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Presentation transcript:

Careers in Nursing Click arrows to move ahead & back

What is a Registered Nurse (RN)? RNs are professionals licensed by the state in which they work. RNs function as active members of the health care team. RNs provide and manage care for individuals who are ill and their families.

What is an RN? continued… RNs also work with healthy individuals and families to educate them about wellness and disease prevention. RNs work with patients of all ages promoting physical, mental and social well-being.

What is an RN? continued… RNs use observation and assessment skills to support nursing diagnoses:  Ex: Alteration in Skin Integrity related to bedrest  Ex: Potential for Infection related to surgical wound

What is an RN? continued… These nursing diagnoses help us to create a plan of care for our patients:  Ex: Turn and reposition patient every two hours  Ex: Change surgical dressing prn (as needed)

Where do nurses work? The possibilities are endless!! Hospitals Clinics/Offices Nursing Homes Hospice Schools Cruise Ships Military Helicopters Industries Wellness Centers Public Health Offices Home Health Care Agencies

What kinds of career opportunities are available? There are a multitude of specialties to choose from including: Medical/Surgical - Care for a variety of ill or injured patients and patients who have undergone surgery. Critical Care - Care for critically ill or injured patients of all ages.

Career opportunities continued… Labor and Delivery - Care for mothers and babies before, during, and after delivery. Pediatrics - Care for ill or injured children. Cardiac Care - Care for patients with issues involving their hearts. Geriatrics - Care for elderly ill or injured patients.

Career opportunities continued… Neurology - Care for patients with illnesses or injuries involving the nervous system. Dermatology - Care for patients with skin conditions. Orthopedic - Care for patients with illnesses or injuries to muscles and bones. Same Day Surgery/Post Anesthesia Care Unit Recovery Room - Care for patients immediately before or after surgery.

O.R. - Care for patients in the operating room during surgical procedures. These are just a few of the many possibilities you could choose from after completing a nursing program. Career opportunities continued…

Advanced education adds options: Clinical Nurse Specialist - Provides care to patients with complex illnesses or injuries and often responsible for the continuing education of staff nurses. Nurse Practitioner - Diagnoses and treats a wide variety of patients. Research - Involved with research studies to increase the knowledge base of the nursing profession.

Advanced education continued… Nurse Midwives - Care for women during pregnancy and deliver their babies. Nursing Professor - Teaches nursing students in nursing schools. Nurse Anesthetist - Provides anesthesia to patients during surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Employment outlook: is there a nursing shortage? This situation fluctuates and is impacted by economic and demographic issues.  Nurses delaying retirement due to economic concerns can mean fewer opportunities for new grads. But -  Post World War II “baby boomer” generation is aging and increasing healthcare needs.

Nursing jobs continued  The Bureau of Labor and Statistics predicts jobs for RNs will grow 19% by 2022 and that one-half of the RN workforce will reach retirement age by  The Bureau projects the need for 525,000 replacement nurses in the workforce by  State by state analysis predicts more of a nursing shortage in the South and West.

Nursing jobs continued…  Employers have become flexible in scheduling options - nurses often work any combination of 8, 10, or 12 hour shift on days, nights and weekends.  Many facilities utilize some form of self- scheduling, allowing you to choose (within unit guidelines) the shifts that you work.  There are endless possibilities for future nurses both male and female.

How do I know if nursing is right for me? Even in times of nursing shortage when they are in great demand, nursing is not right for everyone…

Qualities to be a good nurse: Do you enjoy health and science classes and do reasonably well in math? Do you have an interest in learning about the human body and how it works?

Qualities continued… Do you have a sense of compassion and desire to help others? Do you like to teach people and share information with others? Are you able to work well with others and do you enjoy being around other people? Do you possess good decision making & problem solving skills?

Qualities continued… Do you desire variety in career opportunities? Do you enjoy learning and analyzing things? Are you dependable and do you have good oral and written communication skills?

What can I do now to prepare for a career in nursing? Work hard to get good grades. Study science and math courses. Consider nursing camp if you’re in middle school. ( Write to a mentor and read the profiles of nurses at the ‘Advice Corner’ page of the NHNA site. Consider job shadowing.

You can still enter the field with an Associate Degree in Nursing - usually through a two year program at a community college. After completion of the program, graduates must pass the NCLEX test to apply for state licensure as an RN. What type of education do I need to become a nurse?

Baccalaureate in Science in Nursing Usually a four year program at a college or university. After completing the program, graduates must pass the NCLEX test to apply for state licensure as an RN. However – there is an increased emphasis on obtaining a

Nursing Education options in NH The NH Community Colleges in Concord, Keene, Manchester, Nashua, & Portsmouth offer Associate Degrees in Nursing. Also – St. Joseph School of Nursing in Nashua.

Education continued… In N.H., B.S. Degrees in Nursing are offered at: Colby-Sawyer College in New London Franklin Pierce University in Manchester Mass. College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Plymouth State University Rivier University in Nashua Saint Anselm College in Manchester Southern NH University in Manchester University of New Hampshire in Durham

Education continued… Masters of Science in Nursing Typically a two year course of study after obtaining a BSN degree – but there are some ‘direct entry’ Masters programs. MSN programs are usually intensely focused on a specialty area of study. Graduates of Masters programs often function as Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Midwives, Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Researchers or Nurse Administrators.

Education continued… In New Hampshire, Masters degrees are offered through Franklin Pierce University, Rivier University, Saint Anselm College and the University of NH

More Information To further explore nursing career options, you may also want to review the various nursing specialty websites listed at: End – click ESC to exit