Chapter 13 Contract. Review Let’s review what we learnt last time together!


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QQ/ 微信: 真实教育部认证永久存档, 100% 可查,可随我司工作人员一同前往教育部窗 口递交材料 + 全套文凭【诚招当地代理,有业余时 间的欢迎大家免费咨询,欢迎在校生 】 如果您,或者是您的同学朋友是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1 、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕业证;
Practical Business Writing Welcome Lectured by Satine Lee
Presentation transcript:

Chapter 13 Contract

Review Let’s review what we learnt last time together!

Learning Objectives 学习目标 By learning this chapter you will be able to: know how sellers and buyers communicate about the confirming and signing of a contract by letters. know the content of a contract. Learning Objectives 学习目标

Q1: How many forms do the contracts have? Q1: How many forms do the contracts have? Warming-up Questions two

Answer to Q1: Contract have many forms: (1) P/C Purchase Contract S/C Sales Contract (2) P/C Purchase Confirmation S/C Sales confirmation (3) Agreement (4) Memorandum

Q2: Do you know the content of the contract? Q2: Do you know the content of the contract?

Answer to Q2: Q2. A contract generally contains the following items : A. the full name and address of the buyer and seller B. The commodities involved C. all the terms and conditions agreed upon D. Indication of the number of original copies of the contract, the languages used, the term of validity and possible extensions of the contract.

New Words and Expressions exchange n., v. 交换,交往 countersign v. 会签 file n. 文件,档案 relative adj. 相关的 urgent adj. 紧急的 stress v. 强调 punctual adj. 准时的 validity n. 有效期 New Words and Expressions exchange n., v. 交换,交往 countersign v. 会签 file n. 文件,档案 relative adj. 相关的 urgent adj. 紧急的 stress v. 强调 punctual adj. 准时的 validity n. 有效期

New Words and Expressions profitable adj. 有利的 knit v. 编织,针织 execute v. 执行 hereby adv. 特此 relevant adj. 相关的 casual adj. 随意的,休闲的 attach v. 附上 schedule n. 日程 cooperation n. 合作 profitable adj. 有利的 knit v. 编织,针织 execute v. 执行 hereby adv. 特此 relevant adj. 相关的 casual adj. 随意的,休闲的 attach v. 附上 schedule n. 日程 cooperation n. 合作

A written contract is generally prepared and signed as the proof of the agreement and as the basis for its execution. We usually use contract and confirmation in business activities. When the contract is made by the seller, it is called a sales contract, and when made by the buyer, a purchase contract. A sales or purchase confirmation is less detailed than a contract, covering only the essential terms of the transaction. It is usually used for smaller deals or between familiar trade partners. General Introduction

The structure of correspondence about contract Writing Skills

How to write letters to send a sales contract/confirmation for countersigning When writing to your partner to send a sales contract/confirmation for countersigning, the following contents should be included in the letter:

1. Express thanks for the exchange of letters and the conclusion of the deal. 2. Inform your partner of the Number of the enclosed contract/confirmation. 3. Show your hope for countersigning and returning for file. 4. Require the establishment of the L/C. 5. Show your hope for future business.

The replies to these letters When you receive such a letter, you should reply to:

1. Express thanks for the incoming letter. 2.Inform your partner of your countersigning of the enclosed contract/confirmation. 3.Inform your partner of the date of the establishment of the L/C and the name of the opening bank. 4. Show your hope for future business.

How to write letters to send a purchase contract/confirmation for countersigning When writing to your partner to send a purchase contract/confirma- tion for countersigning, the following contents should be included in the letter:

1. Express thanks for the exchange of letters and the conclusion of the deal. 2. Inform your partner of the Number of the enclosed contract/confirmation. 3. Show your hope for countersigning and returning for file. 4. Require the punctual shipment. 5. Show your hope for future business.

The replies to these letters When you receive such a letter, you should reply to:

1. Express thanks for the incoming letter. 2. Inform your partner of your countersigning of the enclosed contract/confirmation. 3. Inform your partner of the date of the shipment. 4. Show your hope for future business.

January 5, 2006 Mr. Pakin Jackson PAF International Co., Ltd. 3562PearlSt. Boulder,CO30908 USA Dear Mr. Pakin Jackson, Re: Jackets Specimen Letter

With reference to our recent exchange of letters, we are pleased to confirm our sale to you of 2,000 dozen jackets. We are sure that we can effect the shipment before March 25. We enclose our sales contract No.966 in duplicate. If you find everything in order, please countersign and return one copy to us for our files. We trust you will open the necessary letter of credit at an early date.

We look forward to receiving your future enquiries. Yours sincerely, Zhou Mei Jackets Department Enclosure: Contract No. 966 in duplicate

先生: 主题:夹克衫 经过近期信函往来,我们很高兴确认向贵方 销售 2000 打夹克衫。我们确信会在 3 月 25 号 前进行装运。 随函附寄我方的 966 号销售合同一式两份, 如果没有异议,请会签后寄回一份给我方存 档。 请早日开立有关信用证。 盼望收到贵方以后的询盘。 您真诚的, ( 签名) Reference Translation

Specimen Letter January 6, 2006 Ms. Zhou Mei Star Fashion Co. , Ltd. 186 Anqing Road, Shanghai China Dear Ms. Zhou Mei, Re: Jackets

We have duly received your sales contract No.966 covering 2000 dozen jackets. Enclosed please find one copy with our countersignature. Thanks to our mutual efforts, we were able to bridge the price gap and come to a deal. The relative L/C will be established with the Bank of China, London Branch, in your favour in a few days. It will reach you in due course. As we are in urgent need of the goods, we find

it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/C. We expect to see a growing business relation with you that is profitable to both of us. Yours truly, Pakin Jackson

Reference Translation 女士: 主题:夹克衫 我们如期收到了贵方关于 2000 打夹克衫的 966 号销售合同。 附上一份我方已签的合同一份。经过我们双方的努力,我们 得以弥合价格差距从而达成了交易。 相关信用证不日将由中国银行伦敦分行开出,以贵方为受益 人。信用证会按期到达。 由于我方急需这批货,我们有必要强调在信用证有效期内准 时装运的重要性。 相信对你我双方均有利可图的业务关系将会有大的发展。 您真诚的, (签名)

The seller may cancel the contract and reserve the right to claim in case the buyer is in breach of the contract. 买方一旦违约,卖方可以终止合同并有权索赔。 The seller may cancel the contract and reserve the right to claim in case the buyer is in breach of the contract. 买方一旦违约,卖方可以终止合同并有权索赔。 Would you please check up the contract to see if everything is in order. 请检查一下合同是否无误。 Would you please check up the contract to see if everything is in order. 请检查一下合同是否无误。 Some Useful Sentences

We find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/C. 我们有必要强调一下,在信用证 有效期内准时装运的重要性。 We find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/C. 我们有必要强调一下,在信用证 有效期内准时装运的重要性。 After long and friendly discussing we have now concluded business. 经过长期友好的讨论,现已达成交易。

We hope that both Quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们希望质量、数量 都与合同规定相吻合。 We hope that both Quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们希望质量、数量 都与合同规定相吻合。 We enclose a copy of Contract No. 328 duly counter -signed by us, please have the goods shipped as early as possible. 附上我们按时 会签的 328 号合同 一份,请尽早装运 货物。 We enclose a copy of Contract No. 328 duly counter -signed by us, please have the goods shipped as early as possible. 附上我们按时 会签的 328 号合同 一份,请尽早装运 货物。

In this chapter, we have learnt how to send a sales contract or a purchase contract and how to reply to such kind of letters. Sales contracts and purchase contracts are very important documents in the business activities. We should make it clear that the terms in them are agreed by both sides. When a buyer or a seller receives such a document, he should write a letter to confirm it namely. Summary

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