Instructions Young writers can be described in terms of writing behaviors they exhibit. Children go through distinct stages of development as they learn.


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Presentation transcript:

Instructions Young writers can be described in terms of writing behaviors they exhibit. Children go through distinct stages of development as they learn to write. The stages are characterized by common, observable writing behaviors. The following stages A-D reflect the characteristics of young emerging writers. Cobb County Kindergarten students are assessed in their development of the writing process every nine weeks. When the student has successfully moved through the four emergent stages, he/she would then be assessed using the Cobb County Kindergarten Writing Rubric. The rubric should be used as the student gains competency in the writing process.

Cobb County Kindergarten Writing Stages Child’s name_________________________________________ Date _____________________ Stage A Pictorial Writer  Writing is drawing or manipulating objects.  The Alphabet awareness/letters may be known but are not applied.  The “story” can be told with the child’s oral-language. Stage BThe Squiggler/Verbal StoryTeller  Writing is represented in scribbles or patterns  Letters may be written randomly.  Oral stories and pictures may become more elaborate.  A connection is beginning to be understood between written symbols and the idea of writing a “story”.  There is an attempt to record letters and numbers as familiarity with them is developed. Stage CThe Letter Shaker/Copier  Random letters and child’s name are often incorporated into the “story.”  Letters and words posted in the environment are often copied.  The oral/pictorial “story” often incorporates random letters or copied words.  Distinguishing between letters and words may not exist. Stage D The Sound Maker/Labeler  There is evidence of beginning understanding of letter/sound connections.  Parts of the picture “story” may be labeled in writing and referenced in the oral story.  The concept of story is beginning to be developed.  Simple “stories” are conceived and told.  Writing begins to reflect the separation of words by using spaces.

Components of the Standard 3 Consistent and successful progress towards meeting the standard 2 Progressing toward meeting the standard 1 Limited or minimum progress toward meeting the standard. Uses drawings, letters, and phonetically spelled words to describe familiar persons, places objects, or experiences. Writes sentences using phonetically spelled words to describe familiar persons, places, objects, or experiences. Experiments with writing sentences, using beginning letter sounds and phonetically spelled words. Draws a picture and writes letters to describe familiar persons, places, objects or experiences. Accurately prints name, all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet, and teacher-selected words. Accurately prints name, all upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet and teacher selected words. Accurately prints most of the upper and lower case letters introduced and most teacher selected words. Prints some upper and lower case letters and some teacher selected words. Uses left to right pattern of writing. Consistently uses left to right pattern of writing. Some progress toward using left to right pattern of writing. Limited or minimum progress toward using left to right pattern of writing. Begins to use capitalization at the beginning of sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences. Uses capitalization at the beginning of sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences. Some progress when using capitalization at the beginning or sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences Limited or minimum progress toward using capitalization at the beginning or sentences and punctuation (periods and question mark) at the end of sentences. Kindergarten Writing Rubric This rubric reflects only the GPS for Kindergarten. Further evaluation guidance by genre is available on the Kindergarten Proficiency Chart. K Standard: The student begins to understand the principles of writing

Kindergarten Writing Sample Teacher Commentary

Kindergarten Writing Task Commentary for the Student Celebrations: You used capitalization at the beginning of your sentences and punctuation at the end. You also used the left to right pattern of writing. Commentary for the Student Next Step: Can you write more to describe your experiences with watermelon?