Chapter 1: Science and the Environment


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1: Science and the Environment

Section 1 Objectives: Define _________science. List the ___ major fields of environmental science. Describe the _____environmental effects. Distinguish between __________ and ______________ resources. Classify ____________ problems.

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment What is Environmental Science? The goals of Environmental Science _______________________________ To study interactions b/t humans and their environment

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment Many Fields of Study _________= study of how living things interact with each other and with their nonliving environment; ___________ ____________________________ TABLE 1  p. 7 Major Fields of Study Be familiar with this table and bold words, they could appear on voc. quiz Wednesday!

Environmental Science Major Fields of Study Environmental Science Microbiology Ecology Paleontology Climatology Engineering Geochemistry Anthropology

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment The observations of nonscientists are the _____ step toward addressing an environmental __________

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment ________________ People who got _______ by collecting plants and by ____________ wild animals or scavenging their remains Helped spread ______ to areas where the plants did not originally _______ Cleared _______ by setting fires and may have contributed to the _________ of some large _____________.

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment The ____________ Revolution ___________=practice of growing, breeding, and caring for plants and ______that are used for food, clothing, housing, __________, other purposes. Allowed human ___________to grow at an unprecedented rate. Changed the ______ we eat, the plants we grow and eat today are descended from wild ______. Caused human _______ growth, habitat growth, soil erosion, and the ___________ of plants and animals.

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment The __________Revolution Occurred in ______ involved a shift from energy sources. Changed ______ and greatly increased the efficiency. Caused ________ human population growth and the increased of _____________. Most modern _____________ problems began during the Industrial Revolution.

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment The _______________ introduced many positive changes: Agricultural productivity ________; sanitation; nutrition; and ________ care vastly improved. The Industrial Revolution introduced many new _____________ problems: ___________ and _________ loss

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment What are our main environmental problems? _________________ Any _________ material that is used by ________ is called a natural resource. Resources are said to be ________ when a large fraction of the ________ has been used up. ________________ Is an undesired change in ___, ______, or soil that adversely affects the _________, survival, or activities of __________ or other organisms.

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment Loss of ___________ ________refers to the ________ and variety of species that live in an area. ____________that share the world with us can be considered _________________.

Sec. 1: Understanding Our Environment Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources Renewable Nonrenewable metals such as iron, aluminum, & copper _________ wood soil

Sec 2: The Environment and Society OBJECTIVES: Describe “_____________________.” Explain the ____________________. List ____ differences b/t ________ and ____________ countries. Explain what ____________ is, and describe why it is a ______ of environmental science.

Sec 2: The Environment and Society “The __________ of the Commons” An __________ essay that described the relationship b/t the ___________ interests of the individual and the __________ interests of society. Written by ______________ in 1968. He thought that people would continue to ________ natural resources by acting in their own _____________ to the point of society’s collapse.

Sec 2: The Environment and Society Economics and the Environment ___________________ States that the _____ the demand for a limited supply of something, the _____ that thing is worth. Example: if the supply of oil decreases, we have 3 choices: pay the higher prices, use less oil, or find new sources of energy. _____________________ Balances the _____ of the action against the ____ analysis often depend on ___ is doing the analysis.

Sec 2: The Environment and Society Economics and the Environment ________________ Which is one ______ that helps us create cost-effective ways to protect our health and the _____________ __________ and ___________ Countries __________ countries have _______ average incomes, slower population growth, diverse industrial economics, and stronger social support systems. ___________ countries have ______ average incomes, simple and agriculture based economics, and rapid population growth

Sec 2: The Environment and Society Population and Consumption _______________________ Read p. 18 Read p. 19 Shows the ____________ area of Earth needed to support one person in a ___________ country. Estimates the land used for ______, grazing, forest products, and ___________.

Sec 2: The Environment and Society A _____________World _____________= the condition in which ______ needs are met in such a way that a human population can survive _______________. Section 2 Review p. 21 (1-5) Q & A