Word Processing Word Processing


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Presentation transcript:

Word Processing Word Processing Kindly contributed to the Adult Basic Skills Resource Centre http://www.skillsworkshop.org by Lynn Simm littlesimm@hotmail.com Suitable for CLAIT and L1 Skills for Life and Key Skills ICT Word Processing  

What all the different parts mean Title Bar Shows the name of your document, followed by Microsoft Word. If you have not given it a name, Document 1 will appear as the document name Main menu bar This has options for you to choose from. Click on File and the file menu will drop down Standard toolbar Has a number of icons which can be clicked to give access to frequently used commands Formatting toolbar Has icons which let you change the way text looks, for example bold, centre, underline etc Main window Is the area of the screen in which you type Status bar Shows what page you are on and how many pages are in the document Word Processing

Introduction to Word Processing Welcome to Word Processing. This module will give you the skills you need to create and edit documents. Some examples are shown below. Title bar Main menu bar Formatting toolbar Standard toolbar Task Pane Ruler Status Bar Word Processing  

Formatting Text Once you have entered text, you can change the appearance to add emphasis . Lets look at the different ways of formatting text: Bold Italics Underline Highlighting Coloured Text. To change the style, click in the Style box and select the style required To change the font, click in the Font name box To change the size, click in the Font size box If you look at the formatting bar, you will see the current style, font and size Click on the down arrows in each of the boxes and select your choice Style box Font name Font size Word Processing  

Alignment You can centre and make headings bold by selecting text and clicking on the icons Notice how when an icon is selected it looks pressed in – in Word 2003 the background changes to orange Select the text you want to copy Click the copy icon once Move the insertion point to where you want the copy of the text to appear Click the paste icon Word Processing  

Tabs Left margin Ruler Right margin Default tab stops If you look at the ruler at the top of your document, you will see default tabs stops, placed every 1.27 cm (½”) If you can’t see the ruler from the View menu select Ruler Rather than using the spacebar to line up text in columns, press the Tab key This will line up the insertion point with the next tab stop Practice using your tab key to line up text to produce something similar to the example on the right. Tabs Help To Line Up Text And Create Neat Columns Of Text Or Numbers The End Word Processing  

Bullets Method 1 Click on the Bullet icon Type in your text Every time you press Enter a new bullet will appear Press Enter after the last bulleted item and click the Bullet icon again to switch it off Method 2 Type in your list Highlight the list Click the Bullet icon once Bullets will appear at the beginning of each highlighted line! Word Processing  

Cut, Copy & Paste Select the text you want to copy Click the copy icon once Move the insertion point to where you want the copy of the text to appear Click the paste icon Select the text that you want to move Click the Cut icon once Move the insertion point to where you want the text to be moved to Click the Paste icon NB; if moving a block of text, check to make sure the spacing between paragraphs is consistent! Word Processing

Headers & Footers Open the View menu and select Header and Footer The Header and Footer toolbar appears: The cursor will be positioned in the header area To move to the Footer area, click on the Switch between Header and Footer button You can type in text To insert a page number click on the page number icon You can line up text using the default tabs or set your own Click on Close to go back to your document Insert file location etc Insert page number Insert Date Switch between Header and Footer Word Processing  

Inserting Clip Art From the Insert menu, select Picture then ClipArt A ClipArt pane appears Type in a keyword then click Go Thumbnails of pictures will appear Click on one you like – it will be inserted into your document You can manipulate clipart the same way as pictures Word Processing  

…Resizing Clip Art Re-sizing Clip Art   When you select a clip and it is inserted onto the page it will often appear much larger than you require. Sizing handles appear at the corners and along the edges of the clip. You can resize it by clicking and dragging its sizing handles. To keep the image in proportion drag and resize using the corner handles. Word Processing  

Page Layouts (Orientation) To change the page size open the File menu and select Page Setup Click on the Paper tab Select the paper size required To change to landscape, click on the Margins tab and select Landscape Word Processing  

Spell Check Click on the Spellchecker icon or press the F7 key Word will scan your document - as soon as it finds a word it does not recognise, the following dialogue box appears Click on Change or Ignore as appropriate You can also right click on a word and a shortcut menu will appear – if the correct word appears, select it Word Processing

Proof Read You should always proofread your work The spellchecker will not tell you if you have used the incorrect version of a word (eg their instead of there or form instead of from) It will not tell you if you have missed out any text You should also check layout and presentation Word Processing

Preview a Document This is an example of a document being previewed. To close the preview, click on close on the Print Preview Toolbar Word Processing

Print a Document Having proof read and previewed your document, you can now print it by going to the Print on the File menu. Alternatively, you can click on the Print Icon on the Standard Toolbar By selecting the option you want, you can print all the pages in the document, the current page you see on screen or certain pages only You can change the number of copies you want to print out by entering the amount in the box Then click on OK Word Processing