8 December Reminders and Logistics. Reminder: Web assignment Web assignments are due by midnight tonight Post on an externally available place (e.g.,


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Presentation transcript:

8 December Reminders and Logistics

Reminder: Web assignment Web assignments are due by midnight tonight Post on an externally available place (e.g., your UNC web space) I can’t see it on your machine Post the URL in the comment field in Blackboard If you need to see me, let me know before you leave class

Reminder: Extra Credit Extra credit assignments are due by midnight tomorrow I am willing to extend the date to Sunday 5 p.m. (Sunday is a reading day)

Reminder: Final Project 8 am Tuesday, December 13 Here Required artifacts: Presentation – posted in blackboard Web page – URL link in presentation Breakfast will be served Evaluation forms

Presentation Reminders Not everyone needs to speak, but everyone who wants to speak should minutes

Presentation Coverage (1) Topic: What is the problem being addressed? Background: What is done today Proposed improvement: What are you proposing to improve? Solution: How are you planning to solve it?

Presentation Coverage (2) Technology: What technology are you planning to use? Are there examples of this technology that you can point to? Are there technology alternatives that you rejected? Why? Web page Mock up for online solution (appearance only) Info page for other

Presentation Coverage (3) How does this solution address the problem? What are the impediments to this solution? Cost Social acceptability Legal Reliability, availability O ther