Pandemics and Emerging Diseases SBI 4UI Mrs. Tuma.


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Presentation transcript:

Pandemics and Emerging Diseases SBI 4UI Mrs. Tuma

Population Health mortality rate (deaths) - by age group - infant/maternal mortality as key indicators morbidity – how many people are ill/affected - some diseases may leave lasting effects - significant economic impact

Population Health Disease in Developing Countries - infectious disease widespread - population distribution shows effects Disease in Developed Countries - infectious disease still prevalent BUT… - chronic and lifestyle diseases take over (e.g.: cancer, diabetes, heart disease)

What does that mean? Endemic – disease is limited to a particular region eg: malaria Epidemic – disease has many cases above a baseline amount Pandemic- worldwide spread across continents - WHO has a 6-stage classification system - must be infectious

A Look Back Black Plague in Europe death-plague-genome-sequenced / death-plague-genome-sequenced / Jenner introduces vaccination Joseph Lister practices antiseptic surgery Pasteur vaccinates against rabies Discovered that mosquitoes carry malaria

A Look Back 1918 Spanish flu (H1N1) pandemic kills million people 1920 Fleming discovers penicillin 1941 Antibiotic use begins 1955 Polio vaccine developed

A Look Back 1957 “Asian flu” (H2N2) 1969 “Hong Kong flu” (H3N2) 1970 Smallpox erradicated 1981 First cases of AIDS appear in N.A SARS 2009 H1N1 pandemic Avian flu – the next pandemic? (first human infection in 1997– no direct human-human transmission)

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Anatomy of a Pandemic Disease spread easily, often by droplets Most severe strains appear after jumping species (i.e.: birds, pigs) Flu-like symptoms may be more severe in some

Controlling the Pandemic Quarentine the infected Supportive care (hydration, respiratory support) Antivirals (i.e.: Tamiflu) ml Cancel public events, close schools Immunization

Other Diseases on the Radar HIV/AIDS SARS West Nile Malaria Dengue Fever