Words for Production 18. normal [ `nOrmL ] n. [U] the usual state, level, amount, etc. 正 常狀態 The train services are now back to normal after last night’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Words for Production 18. normal [ `nOrmL ] n. [U] the usual state, level, amount, etc. 正 常狀態 The train services are now back to normal after last night’s accident. 詞類變化

normal [ `nOrmL ] adj. 正常的 Hot weather at this time of the year is not normal. According to the experts, this abnormal situation may be caused by the greenhouse effect. * according to + N 根據 * greenhouse effect 溫室效應

Words for Production 19. critical [ `krItIkL ] adj. very serious or dangerous 危急的, 瀕臨危亡的 In the cartoon, Superman always comes to the rescue at the critical moment. * come to the rescue 援救

Words for Production 20. urgent [ `3dZ1nt ] adj. very important and needing to be handled at once or quickly 緊急的, 急迫的 This is an urgent letter. It must be sent by express. * at once = right away = immediately * by express 快遞

Words for Production 21. conserve [ k1n`s3v ] vt. to save or use carefully; to preserve 節約;保護 Some factories have closed for two days to conserve energy. There has been a big increase in US aid to developing countries, such as Brazil, to help them conserve their rainforests. 詞類變化 * conserve energy 節約能源 * developing countries 開發中國家 * such as 例如

conservation [ &kAns2`veS1n ] n. [U] 節約;保護 In fact, the conservation of electricity is not so hard. We should not turn on the air- conditioner unless it is really hot. To prevent wild animals from extinction, wildlife conservation is an immediate must. * an immediate must 立即必須做的事

Words for Production 22. encourage [ In`k3IdZ ] vt. to make something more likely to happen or make people more likely to do something 促進,鼓勵 This small success encouraged the scientist to go ahead with his experiment on DNA. 詞類變化

encouragement [ In`k3IdZm1nt ] n. [C][U] 促進,鼓勵 All the students thanked the teacher for the encouragement he gave to them when they were upset.

Words for Production 23. efficient [ I`fIS1nt ] adj. working well, quickly, and without waste 有效率的 Giving discounts and offering gifts are the most efficient ways to encourage sales. 詞類變化

efficiency [ I`fIS1nsI ] n. [U] 效率 He always works with efficiency; that is why his boss appreciates his performance. * with + 抽象名詞 = adv with efficiency = efficiently

Words for Production 24. yield [ jild ] n. [C] the amount of something that is produced 收穫量,生產 ( 額 ) With enough sunlight and rainfall, it is estimated that there will be a high yield of grapes this year. 詞類變化

yield [ jild ] vt.; vi. 生產;屈服 The soil is sandy so it does not yield a good rice crop. The government finally yielded to the pressure of public opinion and decided not to build another nuclear power plant. * yield to = give way to 屈服於 * 不定詞的否定, 在不定詞前加否定詞, 如 not, never 等. * nuclear power plant 核能發電廠

Words for Production 25. current [ `k3r1nt ] adj. of the present time 現在的,目前的 Current fashions, not current national events, seem to be important topics among those teenagers.

Words for Production 26. capacity [ k1`p8s1tI ] n. [U] the largest amount that something can hold or produce 容量 Since the leading actress would show up and watch the movie together with her fans, the theater was soon filled to capacity. * show up = appear

Words for Production 27. worthwhile [ `w3T`hwaIl ] adj. worth doing 值得做的 We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we finally got the tickets.

4. subsidize [ `s^bs1&daIz ] vt. to pay part of the costs of something for someone 資助,津貼 Words for Recognition

5. plumbing [ `pl^mI9 ] n. all the pipes, containers for storing water, etc., in a building 配管系統 Words for Recognition

6. silt [ sIlt ] vi. to fill or become filled with sand or mud ( 淤泥 ) 充塞 Words for Recognition

7. dredge [ drEdZ ] vt. to dig up mud or sand from the bottom of a reservoir or river 疏浚 Words for Recognition

8. desalination [ dI&s8l1`neS1n ] n. [U] the process of removing salt from sea water so it can be used for drinking or watering crops 海水淡化 Words for Recognition

4. take...for granted to accept something or someone without question 認為 ( 某人/某事 ) 是 理所當然 Children often take it for granted that their parents will take care of them. Idioms and Phrases