Starting from Delphic Oracle Apollo and Artemis Wu Shiyu.


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Starting from Delphic Oracle Apollo and Artemis Wu Shiyu.

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Presentation transcript:

Starting from Delphic Oracle Apollo and Artemis Wu Shiyu

常用词的英语读法 The quiz Twelve Olympians

“ 太阳神阿波罗 (Apollo) 的理性与酒神狄俄尼索 斯( Dionysus )非理性的张力是整个希腊文化原 动力之一。 ” ----Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy

Olympians: Apollo and Artemis Zeus (king of the god) Leto (minor goddess)Leto Twin sisters Apollo and Artemis

Jealousy of Hera place to give birth Island of Delos Ilithya, necklace Clasping a palm tree The twins

Apollo and Artemis

The Deity of Apollo Lyre God of: Arts: music, poetry,… Leader of Muses Creative ability Representing Culture

God Apollo God of: Sun Youth Medicine Healing

(Phoibos) Apollo Arrow; quiver Still god of Sudden death for men Inflict Plague and death Strike from afar

“ 他(阿波罗)随即坐在远离船舶的地方射箭, 银弓发出令人心惊胆战的弦声。 他首先射向骡子和那些健跑的狗群, 然后把利箭对准人群不断放射。 焚化尸首的柴薪烧了一层又一层。 ” 荷马史诗《伊利亚特》

Apollo: God of Prophecy The most important aspect: God of prophecy Delphic oracle (Delphi) Sacred to Apollo Apollo’s role as a god of who provides prophecy for humans is central to our understanding of him

Delphi: the omphalos and tripod

The Oracle of Delphi Pythia, priestess, trance-like state Ecstasy Virgin of Delphian birth Dressed like a girl Translated verse-form by Priest Video

Delphic Oracle Attracted Greeks and non-Greeks Consult the oracle about things, big or small, public or private Oedipus the king Croesus Socrates Later stories

An order in the world Apollo knows and foreknows this order Tell you what will happen in the future

Apollo: God of reason and moderation Carved on the temple: “Know thyself” “Nothing in Excess” Association with reason and with moderation. Crucial to understanding of Greek culture

Know Thyself Remember: what kind of a creature you are; your limitations; above all else that you are not a god.

The Universe

The Story of Niobe

Niobe: queen of Thebes, mother of 14 children Greater than Leto (goddess) worshiped instead of Leto Apollo and Artemis shoot Cliff face, water running down Eternal tears

Lessons to learn Humans by definition vulnerable to death 14 children today, not tomorrow Human, die at any moment Leto’s two children, god Do not transgress

Human good fortune unstable Changeable, unstable, disappear in the blink of an eye Follow reason, nothing in excess, know yourself Two maxims connected. Excess---- not know yourself Address by Jobs

Immortal and Mortal "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don‘t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life…” -----Steve Jobs

Immortal and Mortal Eos, the dawn goddess Affair with the human Tithonos Enjoyed him so much Make him immortal Failed ageless Continue to age Nothing left but a voice Complaining voice A back chamber

Immortal and Mortal Attempt to gain immortality Result in total disaster Sybil, a female lover of Apollo Asked for as many years of life as there were grains of sand on the shore of sea This was granted But eternal youth was left out Grows older and older Withered away into a little thing sits in cage

几个问题 1. 古希腊神话里对 “ 人 ” 的思考,比如本课所讲的 人与神的区别,还有斯芬克斯之谜里的问题; 2. 古希腊文明所体现的理性,自省与其悲剧意识 和这一文明的创造性的思考。

Hubris or hybris Humans must avoid hubris A word come into English from Greek. What is hubris? Implications for our life. Refer to presentations Pay your price for your hubris. The story of Croesus Persian king, Xerxes

The story of Actaeon

A great hunter (Thebes) Hunting with his friends Wandering through woods Surrounded a lake Artemis, nymphs bathing Unintentionally, by mistake Stag, animal body, human mind Own hounds tear to shreds Most dreadful story

Artemis: her twins’ opposite God of moon Huntress Wild beasts Protector of young species Sudden death of women

Mistress of wild beasts Protector of young babies including of humans Protector of childbirth

Forever virgins: Artemis, Athena and Hestia Is it contradictory? Identify women with nature, men with culture.

In Greek culture Women were submissive Male dominant Rejecting domination by a male because of her essential wildness Her rejection of sexuality illustrates the danger of crossing a god or transgressing the boundaries between humans and gods. The story of Actaeon

Know Thyself Nothing in Excess Hubris Know your own limitations as fallible mortal and then exercise moderation because you are mortal.

阿波罗神谕的两句话和 Hybris 这一概念都反应了 古希腊文明深刻中的一贯主题,并且还在这一文 明的各种艺术形式里,被反复演绎和发展,比如 ,在神话、哲学、史诗和悲剧以及它们的历史学 等。

“ 做一个能自制的人,。。。才能成为最高尚、最 幸福和最有推理能力的人。 ”

史学之父希罗多德则在《历史》里反复提及, “ 我 们头上的神是非常嫉妒的,并且很喜欢干扰人间 ” ,由此来使人认识 “ 自知 ” 和 “ 适度 ” 的重要。这些理 念,深刻地体现出古希腊文明理性、厚重和深刻 的特点。