Module 6: Blogs and Forums. -From the phrase “ Web Log” -Discrete entries or posts published in Internet or www -Being displayed in reverse chronological.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 6: Blogs and Forums

-From the phrase “ Web Log” -Discrete entries or posts published in Internet or www -Being displayed in reverse chronological order -Use by single person up until 2009, now by multi-person or multi- author blogs -Also a form of SNS -Builds social relations w/ readers and other bloggers

Common Content: 1.Commentary 2.Online brand-advertising 3.Online diaries 4.Text, images and links of other blogs

-As of 2004 – 172M Tumblr users and 75.8M WordPress users -By 2004 Blogs were used for political issues, news services, tools for outreach and opinion formation -By 2009 government used blogs to reach masses and potential voters

Types of Blogs: 1.Personal 2.Micro blogging 3.Corporate and Organizational 4.By Genre 5.By Media Type and Device

Popularity: 1.Through citation 2.Through affiliation

Mass Media is being blurred: 1.Getting around the filter 2.Directly pushes messages to the public 3.Influence on minority language 4.Cross-overs on media platform

Legal and Social Consequences : 1.Defamation 2.Personal Safety 3.Behavior

-Online discussion of people thru message posting -Messages are more than one line and temporarily being archived depending with moderator

Hierarchy: 1.Categories 2.Sub- forums 3.Other sub-forums Structure: 1.Non- threaded 2.Semi- threaded 3.Fully- threaded

Moderators -Users of the forum who grants access with the threads Administrator -Manages technical details required for running the site Posts -The messages itself -Encrypted with date and time of the post -Have character limit 10,000 – 50,000 Thread -collection of posts from oldest to latest (configurable)