Jeopardy It starts with “P” Name that Function Bulls Eye Economic Impact Trivia Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.


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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy It starts with “P” Name that Function Bulls Eye Economic Impact Trivia Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Sports and Entertainment Marketing

$100 Question It is the element of the marketing mix that determines what a customer is willing and able to pay.

$100 Answer Price

$200 Question It is the element of the marketing mix that is also know as target market

$200 Answer People

$300 Question It is the element of the marketing mix that determines where a product will be sold and how it will get there. Hint: also known as DISTRIBUTION

$300 Answer Place

$400 Question It is the element of the marketing mix that includes the name and packaging

$400 Answer Product

$500 Question It is any form of communication that is meant to persuade, remind or inform a potential customer.

$500 Answer Promotion

$100 Question Determines where the money to run a business comes from and the payment options that are available for customers

$100 Answer Financing

$200 Question Some examples of this function are personal, business to business and retail. Hint: Convincing the customer to buy a product

$200 Answer Selling

$300 Question How the product gets into the customers hands

$300 Answer Distribution

$400 Question Using consumer data to maintain and/or improve a product or product mix

$400 Answer Product/Service Management

$500 Question When a company collects and analyzes data on their target market’s behaviors and preferences in order to make good business decisions

$500 Answer Marketing Information Management

$100 Question The way to segment a market that deals with where people live.

$100 Answer Geographics

$200 Question A specific group of people that a business is trying to reach.

$200 Answer Target Market

$300 Question The way to segment a market that deals with people’s attitudes and lifestyles.

$300 Answer Psychographics

$400 Question The way of segmenting a market that deals with the consumers wants and needs. Hint: how the product will help the customer

$400 Answer Product Benefits

$500 Question List all four of the ways to segment a market.

$500 Answer Demographics Psychographics Geographics Product Benefits

$100 Question The total number of Marketing Functions

$100 Answer 7

$200 Question The process of planning, pricing, promoting, selling and distributing products to meet consumer’s needs.

$200 Answer Marketing

$300 Question What is the element of the marketing mix that some text books leave out, but is important when determining product features?

$300 Answer People

$400 Question The idea that a business should strive to satisfy customer’s needs and wants while generating a profit.

$400 Answer Marketing Concept

$500 Question Give an example of a trend used in Entertainment Marketing Hint: Think about advertising for movies

$500 Answer 3D Movies Social Media Midnight Releases

$100 Question How much the sports industry generate a year.

$100 Answer $200 Billion

$200 Question The struggle between companies for scarce customer dollars

$200 Answer Competition

$300 Question The two types of competition HINT: How do companies set themselves apart from the competition

$300 Answer Price Competition Non-Price Competition

$400 Question The three categories of Economic Resources

$400 Answer Land Labor Capitol

$500 Question Name two factors that influence demand for Sports and Entertainment

$500 Answer Price of the tickets How often the event takes place How much promotion is used People involved in event (key players or performers)

Final Jeopardy After collecting and analyzing market research, Wilson’s Bread and Bakery developed a new line of global soups to add to their already long list of popular soup choices. They have ordered ingredients directly from the native countries and have come up with a new series of TV commercials showing their mascot, Wilson, in several different international locations. They have decided to charge $8 per bowl because they feel that their target market will appreciate the exotic ingredients. After reading this scenario, decide how many of the functions of marketing are included and list them. HINT: There are 5

Final Jeopardy Marketing Information Management Product/Service Management Distribution Promotion Pricing