Welcome to the e-kindergarten seminar, June, 2007. Speaker: Mr. Khoo Kay Yong DBA,MSc. BSc. (Malaya)


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Unit 2 School life.
Title: Phonics-44 and Reading Literacy Kay Yong, Khoo BSc. (MU); MSc
Do you have a soccer ball?
Genres in Literature.
Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the e-kindergarten seminar, June, Speaker: Mr. Khoo Kay Yong DBA,MSc. BSc. (Malaya)

2007 Innovation By Technology KNOW-HOW To KNOW-WHY

UK * Malaysia * Hong Kong * China I n t e r a c t iv e Multimedia Teaching classroom

ale | ate |cape (vase) vie | tie |fried (view) aid |aim |claim (said) Say |bay |tray (says) English Language


蛾我卞下蛾我卞下 e bian Xia ˇ ˋ ˊ wo ˋ 字拼音 a-e ape ate sale ale /e I/ /e Ip/ /e It/ /e Il/ /se Il/ 字拼音


ale aleale ?

蒙台梭利 看字读音法 美思好方法 教育理念:用心教孩子,从新教育下一代。

Phonics –44 Multimedia Approach English Words Spoken Written 24 consonant sounds 21 consonant letters 20 vowel sounds 5 vowel letters speech sounds 26 alphabet letters

Brother, father Toefl, fancl Tackle Towel, hostel Fast Clerk Got/pot tuition Little, litter head, again Quay Three, tree Forever Coconuts Aim, sales Of, off

beat bit sad sat Home,aim Chef,example Fat, wednesday Clap, egg,leg,hand Market,again, umbrella plumber, bomber moonbook knife, knob Caught, lounge Debt Their, aeroplane flour, flower tortoise

24 Consonant sounds /p/ pen /l/ log /j/ yak /b/ bad /m/ mop /z/ zip /k/ cat /n/ net /ŋ/ ring /d/ dog /r/ rod /З/television /f/ fan /s/ sun /θthumb /g/ gum /t/ tub / / then /h/ hen /v/ van / /shop /dз/ jet /w/wig /t / chimp

20 Vowel sounds / æ /cat /a I / kite /a / house / e / hen / / rose / I / coin / i / kid /u / moon /e / hare / / dog / / book / I / ear / Λ / sun / /saw / / poor /e I / cape / / car / / letter / i / bee / / girl

Reform and integrating ICT into education Teach less and plan more to learn more.

Life Forging Connections Between Life and Literature The Child’s Inner World The Child’s aesthetic World? The Child’s Family World Literature reflects every aspect of their expanding world The Child’s social World The Child’s natural World? The Child’s imaginary World?

Genres of Literature for Children Picture books Poem Folklore Historical fiction Biography Science fiction Realistic fiction Fantasy

a el








a edsh

a esch

GOLD Level ai Vowel Sound / e  /










Bronze 6-10 Silver 6-10 Gold 6-10

Certified By ISO

a b c d e fl g h i j k ms r q p n x w o v u t y z /æ/ /b//h/ / l / / /k/ /e/ /f/ /z/ /j/ /ks/ /w/ /v/ /t/ /s//m/ /n/ /r/ /g/ /p/ /kw/ /d/ /k/ / i//Λ/ / dз/

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