Made by: Victoria Camilleri 1 Berlin. What is a frog? A frog is an amphibian. It has smooth and moist skin. Frogs do not have scales. They have a backbone.


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Presentation transcript:

Made by: Victoria Camilleri 1 Berlin

What is a frog? A frog is an amphibian. It has smooth and moist skin. Frogs do not have scales. They have a backbone. Frogs live part of their time in water and part on land.

The life cycle of a frog The life cycle of a frog passes from seven processes.

The life cycle of a frog starts when mom and dad frog decide to have baby frogs. While mom and dad frog are hugging, mom frog will lay a bunch of eggs.

The eggs that survive will hatch after about 7 to 9 days and begin the frog cycle and start the life stages of a frog called tadpole. About four weeks into the tadpoles life cycle it will begin to grow teeth and skin over the gills.

Then 6 to 9 weeks into the tadpoles development it will begin to grow longer and develop a little bit of a head and some legs. At the end of the 9 weeks, the tadpole will look more like a frog than a fish, but with a long tail. The tadpole will also start to eat things like tiny insects.

From 9 to about 12 weeks, the frog metamorphosis starts to really take shape. The tadpole that looks like an itty bitty frog but with a long tail will lose most of its tail, grow a frog tongue, and start to really look like a baby frog called a Froglet.

The whole frog life cycle model is completed after about 16 weeks when the frog becomes an adult.

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