My week… By Constantine Daniilakis. Routine… From Monday to Saturday, my daily schedule is as followed; Everyday I wake up at 7:30, I wash my face, my.


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Presentation transcript:

My week… By Constantine Daniilakis

Routine… From Monday to Saturday, my daily schedule is as followed; Everyday I wake up at 7:30, I wash my face, my hands and try to be clean. After that I have my breakfast which is usually a cup of milk and bread with butter and honey. At 8:00 I am ready to go to school. It about a 10 minutes walk to school.

School starts at 8:20 every morning. Every 45 minutes we have a break for 5 or 10 minutes. At the 3rd break (this means 10:50) I have a snack from the cantina of the school. At 2:10 when school finishes, I go home. School starts at 8:20 every morning. Every 45 minutes we have a break for 5 or 10 minutes. At the 3rd break (this means 10:50) I have a snack from the cantina of the school. At 2:10 when school finishes, I go home. at school…

Afternoon… When I go home I wash my hands and have lunch with the whole family. After that I take a nap for 1 or 2 hours, and at 4 o’clock I start studying. I finish usually at 6. Then some days I go to the gym, and other days I have private English lessons.After that I have a shower and go out with friends or watch T.V.

Twice a week,when I don’t have too much to study for school, I visit my grandparents who leave here in Didimoteicho. After that I meet my friends or I watch T.V at home. Nights….

WEEKEND… Fortunately my Saturday is very relaxing. I wake up at 10:30, have a shower, have breakfast. Then I meet my friends to discuss about everything or go to gym if I am in the mood.

At 2 o’clock we have lunch with the whole family and after that I rest or play computer games. Weekend…

In the afternoon I am visit my grandparents who live in the village which is 10 km far from Didimoteicho. Late at night I meet my friends and go to a club to listen nice music and dance with each other

At Sunday I wake up late, because I am always sleeping late at night at Saturday. When I wake up, I have lunch. After that I watch T.V for half an hour and study for Monday. And so is my schedule for every week Constantine Daniilakis Sunday…