Cells  Section 1 – Microscope  Section 2 – Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, cell membrane  Section 3 – Cell organelles.


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Presentation transcript:


 Section 1 – Microscope  Section 2 – Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, cell membrane  Section 3 – Cell organelles

 Lack a nucleus ◦ pro – means “before” ◦ karyon – means “nut or kernal” pertains to the nucleus  Lack organelles

 Generally smaller  Less complex

 Don’t focus just on the negatives!  We have: ◦ Cell membrane  Separates the inside from the outside of the cell  Controls what comes in/goes out of the cell ◦ Cell wall  Gives the cell support  Outer most layer

 Have flagella ◦ Long “whip” like structure that allow for movement ◦ Used for mobility

 DNA ◦ In a loop structure ◦ Free floating around the cell  Ribosomes ◦ Used to make proteins

Prokaryotes Bacteria Eukaryotes Plant and Animal -Lack a nucleus -Lack organelles -Generally small -Less complex -Have cell wall -Have cell membrane -Have flagella -DNA in a loop -Have ribosomes

 Have a nucleus ◦ eu – means “true” ◦ karyon – means “nut or kernal” pertains to the nucleus  Have lots of organelles! ◦ All have a specific job

 Generally larger  More complex

 We have: ◦ Cell membrane  Separates the inside from the outside of the cell ◦ Instead of a cell wall, they have a cytoskeleton  Gives the cell support

 Can also have flagellum ◦ Example: Sperm  Have a nucleus  Have DNA ◦ DNA is inside the nucleus ◦ In a structure called a chromosome

-Have DNA -Have ribosomes -Cell wall (eukaryotic plant cells) -Cell Membrane -(some) flagella animal Prokaryotes Bacteria Eukaryotes Plant and Animal -Lack a nucleus -Lack organelles -Generally small -Have cell wall -Have cell membrane -Have flagella -DNA in a loop -Have ribosomes -Have a nucleus -Have organelles -Generally larger -More complex -Have cytoskeleton (animal cells) -Have cell membrane -Have DNA in chromosomes

PROKARYOTIC DOES NOT MEAN SINGLE CELLED There are mulitcelled prokaryotes and single celled eukaryotes Ex: single celled eukaryotic sperm cell