Cubism is a style of art portrayed by abstract shapes and twisted perspective.


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Presentation transcript:

Cubism is a style of art portrayed by abstract shapes and twisted perspective.

Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque found the art movement known as cubism in 1907, all though Pablo Picasso was the founder of Cubism. Pablo Picasso Georges Braque

The name of the artist who worked with this style was Pablo Picasso. I like his pieces of artwork I find them unique and creative. One of his artworks 

Pablo Picasso was the best in every medium to which he put his hands in such as painting, sculpture, graphics, ceramics, etc. He was responsible for the way people see and accept art. His paintingHis ceramic His sculpture

Picasso's African Period was the period when he painted in a style which was influenced by African sculpture. This period was from 1907 to His mother also inspired him and Paul Cezanne.

Out of all the drawings I have seen and learned about I realized that Picasso was one talented man with many different ideas. His style of artwork is unique, and creative. I would have loved to meet him! Picasso Painting 

This style of artwork is different from the earlier realistic still life because the earlier still life artworks were all detailed and they only showed the artwork rather than the expressions and feelings like cubism does.  Leonardo Di vinci Realistic Painting

C ubism is different because you break things into pieces and move them around until it looks like something the artist feels and can let people recognize this feeling through the sculpture or painting. While still life is drawing a detailed painting of the object.
