BOX PLOTS/QUARTILES. QUARTILES: 3 points in a set of data that separate the set into 4 equal parts. Lower Quartile: Q1 (The median for the lower half.


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Presentation transcript:


QUARTILES: 3 points in a set of data that separate the set into 4 equal parts. Lower Quartile: Q1 (The median for the lower half of the data set) Median/Q2: The number or value that splits the data set in half. Upper Quartile: Q3 (The median for the upper half of the data set) Interquartile Range: The difference between Q3 and Q1 Examples: DATA SET 1: (IQR = 12) Q1 Q2 Q3 DATA SET 2: (IQR = 19.5) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 = is in between 48 and 50 Q3 = is in between 67 and 70

READING A BOX PLOT Box Plots display the distribution of values in a data set separated into four equal-sized groups. Minimum Q1Q2 Q3 Maximum