Effective use of technology to solve classroom problems. The "Classroom Flip" and active learning in General Biology. Dr. Paul Porneluzi Associate Professor.


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Presentation transcript:

Effective use of technology to solve classroom problems. The "Classroom Flip" and active learning in General Biology. Dr. Paul Porneluzi Associate Professor of Biology Central Methodist University

What classroom problems? Name something that interferes with teaching or learning in one of your classes.

Classroom problems? Students don’t come to class. Students come to class unprepared. Students come to class unmotivated. Students don’t take responsibility for learning. Students are easily bored by lectures. I want to use more active forms of learning, but have certain basic content that must be covered.

Biology 101 problems? All of the previous, plus… Large class with varied student interests and backgrounds. –Two sections with combined total of students. –Both biology majors and non-majors. Must teach a foundation of basic knowledge. –Atoms, elements, molecules, chemical bonds… For some students, this is brand new information. “Slow down!” For others, “This is boring, we learned this in high school!”

For some students, biology 101 is their first college level biology course. For other students, this is their last college level biology course. What do both groups need to know?

The Classroom Flip Move some lecture material out of the classroom. –Require students to read textbook for basic content units. –Provide explanatory (lecture) notes online. Students control time spent studying. Emphasize pictures and figures. –Require students to complete online quiz.online quiz Students respond when points are involved. Regular feedback. Students can go back to re-read. Automated grading allows for more frequent quizzing. Opportunity for multimedia quizzes. Stimulate different types of learners.

The Classroom Flip Students come to class much better prepared. –They’ve read the text, learned basic definitions… Teacher comes to class better prepared. –I’ve graded the quiz to identify what material needs re- emphasized. Opens up class time to: –Answer questions, foster discussion. –Clarify and expand. –Apply, practice, solve problems etc… –Doing “homework” in class where fellow students and teacher can serve as a guide. –Discuss (lecture) on more complex material.

What do students think? “I like the fact that we can do them on our OWN time.” “It is harder for me because I don't have the internet at home and don't have a lot of time to do theses assignments until right after class or after my next class.” “Yes I think doing the online notes and quizzes helps me learn the material better than just reading the book and taking notes.” "I like the online assignments because when I come to a question I don't know no the quiz, instead of just guessing and not knowing what I am talking about, I can go back and read the notes over again and the book until I find the correct answer and it helps me to know exactly why the answer is correct.”

What do students think? “I am able to get the notes online and understand better because I see the pictures for a prolonged period. The assignments really add to class. It's not difficult to get access when the network is working. “ “I think these assignments do help because I personally get more out of things like this then just lectures. I think it is easier to learn when you do hands on assignments.” "I really like having the quizzes online because we can do them when we have time. I also like having the notes online, because if for some reason I have to miss class, I can get on the internet and see what I missed that day.”

What do I think? Frequent quizzing helps keep students focused and encourages them to use their textbook. –My textbook provides PowerPoint slides of all figures, so the link with the text is easy for me. Students do come to class better prepared. –A few tough quiz questions stimulate discussion among students and with tutors.A few tough quiz questions stimulate discussion among students and with tutors. Use of class time is more varied. –More in tune with shorter (diminishing?) attention spans. Important to phase change in gradually. Also important to let students know what you are doing and why.

Active Learning and In-class Activities Active Learning is important but time consuming. –Assignments prior to class help to insure that students have the basics and allows time in class for application, practice, analysis clarification, discussion etc… –ELMO

In Class Activities 3 Examples.

1.Name the adaptation that you will investigate. 2.Your job is to determine whether this is an adaptation and what it is for. 3.State several hypotheses that explain why individuals have this adaptation. 4.Choose one to test and state a testable prediction that follows from that hypothesis. 5.Describe the controlled experiment you would perform. Males only

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Translation of mRNA to AA. Translate the following DNA sequence into a protein: TACAGATGCTGGTGTTGA 1. form codons TAC/AGA/TGC/TGG/TGT/TGA 2. transcribe to mRNA sequence AUG/UCU/ACG/ACC/ACA/ACU 3. translate to amino acid sequence methionine (start) serine threonine redundancyThere is redundancy in the genetic code. Wobble -Wobble - often the 3rd base is irrelevant.

Discussion… Teaching Tips Online: ees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/teachtip.htmhttp://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/committ ees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/teachtip.htm

Suppose you've been selected to be on "Survivor" and you are on a deserted island with a group of really annoying people, a large supply of corn and a pair of pigs. Your best strategy would be to... feed the corn to the pigs and then feed upon their offspring. eat the pigs immediately and then eat the corn. share the corn with the pigs and then eat the pigs when the corn is gone. eat only the pigs. feed the most annoying member of your tribe to the pigs. Return