Safeguarding American Agriculture and Natural Resources


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Presentation transcript:

Safeguarding American Agriculture and Natural Resources United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine

Our Mission Safeguarding U.S. Agriculture and Natural Resources To ensure an abundant, high-quality, and varied food supply To strengthen the marketability of U.S. agriculture To preserve U.S. ecosystems and protect against invasive species

PPQ’s Goal “…mitigating pest risks, domestically and abroad, through exclusion, intensive surveillance, early detection, and containment of pests and diseases before they can spread.” — Dr. Richard Dunkle Former PPQ Deputy Administrator

Who We Are We are a diverse range of professionals dedicated to conserving, protecting, and enhancing American agriculture. From botanists to virologists, accountants to writers, we’re all part of a historic tradition and a challenging future.

What We Do Keep foreign plant pests out of the United States Document the presence of plant pests within the United States Ensure safe agricultural trade by removing unjustified pest-related trade barriers Detect, control, or eradicate foreign plant pests

Why We Keep Out Foreign Pests More than 6,500 nonnative species are established in the United States. More than 900 or 1/7 of these species are economically or environmentally harmful. Harmful nonnative species cost billions of dollars in control or loss of marketable goods. Harmful nonnative species affect agriculture, forestry, human health, and tourism.

How We Keep Out Foreign Pests Establish risk-based import regulations and policies for agricultural commodities (e.g., produce, plants, craft products) Inspect and treat agricultural commodities for pests in their country of origin prior to export to the United States At inspection stations, inspect propagative material imported into the United States, taking appropriate action when pests are detected

How We Ensure Safe Agricultural Trade Establish import regulations and policies for goods imported into the United States Issue import and interstate movement permits for plant pests Review plant health certificates issued by exporting countries for imported goods Monitor trade of endangered or threatened species Issue plant health certificates for agricultural goods exported from the United States

How We Detect, Control, or Eradicate Plant Pests and Diseases Excluding foreign pests, when possible, is our goal. If barriers fail, early detection of the pest is the next best strategy. Early detection assures Faster and cheaper control Availability of more control strategies Greater possibility of success

Elements of Pest Response Program Survey (Where are the pests?) Identification (What are they?) Regulation to prevent spread Bans movement of materials with a quarantine Restricts movement of materials through permits Control or eradication Host removal Pesticides Agricultural production practices Biological control Sterile insect release

Some Ongoing Emergency Programs Karnal bunt Fungal disease of wheat detected in Arizona, California, and Texas Citrus canker Bacterial disease of citrus detected in Florida Exotic fruit flies Agricultural pests threatening more than 250 U.S. crops Asian longhorned beetle Wood-boring insect threatening the survival of hardwood trees

Asian Longhorned Beetle Wood-boring insect native to China Hitch-hiked to United States in wooden pallets and crates Cause of destruction of more than 7,156 trees in New York City 1,770 trees in Chicago 461 trees in Jersey City, NJ Many trees in Worcester, MA

Our Partners in ALB Response U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service State Departments of Agriculture Local governments where infestations occur

PPQ Structure Each state has a State Plant Health Director. There are two regional offices. Raleigh, NC (Eastern Region) and Ft. Collins, CO (Western Region). National HQ is in Riverdale, MD.

PPQ Domestic Programs Noxious Weeds (regulate Federal Noxious Weeds) Forest Pests – Gypsy Moth, Pine Shoot Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, Sirex noctilio, Phytophthora ramorum, etc. Nematodes: Golden Nematode in NY, Potato Cyst Nematode in ID. Biological Control Imported Fire Ant Citrus Diseases Cotton Pests

Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) Our main exotic pest survey. Our contribution to Homeland Defense. Focus is on looking for pests not known to occur. In past years was pest specific – now moving to more commodity-based surveys. Work closely with state departments of ag to do the work.

Contact Information State Plant Health Directors are always a good first start. Eastern Region Domestic Sr. Program Manager: Billy Newton 919-855-7335. Western Region Domestic Sr. Program Manager: Tim McNary 970-494-7570.

For More Information Please visit our Web site at