J/C/I. 1. The early principal figures of the religion were Middle Easterners.


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Presentation transcript:


1. The early principal figures of the religion were Middle Easterners.


2. The Koran is their holy book.


3. A follower of this religion is called a Jew.


4. Jesus was its founder


5. The youngest or newest of the religions.


6. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca.


7. The oldest of the three religions.


8. Face Mecca when they pray.


9. Is a monotheistic religion.


10. A follower of this religion is called a Christian.


11. They believe there is no god but God.


12. Call their place of worship a temple or synagogue.


13. Believe their religion is for all the world; try to convert people.


14. Began as a Jewish sect.


15. Muhammad is their last prophet.


16. The Middle East is the birthplace of the religion.


17. Regard Abraham and Moses as prophets or wise leaders.


18. Regard Jerusalem as a holy city.


19. Their place of worship is called a mosque.


20. A follower of this religion is called a Muslim.


21. Accept the Ten Commandments as a law code.


22. Call their place of worship a church.


23. Recognize Jesus in their religion.


24. Accepts the story of Adam and Eve as part of their tradition.


25. Today, contains “many” branches or sects.

25. Today, contains many branches or sects. J C I