Who is Jesus? Can he show us God? Does he reveal God, in a way we could not have known? Is he God?? Watch the video. In what ways was Jesus like God?


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Presentation transcript:

Who is Jesus? Can he show us God? Does he reveal God, in a way we could not have known? Is he God?? Watch the video. In what ways was Jesus like God?

Knowing God through Jesus To give evidence for the claim that Jesus reveals God To evaluate how well Jesus reveals God

1. Look up the quotes and complete the PEE table. 2.Which evidence do you find most suggestive that Jesus is God? Why? **What is your view? Was Jesus God in human form? POINTEVIDENCE (look up one quote for each point) EXPLAIN the quote. What it is saying about how Jesus is like God? Jesus himself said He was one person with God. John 14:9 Jesus proved he was like God by his actions John 5:21 People reacted to Jesus as if he was God John 20:28 The very first Christians were convinced that Jesus was God in human form. Hebrews 1:3

Christians say that God himself became a man, Jesus. Christians claim that to know Jesus is to know God. What evidence do we have for this? Jesus said soJesus actions prove it People reacted to him as GodThe very first Christians taught it & died for it John 14:9 Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. Jesus is saying that he and the Father are so much one person, that seeing one, you see the other. John 5:21 Just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whomever he wishes. Jesus could give dead people life again, as only God can. John 20:28 Thomas said: “My Lord and my God!” Seeing the wounds on the risen Jesus, Thomas recognised that this Jesus is more than a human being – but as God and as his Lord. Hebrews 1:3 “The son is the radiance of God’s glory and the perfect copy of his nature”. This means that Jesus is as God is – he is God’s exact image walking among us. John 10:30 I and the Father are one. Jesus is saying that he is one person with Almighty God. Matthew 8:23-27 “What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?” Jesus could control the forces of nature, as only God can. Matthew 14:33And those in the boat worshipped him saying “Truly you are the Son of God”. The disciples were so amazed that they recognised him to be like the Lord and Master of the universe, in control of the forces of nature. John 1:1, 14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and the Word became flesh and lives among us. The “Word”, who existed with God before time began and was born into the world in human form, is Jesus. John 5:23 So all may honour the Son as they honour the Father. Jesus is saying he should be worshipped and respected as God is himself. Mark 2:7 “This man is speaking blasphemy. For who can forgive sins but God alone?!” Jesus could forgive sins, as only God can. L uke 5:8 “Leave me, Lord for I am a sinful man”. Peter is so overcome by the miracle of the catch of fish, that he feels his own sinfulness compared to the glory of God in Jesus. Phil 2:6-9 “though he was in the form of God,” This means that Jesus was God appearing on earth as a human being, and was not ashamed to do this. 1. Check your quotes and explanations. 2. Overall, is seeing Jesus a good way of knowing what God is like ? Why/ why not?

God Jesus But in some ways Jesus CANNOT be like God, because Jesus is human, and God the Father is not: Which words “funnel through” and apply to Jesus, and which don’t? All-powerful All-knowing All-good Present everywhere A/ the holy spirit All holy A Father Creator unknowable From this exercise, is it still correct to say that Jesus is the “perfect copy of God’s nature” or not? sinless Perfectly loving The forgiver of sins Beyond evil or suffering The truth

1. Mindmap the ways that Jesus is like God Jesus is like God because… He forgave sins, as only God can forgive sins He brought the dead to life, just as God the Father gives life His disciples worshipped him as Lord and God He himself said that he was one with God and existed forever The first Christians believed & preached him as God in human form He did miracles that only God could do eg control over nature

Is knowing Jesus a good way of knowing God? Yes because.. – 2 points, with evidence & explanation (PEE) No because – 2 points, PEE In conclusion, I agree that... because... (comment on the points you made in Yes or No sections. )

Is knowing Jesus the best way to know what God is like? YES – Why? I think Jesus is the best way to know God because... MAYBE – Why? I think Jesus might be the best way to know God because... NO – Why? I don’t think Jesus is the best way to know God because...