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Bill Clinton.

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1 Bill Clinton

2 Early Life Born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas Parents William Jefferson Blythe, Jr & Virginia Dell 3 Half Siblings Older Sister Sharon Lee Blythe and Brother Henry Leon Ritzenthaler Younger Brother Roger Clinton, Jr. Biological Father died 3 months before Bills birth Took stepfathers Surname when he turned 15

3 Schooling St John’s Catholic Elementary School Hot Springs High School
Active Student leader, Avid reader and Muscician. Member of the Chorus and played the Tenor Saxophone Considered dedicating his life to music

4 What Could have been….

5 Cop his mixtapes!

6 COLLEGE & LAW SCHOOL Georgetown University
Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree in 1968 Member of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity Rhodes Scholar at university of Oxford Yale Law School Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree in 1973

7 Hillary Clinton Met at Yale Law Library Married October 11 ,1975
Only Child, Daughter Chelsea Born February 27,1980 Hillary Clinton is currently a presidential candidate and was also in 2008 Senator from 2001 to 2009 Secretary of State 2009 to 2013


9 Political Beginnings Student Leader in High School Class President at Georgetown in 1964 and 1965 Intern & Clerk for Senator J. William Fulbright Apposed & protested Vietnam War Opponents claim he used Fulbrights influence to dodge the draft Led George McGovern’s Presidential Campaign in 1972 Worked with future mayor of Dallas, Govenor of Texas And most importantly, filmmaker Steven Spielberg

10 The Boy Governor 1976 Elected as Arkansas Attorney General
1978 at the age of 32 Bill was elected as Governor of Arkansas Worked on Education Reform and Arkansas Roads Unpopular Motor Vehicle tax and Citizen’s anger of Cuban Refugees escape Lost 1980 Arkansas Governor race. Re-elected in 1982 and held office for 10 years Transformed Arkansas Economy and improved States Education system

11 Presidential Campaign
Won the Democratic Party Nomination in 1992 People thought George H.W. Bush was unbeatable but after working with democrats and raising taxes after saying he would not his approvale raiting plummeted Bill Clinton won with 43 percent of the vote Ended 12 previous and 20 of 24 year streak of republican party holding the president

12 First Term Family and Medical Leave Act
Clinton-Gore Deficit Reduction Plan Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion Brady ACT World Trade Center Bombing NAFTA WhiteWater Scandal Oklahoma City federal building bombing Boris Yeltsin meeting

13 Second Term Attacks on Sadam Hussein Good Friday Peace Accords
Kenya and Tanzania attacks Iraq liberation act Impeachment and acquittal

14 Scandals

15 Scandals Gennifer Flowers Paula Jones Whitewater Monica Lewinsky
Impeached and acquitted

16 Post Presidency


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