon’s Foreign Policy
Chapter 31 Section 1

3 Easing the Cold War Nixon wanted a more stable world
Reach out to Soviet Union and China Détente – relaxing international tensions Balance of power – distribute authority US, Europe, China, Japan, Soviet Union

4 ACTIVITY Do we have a balance of power in the world today? Why?
What countries would you say are a part of the balance of power?

5 Easing the Cold War Cont…
Nixon wanted to visit China US ping-pong team invited to China (1971) 1972 Nixon goes to China – trade/diplomacy Nixon takes trip to Soviet Union Begins trade SALT 1 – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Limits nuclear weapons, slow arms race



8 Middle East Tensions arise in Israel Yom Kippur War
Fights between Israelis and Arabs (Palestinians) cause major problems Yom Kippur War Egypt and Syria attack Israel Sov. Un. backs Arabs, US backs Israel Arab countries place an embargo on US oil Ban on shipments Conflict quickly settled through diplomacy Peaceful negotiations


10 Nixon and Watergate Chapter 31 Section 2

11 Domestic Goals Giving more power to the states
Affirmative Action – giving more jobs to minorities in areas they were once excluded Stop inflation – a rise in prices Solve the energy crisis

12 Election of 1972 Nixon wins a landslide victory over George McGovern
Nixon received over 90% of electoral votes

13 Watergate June 17, 1972 a security guard discovered the Watergate office complex “Plumbers” connected to Nixon campaign Democratic Party had offices in the building Burglars convicted, controversy continues Tapes of secret conversations with Nixon linked him to robbery Nixon was going after Democratic campaign plans


15 Impact of Watergate Watergate Scandal much bigger than originally thought to be Nixon resigns before he can be kicked out of office Americans lose even more trust in gov’t Freedom of Information Act – citizens get more access to gov’t documents

16 Activity As an American, should we have full knowledge of what our government is doing? Explain.

17 A Time for Healing Chapter 31 Section 3

18 Ford takes over Gerald Ford takes the office of president when Nixon resigns Gives a full pardon to Nixon – highly unpopular

19 Assignment Read Pages 892-895 Take notes When finished raise your hand
Create an outline Use the Cornell Format When finished raise your hand Complete reading questions

20 More controversy for Ford
FBI & CIA found spying on Americans new regulations on these offices Ford gives amnesty to draft dodgers Protection from criminal charges American’s loose even more faith in gov’t

21 Economy continues to fail
Inflation continues Underemployment – people working jobs they are overqualified for High oil prices Ford’s plan – WIN (Whip Inflation Now) American’s need to save money



24 Election of 1976 Ford vs. Jimmy Carter Carter wins a very close race

25 Jimmy Carter Chapter 31 Section 4

26 Problems from the get-go
Economy Inflation/Unemployment – not a good combination Carter cut taxes and raised gov’t spending Cut unemployment but inflation soared Energy crisis Trade deficit – imports exceed exports High oil prices causing inflation Exploring alternative fuels Concerns about nuclear power (3 Mile Island)



29 Foreign Affairs Carter based his policy on human rights
How people are treated by the gov’t Carter withdrew support from many countries in Africa and South America US gives Panama Canal to Panama Israel & Egypt reach peace agreement More problems with Soviet Union 1980 Olympics, Sov. Un. Invades Afghanistan

30 Iran Hostage Crisis Iran was major US ally
New leader – Ayatollah Khomeini Islamic fundamentalist – strict obedience to religious laws EXTREMISM Nov – a group of fundamentalist-extremists take 52 Americans hostage US attempts to free hostages fail



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