2010/10/25MSV-Lab. 1 PDE Homework 3 Reporter : Y. Fan.


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Presentation transcript:

2010/10/25MSV-Lab. 1 PDE Homework 3 Reporter : Y. Fan

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 2 First order Quasi-linear PDE Failure Success > > Construct surface Can not Construct surface Unlucky Lucky Get explicit solution Can not Get explicit solution Get explicit solution ---> X But we have already get this graph ---> <--- The luckiest The unluckiest

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 3 Sol :

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 4 +

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 5 Classification Failure Success > > Construct surface Can not Construct surface Unlucky Lucky Get explicit solution Can not Get explicit solution --->

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 6 Sol :

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 7 +

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 8 Classification Failure Success > > Construct surface Can not Construct surface Unlucky Lucky Get explicit solution Can not Get explicit solution --->

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 9 Sol :

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 10 +

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 11 Classification Failure Success > > Construct surface Can not Construct surface Unlucky Lucky Get explicit solution ---> Can not Get explicit solution The Luckiest!!

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 12 Sol :

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 13 Bad news, it ’ s the unluckiest situation

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 14 Classification Failure Success > > Construct surface Can not Construct surface Unlucky Lucky Get explicit solution Can not Get explicit solution ---> X Oh~Shit!! The unluckiest!!

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 15 Characteristic line

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 16

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 17

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 18 判別式 牽絲原則 整理出來,千變萬化的解答

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 19 Conclusion

2010/10/25 MSV-Lab. 20