Data Acquisition Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams Jeremiah Mans Princeton University CHEP2003 San Diego, CA.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Acquisition Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams Jeremiah Mans Princeton University CHEP2003 San Diego, CA

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 2 Quick Review of the CMS HCAL Sampling calorimeter using brass absorber and plastic scintillator panels  Light is collected using wavelength-shifting fibers and carried to a hybrid photodiode. Segmentation  4 5° phi slices/wedge  18 eta slices/wedge  17 depth layers added optically – do not count towards channel count Readout  QIE digitization at 40 MHz (33 MHz for 2002 test beam)  Optical link to HCAL Trigger/Readout (HTR)  HTR sends 20 time slices/channel to Data Concentrator (DCC) on L1Accept.

HCAL Readout Chain Hybrid Photodiode QIE CCA 10 Front End (on detector) Readout crates (in blockhouse) HCAL Trigger Readout (HTR) 8/16 inputs 24/48 channels Data Concentrator (DCC) 18 inputs Up to 432 channels S-LINK Trigger

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 4 Subdetectors Wire chambers for particle position detection (TDC) Trigger scintillators between wire chambers (TDC) 7x7 crystal ECAL mockup (QDC) HCAL wedge (HCAL DAQ chain) Muon identification scintillator

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 5 Testbeam Area

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 6 DAQ Hardware HCAL is read out using SLINK-32 from the DCC into DMA memory on a Linux PC. All other subdetectors are read out over VME, using SBS VME  PCI fiber bridge.  Second SBS link used for HCAL crate configuration. Linux PC is a dual processor 1.2 GHz Pentium III in a custom rackmount case. Windows PC used for DCS and configuration/communication with front-end electronics. (DIM interface to DAQ PC)

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams Testbeam Software Modular design  Each module is a separate pthread thread. Inter-Module Communication  Broadcast commands of fixed meaning INIT, RUN, STOP, LOAD, READOUT, etc…  Exported module parameters Module can make variables available for other modules to read or modify. Each subdetector has its own readout module, which produces one or more data blocks, which are sent an EventBuilder module.

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 8 Data Storage The EventBuilder distributes the completed events to various consumers, including the Writer.  The Writer formats and stores events in ROOT files.  Other consumers are responsible for monitoring the data Runs Database  XML database of basic run parameters (streams configured, events taken, table position, etc)  Published in searchable form on the web

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 9 Run Control via Java GUI Connects to DAQ through IP port  a crash in the GUI doesn’t bring down the DAQ Capabilities  Send broadcast messages  Access/change the values of all exported parameters

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 10 Data quality monitoring Within the DAQ, various plots are prepared using the data stream and made available over an IP port.  The GUI contains a separate window for data quality monitoring.

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams Testbeam Performance 7/1/02 – 9/20/02  Runs: 3302 SPS Spills: 54,849  Events: 105,380,936  Average DAQ rate: 350 Hz (peak 960 Hz)  Beam data event size: 6kB  Total data stored in CASTOR: 291 GB (compressed) Run 3328: ECAL+HCAL 100 GeV  Multiple hits in one 600 ns time slice

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 12 Testbeam Resolution Pions (MIP in ECAL)

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 13 In 2002, the final HCAL electronics was used only to read out the barrel and outer parts of the detector. In 2003, the final electronics will be used for the barrel (HB), endcap (HE), and forward (HF) calorimeters.  HB+HE one partition  HF one partition Additionally, the 2003 HCAL Testbeam DAQ will be built using the xDAQ toolkit provided by the central CMS DAQ group.  See other talks in this session for full details on xDAQ 2003 Testbeam Changes

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 14 Configuration/Firmware Databases The 2003 HCAL testbeam DAQ will be set up using configuration information stored in an XML database. This database will contain hardware configuration values, trigger setup information, and firmware version information. The mapping between firmware revisions and actual firmware files will be handled by a separate database. These databases will accessed with xDAQ using a modified version of the standard dstore module which supports simple SQL-style queries.

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 15 Additional improvements/Extensions “Examine”-type monitoring  Allow sampling of event data through an IP port  Online access to partial data sample in a ROOT session – easier development of data quality monitoring scripts

3/25/2003 CHEP 2003 Jeremiah Mans Princeton University DAQ Software for CMS HCAL Testbeams 16 Goals for 2003 HB/HE  Large scale testing of HB/HE DAQ electronics  Testing of phase-dependent information  Investigating mysteries from the 2002 data HF  Complete calibration of 18 wedges 1000 electrons for each EM fiber  Sustained average rate of 3kHz Overall: get hardware (and software) to as near a final form as possible.