Most Reverend Joseph J. Tyson Deacon Bob Schrom Teresa Schrom
9:00: Morning Prayer 9:15 Overview: Missionaries to our Children with Bishop Tyson, Teresa Schrom Deacon Bob Schrom participants 9:30 Symposium One: Chapter 9 Evangelizing the Culture with Father Robert Barron 11:00 Composing “Communio” Prayers 11:30 Unique for a Reason – Young adults appropriate marriage between one man and one woman 12:00 Lunch and Discussion 1:00 Symposium Two: Evangelization in Secularity with Ronald Wayne Young 2:30: Announcements 2:45 Evening Prayer
Retreat on Marriage with Brother Cyril from Mt. Angel: Deepest wounds often in the non- practice of our young adult children What are the challenges and what are the successes we’ve seen in our own families in bringing young adult to the practice of the faith? What’s the one question that’s burning inside you as you come today?
Bold over “Beige” Catholicism: Suggests that the Church should stand out in American culture and not blend in. He suggests a “communio” that witness to the culture. What’s “communio?” Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy: (See page 186 and 187) How might the ministry of the Deacon highlight this particular witness. What’s going well for your parish ministry in this area. What could be strengthened in this witness of “communio” with those in need? Is there a take-away of what you’d like to try when you return to your parish? The Eucharist: (See page 185) In the Eucharist we “…bear each others burden…” and thus form a “communio” of care and concern. Pilgrimage: Father Barron proposes a bold over a “Beige” Catholicism. Suggests that the Church should stand out in American culture and not blend in. He talks about “World Youth Day” internationally and “Corpus Christi” processions locally. What have you observed in your local parish?
General Intercessions: In bearing “…bearing each other’s burdens…” we uplift specific needs. The General Instruction notes that General Intercessions begin with the specific and move to the universal. They usually include, the Church, civil affairs, the sick, the deceased and other particular needs. Sample One: “For the Church, that she may be the pathway to Christ for those in search of meaning and purpose in their daily lives. We pray to the Lord.” Sample Two: “For Susan Smith who’s suffering from cancer, and for all those suffering from life threatening illness, we pray to the Lord.”
ORATIONS: The opening prayer, the prayer over the gifts and the prayer after communion all have a common pattern: “You, who, do, through.” Sample One: Loving and ever-gracious God, you sent us your Son Jesus to walk with us and even now sustain us with the gift of the Holy Spirit, draw near to us now as we learn better ways to voice the desires of the people we serve as Deacons. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
exual-difference-video/ exual-difference-video/ How has it been for you in passing on to your children the Church’s understanding of marriage? What do you see in today’s young adults that’s hopeful? As deacons presiding at marriage, what’s the insight you’re taking away from the video and this discussion?
Overview: Meaning of secularity: eternal in everyday. H. Richard Neibhur in his work “Christ and Culture” proposes there possible ways we may respond to secularized culture (See page 207): (1) Christ Against Culture: “Distance” from secularity (2) Christ of Culture: “Drawing near” to secularity (3) Christ Above Culture: “Transcends” secularity
Who are the missionaries? Fr. Young suggests an “imbalance” that has disempowered the laity in the world and has clericalized lay ministry. Are we into maintenance or are we into mission? Do we spend more time getting people in the doors or do we spend more time fixing the doors? Do we spend more energy on internal “inside” Church issues or are we pointed “out” towards the world as missionaries of Jesus Christ?
Do you know who your less active people are? Do you know who the inactive young adults are, i.e. other people’s children? Can people in your parish be motivated to reach out to less active people in your parish and community? Examples for your parishes? Are you waiting for the “sheep” to come to you or are you willing to go look for the “lost sheep?”
Many people say that they are receptive to greater involvement that they find to be worthwhile. Could it be that there are sizable numbers of Catholics, both active and less active, who similarly are open to great financial involvement if they found the ministry causes – such as ministry to children and teenagers to be worthwhile? How are our people – active and inactive – led to the truth of the Church teachings? Final thoughts about the day?
Deacon in-service day: Fall/Winter 2012 Most Reverend Joseph J. Tyson Deacon Bob Schrom Teresa Schrom