Food security and nutrition challenges at global and regional level Mark Smulders Senior Economist Agricultural Development Economics Division FAO, Rome.


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Presentation transcript:

Food security and nutrition challenges at global and regional level Mark Smulders Senior Economist Agricultural Development Economics Division FAO, Rome Inclusive policy dialogue to make trade policies conducive to food security and nutrition December 2014, FAO, Rome

Key messages Food security and good nutrition (FSN) can be achieved when state and non-state actors coordinate their actions well Given the multidisciplinary nature of FSN, different sectors (food, agriculture, trade, health, etc.) need to work together Policies in one sector need to be assessed against policies in another to avoid conflicting action during policy implementation Trade policies can be conducive to FSN with a good understanding of underlying concepts of food security and nutrition

Food Security Defined Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. World Food Summit, November 1996

Four dimensions of food security availability access stability utilization domestic production import capacity food stocks food aid poverty purchasing power transport and market infrastructure food distribution weather variability price fluctuations political factors economic factors food safety & quality clean water health & sanitation

What is nutrition? Nutrition is the consequence of the intake of food and the utilization of nutrients by the body. Good nutrition produces a healthy physical and physiological condition. It is secured when food intake, absorption and utilization provide all essential nutrients in required amounts. CFS, October 2012; CFS 2012/39/4

food availability stability food access utilisation of food care and feeding practices health and sanitation conditions Food security and nutrition: key determinants food security dimensions determinants of good/poor nutrition

Food insecurity and malnutrition world-wide 805 million people suffer from chronic hunger (undernourishment) 161 million children are stunted (low height-for-age) and 51 million wasted (low weight-for-height) 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, or “hidden hunger” due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet > 500 million adults are obese, while an estimated 42 million children under the age of five are overweight; this has increased the incidence of non-communicable diseases related to diet, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes

Food availability in selected countries/regions

Indicators of deprivation (poverty, stunting, hunger)

Strengthening synergies between trade policies and food security and nutrition objectives Given the multi-disciplinary nature of food security and nutrition challenges, actions across many sectors are needed Policies and investments from different sectors need to be assessed in terms of their impact on food security and nutrition (+ or -) For example, what impact does a change in trade policy have on food availability, access to food and/or stability questions? Or, how does a change in food safety regulation impact on food trade? How do food policies impact on what people buy and eat? Are policies implemented for the purpose they were formulated?

Towards the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition - the enabling environment 1. Policies, programmes and legal frameworks 2. Human and financial resources 3.Governance, coordination mechanisms and partnerships 4. Evidence- based decision- making