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Vocabulary for Box and Whisker Plots. Box and Whisker Plot: A diagram that summarizes data using the median, the upper and lowers quartiles, and the extreme.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary for Box and Whisker Plots. Box and Whisker Plot: A diagram that summarizes data using the median, the upper and lowers quartiles, and the extreme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary for Box and Whisker Plots

2 Box and Whisker Plot: A diagram that summarizes data using the median, the upper and lowers quartiles, and the extreme values (minimum and maximum). Box and whisker plots are also known as box plots. It is constructed from the five-number summary of the data: Minimum, Q1 (lower quartile), Q2 (median), Q3 (upper quartile), Maximum.

3 Inter-Quartile Range (IQR): It is a measure of variation in a set of numerical data, the interquartile range is the distance between the first and third quartiles of the data set (sometimes called upper and lower quartiles). Example: For the data set {1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 22, 120}, the interquartile range is 15 –6 = 9.

4 Mean Absolute Deviation: the average distance of each data value from the mean (). The MAD is a gauge of “on average” how different the data values are form the mean value.

5 Outlier: A value that is very far away from most of the values in a data set Minimum value: The smallest value in a set of data. Maximum value: The largest value in a set of data

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