42nd President: Bill Clinton. [April 28, 1758 – July 4, 1831] A Presentation by;; Julian Mesina George Berganza Kalifa Sprowl.


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Presentation transcript:

42nd President: Bill Clinton. [April 28, 1758 – July 4, 1831] A Presentation by;; Julian Mesina George Berganza Kalifa Sprowl

{B a c k g r o u n d.} Born William Jefferson Blythe, III, father died of an automobile accident when he was four. Took the last name Clinton from his Step Father at age Fourteen. First lived on Hope, Arkansas, later the family moved to Hot Springs in In 1963, two influential moments in Clinton's life contributed to his decision to become a public figure; One was his visit to the White House to meet President John F. Kennedy, as a Boys Nation senator.The other was listening to Martin Luther King's 1963 I Have a Dream speech (he memorized Dr. King's words). Attended Yale University to get his J.D. in 1973, which is when he also met and later married Hilary Rodham.

{F a m i l y.} >> Bill Clinton, or William Bill Clinton Jefferson "Bill" Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III), the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001, and former Governor of Arkansas Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary ClintonChelsea Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton, the current United States Secretary of State, a former United States Senator representing New York from 2001 to 2009 and, as the spouse of Bill Clinton, the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, and the former First Lady of Arkansas.Hillary Rodham Clinton

{E l e c t i v e O f f i c e.} *Clinton was appointed on January 20, 1993 as the 42nd President of the United States. *Elected Offices before becoming President: A. Governor of Arkansas B. Senator from Arkansas C. Vice president of the United States D. Governor of Mississippi

{Domestic Policy:} >>In 1993, Clinton signed a bill previously vetoed by both Reagan and Bush. The Family and Medical Leave Act requires certain companies to allow up to 12 weeks unpaid leave to qualifying employees in the event of family or medical emergencies. The goal of the act was to give employees job security during times of crisis. Prior Republican administrations passed into law a group of bans on abortion- related issues. Clinton revoked these bans, stating he wanted "an America where abortion is safe and legal, but rare." For the most part, these bans dealt with restricting abortion-related activities and products. With a growing national deficit, one of Clinton's top priorities was to cut federal spending. His proposal was designed to reduce the deficit in the long run, while using short-term techniques to encourage the economy. The short-term part of his plan was killed by Congress, but the rest approved.

P r e s i d e n c y (1817–1825): The Era of Good Feelings. During the Clinton administration, the U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well-being than at any time in its history. He was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second term. He could point to the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the highest home ownership in the country’s history, dropping crime rates in many places and reduced welfare rolls. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus. After the failure in his second year of a huge program of health care reform, Clinton shifted emphasis, declaring, “The era of big government is over.” He sought legislation to upgrade education, to protect jobs of parents who must care for sick children, to restrict handgun sales and to strengthen environmental rules.

{Foreign Policy:} - -. There are indications that the US is making substantial changes in significant areas of foreign policy. It has decided to abandon its policy of trying to topple Cuban leader Fidel Castro by making Cubans rebel, and has agreed to make more medicine and food available to Cuba. The US Senate looks set to approve the expansion of Nato to include the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, and US officials have been much less aggressive towards Iraq. Efforts to obtain peace in the Middle East have been scale down, even though the Middle East is still officially the key foreign policy issue for the US.

Successes and Failures Success! -North American Free Trade Agreement -Medicare Reform -New Welfare Program -Major "Crime Bill' legislation Failures! -Universal Healthcare Campaign Finance Reform The only two not passed by congress

"Charismatic" It is often overlooked, but Bill Clinton assumed the presidency in one of the most difficult times in our nation's history. The country was in a deep recession, the end of the Cold War had created new threats to our national security, and our health care system was in shambles. The country has now come full circle. Leadership has been replaced with self- interest, cronyism, and fear. More than ever, Bill Clinton's candor and success in adversity warrant revisiting during this age of a closed- door adminstration and governmental incompetence. "The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction of the truth." -Clinton

Final Opinion: Though he may have made a moniker of himself by being a womanizing & yet charismatic president, he was one of the most successful at achieving what he felt promised a beneficial American future. He is notable for using the words of Martin Luther King Jr. and was inspired by his childhood meeting with John F. Kennedy. At the end of his two terms, he left office with 15 signed major legislations and the highest approval rate in a Gallup Poll since any president of the second world war. Point is, he is beyond the moniker he's mandated himself as and is actually one of the countries most promising president.

Bibliography: "Bill Clinton" Clintonmemoriallibrary.com Web. 7 Apr "Bill Clinton." Family Life Web. 7 Apr "American President: Bill CLinton." Domestic Policy. Web. 7. Apr < clinton_william/domestic>.