After CMO reform F&V: Implications for the EU27 apple market PROGNOSFRUIT 2007 Vilnius, Lithuania DG Agri/C.2.


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Presentation transcript:

After CMO reform F&V: Implications for the EU27 apple market PROGNOSFRUIT 2007 Vilnius, Lithuania DG Agri/C.2

August Main issues 1.Market management 2.School Fruit Scheme

August Market management  Case study - apple imports  Pilot project AGRI C.2  Feasibility study methodology  Research project network of POs





8 Market management I Pilot project  E-based publication of data from several (private & public) sources  Covering selected indicators (imports, stocks, production forecast) and selected products (apples & pears)  Regular publication on web site

August Market management II Feasibility study  Development of a harmonized methodology for data collection on PO level within network of AREFLH with selected products

August Market management III Research project  Applied research project in sustainable data and information exchange between private actors (PO) in the EU27 market F&V

August School Fruit Scheme  EU decision process  Sector contribution  Time table

August Process Member states agree on Council declaration June 2007 Commission services initiate Impact assessment exercise in July 2007 with Final report for publication in early 2008 Commission proposes Regulation by mid 2008

August Council declaration "In light of the dramatic increase in obesity amongst schoolchildren, which has been highlighted in the recently published Commission White Paper "A Strategy for Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity related health issues", the Council invites the Commission to come forward with a proposal for a school fruit scheme as soon as possible based on an impact assessment of the benefits, practicability and administrative costs involved."

August Impact assessment  This comprises among others the following steps: Assessment and analyses of the problem, consultation of interested parties, identification of options and objectives.  The basic criteria for this Impact assessment are three- fold: Immediate and long-term benefits, practicability in implementation and administrative costs involved.  The exercise will be carried out by an Inter-Service Steering Group chaired by DG AGRI.

August Sector contribution  Advisory Committee F&V to include also project initiators and academic experts  Round table of selected experts to focus on specific issues (e.g. target group)  Field trips of AGRI to School Milk and other operational programs

August Time table  Establishment of Inter-Service Steering Group with BUDG, SANCO, ENV, EAC etc.  Consultation process with Member states, sector and general public  Missions to selected projects  Adoption of the report by mid 2008

August Thank you for your attention ! ex_en.htm