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冀教版( 2012 教材)初中八下 Unit 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising.

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2 冀教版( 2012 教材)初中八下 Unit 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising

3 melt hillside wind gently v. 融化 n. 小丘;山坡 n. 风;气流 adv. 温柔地;轻轻地 Words and expressions

4 Enjoy the poem.

5 objectives  To understand the poem  To use the words correctly: warm wind one by one change

6 Let’s sing a song. _______ is rising, ______ is coming, ________ is melting, Come ____ me. ______ the hillside, __________ is warming, ________ blows gently, ________ the trees. The sun is _____, Spring is _______, See it _____ The _______ change. One ___ one The _______ blossom, _____ them one by one. The sun Spring The snow with Climb The weather The wind Through by flowers Enjoy rising coming bring season’s

7 Spring is a favourite theme for songs and poems in all languages. This is a Chinese poem translated into English. Can you say this poem in Chinese? Spring Dawn Sleeping lazily at dawn in spring, Sound of birdsong all around. Last night’s wind and rain still ring, How many blossoms blown to the ground?


9 1. The weather is warming. 天气变暖和了。 warm 在这里是动词 “ 变暖 ” 的意思。它 也可用作形容词。例如: It’s warm in spring. 春天天气暖和。 It’s getting warmer day by day. 天气一天天暖和起来了。

10 2. one by one 一个接一个地 例如: They came in one by one. 他们一个接一个地进来了。 You can plant the seeds one by one. 你可以一粒一粒地种种子。 类似的有: year by year 一年又一年 day by day 一天又一天

11 3. See it bring, 看它带来了 The season’s change. 季节的变化。 change 在本句中是名词 “ 变化 ” 的意思。 它也可以作动词。例如: These shoes are wet, and I'm going to change them. 我的鞋湿了, 我得换下来。

12 I. 从 B 栏中找出适合回答 A 栏的句子。 1.Happy birthday! 2.How are you? 3.Would you like to come to my birthday party? 4.What’s the weather like here? 5.Thank you very much. 6.My brother is ill. 7.What’s the date today? 8.Shall we go to the park? 9.What a beautiful day! 10. May I use your pen? A.Good idea! B.It’s very cold. C.I’m sorry to hear that. D.Sure. Here you are. E.Thank you. F.Fine, thank you, and you? G.It’s March twelfth. H.Yes, it’s beautiful, isn’t it? I. You’re welcome. J. Yes, I’d love to. A B

13 II. Fill in the blanks. 1. The slope is too steep for us to c_____. 2. She greeted me with a very g______ voice. 3. The apple trees b______ in spring. 4. Remember to c______ their medicines in time. 5. The brave man saved the children from fire ___________ ( 一个接一个地 ). limb entle lossom hange one by one

14 6. Look, the train __________ ( 过来 ) quickly. 7. _______(enjoy) the sunshine, boys, spring is here. 8. He ____ _______ the forest yesterday. 9. The mountains are high and the ice on them doesn't m____ all year round. 10. We have to make a c______ in our plan. hange elt wentthrough Enjoy is coming

15 one by one get warm 一个接一个地 变暖

16 Homework How do you know when spring is coming? Write a passage about things like air, flowers and birds in spring. (70---100 词 ) Useful words: climb gently one by one blossom change hillside


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