JRC Ispra - IES 1 Overview of soil data at European scales F. Carré & T. Mayr.


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Presentation transcript:

JRC Ispra - IES 1 Overview of soil data at European scales F. Carré & T. Mayr

JRC Ispra - IES 2 Need to distinguish… EU Commission 25 EU Member States data EU Commission data

JRC Ispra - IES 3 EU Commission data

JRC Ispra - IES 4  Vector map data (scale is important)  Raster data (resolution is important)  Profile measurement & estimates 3 kinds of data

JRC Ispra - IES 5  Vector map data (scale is important)  Raster data (resolution is important)  Profile measurement & estimates 3 kinds of data

JRC Ispra - IES 6 Vector data Eurasian soil data at 1:1M scale

JRC Ispra - IES 7 Attributes attached to STU Contains 73 attributes  Texture (according to FAO)  Land use  Parent material  Dominant limitation to agricultural use  STU name (WRB 98, FAO 90…)  Obstacle depth for root derived from PTF Extrapolated/ generalized  Crusting  Erodibility  AWC  Topsoil packing density…  OC of topsoil, CEC, BS… Updated in the SINFO context

JRC Ispra - IES 8

9 Attributes attached to STU Parameters and Pedotransfer Functions Mualem-van Genuchten parameters fitting on the geometric mean curves  r  s  nm lKsKs TopsoilsCoarse Medium Medium/fine Fine Very Fine SubsoilsCoarse Medium Medium/fine Fine Very Fine Organic* * Within the organic soils no distinction is made in topsoils and subsoils Parameters and Pedotransfer Functions Mualem-van Genuchten parameters fitting on the geometric mean curves

JRC Ispra - IES 10 Vector data Ground Water Resources Produce d Produce data from digitizing European- wide ground water maps, resulting from a study by EU Catalogue national water resources for 12 Member States of the European Union

JRC Ispra - IES 11 Vector data Delineation of watersheds Under FP6 CCM developed a first version of a European-wide river and catchment database for future use in environmental modeling activities. The database corresponds to a mapping scale of roughly 1: to 1:500,000, depending on the region.

JRC Ispra - IES 12  Vector map data (scale is important)  Raster data (resolution is important)  Profile measurement & estimates 3 kinds of data

JRC Ispra - IES 13 Raster data PESERA: Pan-European Soil Erosion Estimation Risk Assessment Soil erosion estimates (t/ha/yr) by applying the PESERA GRID model at 1km x 1km New version redone by Salvaradjou from DSM techniques

JRC Ispra - IES 14 Raster data Organic Carbon Content on Topsoils 0-30cm The data are in GRID format and are available as ASCII raster file or in native ESRI GRID format (1km x 1km) Done by PTF (Jones et al., 2004)

JRC Ispra - IES 15 Raster data Eurasian soil database at 1 km*1km resolution

JRC Ispra - IES 16 Other raster data related to soil issues Corine Land Cover 2000 GRID format in native ESRI GRID format (25 m x 25 m) Description of 44 classes (mostly urban) SRTM 90 m vs3 (Void filling corrected) …

JRC Ispra - IES 17  Vector map data (scale is important)  Raster data (resolution is important)  Profile measurement & estimates 3 kinds of data

JRC Ispra - IES 18 Profiles & measurements DanubeSIS - DanubeSIS - Soil Information System on the Danube River Objectives: Collection Collection of Soil Point Data in the Danube River Provide Provide the data to Flood Risk Assessment : Results: country 1200 points per country: CZ, AUT, BA, ROM, SK, HU, … Data / hrz: granulometry, Soil type name, Hrz depth, OM class, humus type, obstacle to roots…

JRC Ispra - IES 19 Profiles & measurements SPADE_M: Soil profiles of Europe (146 profiles) Texture (& particle size grades) Organic matter content (C, N) Structure Total nitrogen content pH ESP or SAR Calcium carbonate content Calcium sulphate content Electric conductivity CEC and exchangeable bases Soil water retention Bulk density Root depth Groundwater level Parent material Measured par. of the representative profiles of EuSIS STU

JRC Ispra - IES 20 Profiles & measurements SPADE_M (from Forest Focus database) 4560 profiles in Forest Soils at Level I Level I (mandatory at 16 km * 16 km) and Level II data (acc. to MS) Sampled at 5 depths Physical soil parameter Organic layer Coarse fragments Bulk density of the fine earth Particle size distribution Clay content Silt content Sand content Chemical soil parameter pH(CaCl2) Organic carbon Total nitrogen Carbonates Aqua regia extracted P, Ca, K, Mg, Mn Aqua Regia extracted Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn Aqua Regia extracted Al, Fe, Cr, Ni, S, Hg, Na Exchangeable acidity Exchangeable cations Ca, mg, K, Na, Al, Fe, Mn, H pH(H2O) Total elements Ca, Mg, Na, K, al, Fe, Mn Oxalate extractable Fe, Al

JRC Ispra - IES 21 Profiles & measurements LUCAS LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey) points in 2005 Deals with: Very detailed land use classes Erosion Natural hazards Now: soil texture…

JRC Ispra - IES 22 Data evaluated by Member States (from 2003)

JRC Ispra - IES 23 Member States data (1/3)

JRC Ispra - IES 24 Member States data (2/3)

JRC Ispra - IES 25 Member States data (3/3)

JRC Ispra - IES 26 Conclusions

JRC Ispra - IES 27  A lot of data but not too much measurements  A lot of estimated data by PTFs  For the moment, there is no harmonization of measured data. This will come from Biosoil study (measurements will be finished in August 2008) but it represents only 10% of the whole plots