Climate Change
Climate change: Changes in many climatic factors. Global warming: The rise in global temperatures.
Energy Balance Energy gain from solar radiation = The energy loss by the Earth’s surface. This energy balance determine the Earth’s average surface temperature. Earth emits energy in the form of Infra red radiation.
Greenhouse Effect Certain atmospheric gases trap some of the infrared radiation that escapes from the Earth, making the Earth warmer than it would be otherwise. This effect is called “ Greenhouse Effect”. The gases cause this effect are called “Greenhouse Gases”.
Greenhouse Gas es Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Water vapor
Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases
Atmospheric CO 2
Average Earth Temperature increased by 0.6 o C (1 F) during 20 th Century
Current temperature: highest in 1000 years.
CO 2 550 ppm to 1000 ppm in 2100
CO 2 effects are long-term
Adaptation and Mitigation
What are some mitigation steps? Reduce CO 2 emissions by reducing consumption of fossil fuel. Protection of rainforests and other CO 2 sinks. Develop and use Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
What are some adaptation steps? Protect endangered species with larger refuges. Avoid flooding risks. Protect water supplies. Protect grasslands and agricultural lands against overuse.
Calculate US Carbon Emissions US / Global = 1.6 BMT / 6.6 BMT = 24 % The US emits 24% of Global CO2.