Chapter 4 Test Review 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4 Test Review 2011

1 Which event led to the meeting of the First Continental Congress? the publication of Common Sense b. the “shot heard round the world” c. the closing of the port of Boston d. the rejection of the Olive Branch Petition

c. the closing of the port of Boston

2 What was the main issue debated during the Second Continental Congress? whether to seek a peaceful or violent solution b. how to plan a surprise attack against Britain c. how to convert more colonists to the Patriot cause d. whether foreign allies would be beneficial

a. whether to seek a peaceful or violent solution

3 How did King George’s reaction to the Declaration of Rights affect the relationship between Britain and the colonies? a. It assured the colonists that Britain sought a peaceful solution. b. It proved to the colonists that Britain would not listen to reason. c. It convinced the colonists that they were not ready to challenge Britain. d. It reminded the colonists that they were British citizens entitled to rights.  

b. It proved to the colonists that Britain would not listen to reason.

a. Concord b. Lexington c. Bunker Hill d. Cambridge 4 On the night of April 18, 1775, a force of 700 British soldiers left Boston in search of a major colonial weapons storehouse rumored to be located where? a. Concord b. Lexington c. Bunker Hill d. Cambridge

a. Concord

5 When the Minutemen faced the British Redcoats at the start of the Battle of Lexington, why did their captain yell, “Don’t fire unless fired upon a. He wanted to hear the “shot heard round the world.” b. He wanted to defend against attack, not start a war. c. He wanted to reserve ammunition for future conflicts. d. He wanted to lure his enemies peaceably back to Boston.

b. He wanted to defend against attack, not start a war.

a. Samuel Adams b. Patrick Henry c. James Otis Jr. d. John Adams 6 What member of the Second Continental Congress had defended the soldiers that had been accused of murder as a result of the Boston Massacre? a. Samuel Adams b. Patrick Henry c. James Otis Jr. d. John Adams  

d. John Adams

7 As George Washington prepared to lead the colonists against the British, Congress attempted to make peace with King George III. b. prepared the troops for a fierce battle. c. invested in a dozen new cannons. d. released 250 British war prisoners.

a. attempted to make peace with King George III.

8 What effect did Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense have on colonial leaders? It caused them to reject Enlightenment ideas. b. It inspired them to challenge British authority. c. It explained to them the good sense of monarchy. d. It persuaded them to modify British laws.

b. It inspired them to challenge British authority.

9 Why did Thomas Paine think that citizens should make laws? He believed that kings were incapable of passing laws. b. He felt people had a natural right to govern themselves. c. Thomas Jefferson and other leaders had influenced him. d. Great Britain had shown this method to be effective.

b. He felt people had a natural right to govern themselves.

10 Why might the ideas in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense have been considered bold at the time? Citizens of other nations had tried and failed to govern themselves. b. Most of the world upheld a free market economy. c. Most of the world was still ruled by monarchs. d. Citizens of other nations had never heard of democracy.

c. Most of the world was still ruled by monarchs.

11 Why did Thomas Jefferson feel the colonists had the right to break away from Great Britain? Jefferson did not believe in any form of government. b. Great Britain did not protect the rights of the colonists. c. Jefferson did not agree that social contracts should be obeyed. d. Great Britain no longer showed a desire to govern the colonists.

b. Great Britain did not protect the rights of the colonists.

12 Why was the phrase “taxation without representation” so important to the revolutionary cause? Colonists did not wish to support a government in which they had no voice. b. Great Britain would have ended taxation if colonists had kept the peace. c. Colonists believed that Great Britain should only tax certain items. d. Great Britain only taxed the colonists to force them into war.

a. Colonists did not wish to support a government in which they had no voice.

13 The Declaration of Independence raised questions about slavery because the colonial leaders did not believe slavery should be legal. b. it ensured that slaves would have to fight in the Revolution. c. it proposed passing laws that would grant rights to slaves. d. its message was not consistent with the practice of slavery.

d. its message was not consistent with the practice of slavery.

14 Which group felt the colonies did not need independence? a. Loyalists b. Patriots c. Minutemen d. mercenaries

a. Loyalists

15 Why did thousands of African-American slaves sign on with the British Army? George Washington would not pay them for service to the revolutionary army. b. The British offered freedom to any slave who served in their army. c. British forces were better trained and equipped than American forces. d. British forces pledged to put an end to the institution of slavery in America.

b. The British offered freedom to any slave who served in their army

16 Before the battle in New Jersey, why did many Patriot leaders favor a defensive war? Their actions could then be justified. b. They could make a quicker retreat. c. Their supplies would last longer. d. They could exhaust the enemy sooner.

c. Their supplies would last longer.

17 Why was winning the battle in New Jersey so important to George Washington? The one-year contract many of his soldiers were fighting under was due to expire, and he knew soldiers would not reenlist in a losing army. b. The supply of cash Congress had given him was running low, and mercenaries from the German state of Hesse were threatening to flee. c. He had retreated across the Delaware into Pennsylvania, and if he didn’t come through with a victory his political career would be over. d. He had chosen a defensive approach to war, and the fact that he’d suffered severe losses as a result made him look like a poor leader.

a. The one-year contract many of his soldiers were fighting under was due to expire, and he knew soldiers would not reenlist in a losing army.

18 The Battle of Trenton was different from previous battles because the Patriots emerged victorious. c. took prisoners. b. went on the offensive. d. fought at night.

b. went on the offensive.

19 Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point for the Patriots? The Patriots realized they did not need foreign allies. b. The Patriots saved the army from losing enlisted men. c. The Patriots got a Prussian to train the Continental Army. d. The Patriots gained the support of France and Spain.

d. The Patriots gained the support of France and Spain.

20 Why was the Marquis de Lafayette interested in the American Revolution? He wanted to turn other nations away from Enlightenment ideas. b. He was interested in obtaining land west of the thirteen colonies. c. He believed in the rights of all nations to govern themselves. d. He had been hired by the Patriots to fight as a mercenary.

c. He believed in the rights of all nations to govern themselves.

21 How was France’s interest in the revolution important from a financial standpoint? The French tried to repurchase land they had lost in the French and Indian War. b. Once they believed that the Patriots could win the war, the French provided monetary aid c. France would not allow its military to serve without pay. d. France introduced its economic system to the colonists.

b. Once they believed that the Patriots could win the war, the French provided monetary aid

22 Why was the winter at Valley Forge such a difficult time for the Continental Army? The army lacked protection and supplies. b. The army began to turn against the revolution. c. The army lost several important battles. d. The army refused to drill and train.

a. The army lacked protection and supplies.

23 What challenges did the Patriots face at sea? Their naval fleet was old and in disrepair. b. Their sailors were malnourished and many were sick. c. They had too few ships to fight large battles against the British. d. Their sailors were brave but had difficulty following orders.

c. They had too few ships to fight large battles against the British.

24 What was the importance of the War in the West during the American Revolution? They conquered all of the British forts enabling them to take control of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers b. Though they were not able to take the British strongholds, but they were able to undermine the British support system c. Their Colonial generals were far superior to the British leaders which enabled them to control all the large cities in the Ohio River Valley d. The Native Americans in the area all helped the colonists, because they wanted to get the British out hoping that the British colonies would go away with them

b. Though they were not able to take the British strongholds, but they were able to undermine the British support system

25 Who was nicknamed “the Swamp Fox,” and why? John Paul Jones, because his wiliness in capturing the British warship Serapis reminded his crew of a fox b. George Rogers Clark, because he led wet troops through the Wabash River to victory at the Battle of Vincennes c. George Washington, because his red hair shone like a fox’s coat as he led his men across the Delaware River d. Francis Marion, because of his stealth and lightning speed in carrying out guerrilla warfare in the South

d. Francis Marion, because of his stealth and lightning speed in carrying out guerrilla warfare in the South

26 What was the first event that led to the Patriots’ defeat of the British at Yorktown? George Washington combined his troops with those of the French general, Comte de Rochambeau. b. Charles Cornwallis prepared to attack a small Patriot force led by the Marquis de Lafayette. c. Charles Cornwallis moved his troops in hopes of maintaining communication with the British Navy. d. A French naval fleet approaching from the West Indies seized control of the Chesapeake Bay.

. Charles Cornwallis moved his troops in hopes of maintaining communication with the British Navy.

27 Which of these explanations does NOT account for why the British set their sights on the South? Fighters in the northern colonies were giving the British unanticipated difficulty. b. Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia had large populations of pro-British Loyalists. c. They could use brutal tactics because it would take longer for news to reach the capital. d. Slaves could be turned against the colonists with guns and a promise of freedom.

c. They could use brutal tactics because it would take longer for news to reach the capital.

28 Which of these was NOT a result of the 1783 Treaty of Paris? Each side would repay debts it owed the other b. The British would return any enslaved persons they captured c. Its boundaries would be the Mississippi River on the west, Canada to the north, and Spanish Florida on the south d. Land west of the thirteen colonies was given to France.

d. Land west of the thirteen colonies was given to France.

29 What was the primary reason why the British entered into peace talks with America after the Battle of Yorktown? a. The British suffered the loss of thousands of soldiers, and knew it would take years to recruit and train that many new men. b. The British had been neglecting its relations with France and decided to change their focus to matters closer to home. c. The British chose to give up the small portion of land making up the 13 colonies and turned their focus to the land in the West. d. The British could afford to spend years on writing an agreeable treaty, but could not afford to spend more money on its army.

d. The British could afford to spend years on writing an agreeable treaty, but could not afford to spend more money on its army.

30 What was the main reason that the colonists felt Great Britain had no right to tax them? Because they had already paid their fair share b. Because their tax rate was over 35 percent c. Because they felt it was wrong for them to be taxed, since they were not represented in Parliament d. Because they had already been charged multiple times for tea, quartering, stamps, etc.

c. Because they felt it was wrong for them to be taxed, since they were not represented in Parliament

31 Which of the following best describes the Continental Army at the beginning of the American Revolution? a. They were extremely well trained and ready to fight b. They were a poorly trained militia that was going against a professional army c. They were very rich and spoiled d. They were extremely poor and missed mamas home cooking

b. They were a poorly trained militia that was going against a professional army

32 What was the main importance of the pamphlet Common Sense? It convinced many colonists that the colonies should declare their independence from Great Britain b. It warned against how incredible the British Army was and that we should reconsider an attack on Great Britain c. It explained the main problems between the colonists and King Henry VIII of France d. It listed the 27 main items that the colonies had with Spain, Portugal and Malaysia

a. It convinced many colonists that the colonies should declare their independence from Great Britain

33 Which of the following men primarily wrote the Declaration of Independence? James Madison b. Thomas Jefferson c. Samuel Adams d. George Washington

b. Thomas Jefferson

34 What English philosopher believed that people had natural rights and laws and influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence? a. Bill Lumberg c. Charles Townshend b. John Locke d. Benjamin Franklin

b. John Locke

35 Which of the following had once helped in the invasion of Canada, but later tried to invade his country by giving up a fort? a. George Rogers Clark b. Ethan Allen c. Roger B. Taney d. Benedict Arnold  

d. Benedict Arnold

a. Samuel Adams b. Thomas Paine c. Patrick Henry d. John Hancock 36 Who was the famous member of the Virginia House of Burgesses that once said, “Give me liberty, give me death.”? a. Samuel Adams b. Thomas Paine c. Patrick Henry d. John Hancock

c. Patrick Henry

37 Who was the Virginian that was serving in the Second Continental Congress and then chosen to be the leader of the Continental Army? a. George Rogers Clark b. Richard Montgomery c. George Washington d. Benedict Arnold

c. George Washington

a. Samuel Adams b. Patrick Henry c. John Hancock d. Thomas Jefferson 38 Which of the following was the president of the Continental Congress and became the first signer of the Declaration of Independence? a. Samuel Adams b. Patrick Henry c. John Hancock d. Thomas Jefferson

c. John Hancock

a. Loyalists b. Republicans c. Patriots d. Democrats 39 Which of the following groups of colonists that supported the British, left Boston at the same time that the British troops did? a. Loyalists b. Republicans c. Patriots d. Democrats

a. Loyalists

40 What was the name of the colonial militia that resisted British troops at Lexington and Concord and were ready to fight quickly a. the Secondeers b. the Immediators c. the Minutemen d. the Quick Changers

c. the Minutemen

41 What was the central idea of the Declaration of Independence that could NOT be taken away by the government? a. That all people had the right to a job that paid them a fair amount of money b. That all people had the right to quality healthcare at a fair cost c. That all people had natural rights or unalienable rights such as freedom d. That all people had rights such as no taxes or rules on property  

c. That all people had natural rights or unalienable rights such as freedom

a. Nathan Hale b. Patrick Henry c. Benedict Arnold d. Paul Revere 42 Who became famous because of his participation in a ride through the countryside to warn colonists about British troop movements? a. Nathan Hale b. Patrick Henry c. Benedict Arnold d. Paul Revere

d. Paul Revere

a. Spain b. Mexico c. Cuba d. Canada 43 Where did thousands of British loyalists that had been living in the colonies flee to during after the American Revolution? a. Spain b. Mexico c. Cuba d. Canada  

d. Canada

44 Who was the 19-year-old French noble who served in the Patriot army and convinced his father, the king, to send 6000 more troops to America a. Marquis de Lafayette b. Spencer Shay c. Baron von Steuben d. Sir Walter Raleigh

a. Marquis de Lafayette

45 What were two reasons that the British decides to invade the South after the Battles of Saratoga? They knew the South had a smaller population and thought battles would be easier to win and their would be more food for the British soldiers to eat b. They had not been able to win battles in the Northern colonies or stay in control of those areas they had taken and they knew that there were loyalists in the South and believed that they would help the British in the fight c. They believed that the Southern slaves would raise up and defeat the Patriots because of slavery and that the climate during the winter would be better in the Southern colonies d. They felt that since it was spread out, the British soldiers would find it easier to take over farms than big cities and that the British style of fighting was more suited for fighting in the open countryside than around the big cities of the North

b. They had not been able to win battles in the Northern colonies or stay in control of those areas they had taken and they knew that there were loyalists in the South and believed that they would help the British in the fight

46 How did the geography of America help the Patriots win the American Revolution? It was too large of an area for the British army to conquer and control b. It had too many hills and mountains and made it impossible for the British to move their troops effectively c. The rivers were too narrow and did not allow the British navy to navigate the rivers and help win battles d. The boundaries of the states were physical borders that kept the British army from being able to cross them without permission from the colonies

a. It was too large of an area for the British army to conquer and control

a. Hugo Chavez b. Juan Peron c. Fidel Castro d. Bernardo de Galvez 47 Who was the governor of Spanish Louisiana that helped the Patriots by capturing British strongholds in the lower Mississippi River? a. Hugo Chavez b. Juan Peron c. Fidel Castro d. Bernardo de Galvez

d. Bernardo de Galvez

48 Who was the main naval leader of the American forces during the War for Independence against Britain? a. David Farragut b. Frank Nimitz c. John Paul Jones d. Ralph Waldo Emerson  

c. John Paul Jones

a. Trenton b. Valley Forge c. Charleston d. Saratoga 49 Where did General George Washington camp take up during the horrible winter of 1777-1778? a. Trenton b. Valley Forge c. Charleston d. Saratoga

b. Valley Forge

50 On what date was the Declaration of Independence formally adopted? June 27, 1776 b. July 4, 1776 c. July 2, 1776 d. August 4, 1776

b. July 4, 1776

51 Which of the following groups was NOT left out of the Declaration of Independence? White Male Americans b. Native Americans c. African Americans d. Female Americans

a. White Male Americans

52 What was the name of the colonial army during the American Revolution? Army of the Potomac b. Continental Army c. Army of Northern Virginia d. United States of America Army

b. Continental Army

The English Bill of Rights c. The Declaration of Rights d. 53 What document did the First Continental Congress send to King George III that consisted of 10 resolutions that included the right to “life, liberty and property”? a. The Bill of Rights b. The English Bill of Rights c. The Declaration of Rights d. The Colonial Statement of Rights

c. The Declaration of Rights

54 What was the battle that George Washington won after he rowed across the Delaware River on the evening of December 25, 1776? a. Battle of Saratoga b. Battle of Yorktown c. Battle of Charleston d. Battle of Trenton  

d. Battle of Trenton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton 55 Which of the following women was called “Molly Pitcher”, because she delivered water to the troops in the battlefield? a. Abigail Adams b. Ashley Judd c. Mary Ludwig Hays d. Elizabeth Cady Stanton  

c. Mary Ludwig Hays

a. Nathaniel Greene b. Ethan Allen c. Nathan Hale d. Bobby Knight 56 Who was the Continental Army officer who went behind enemy lines to get secrets and said at his execution after being captured, said, “I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”? a. Nathaniel Greene b. Ethan Allen c. Nathan Hale d. Bobby Knight

c. Nathan Hale

a. Vikings b. Conquistadors c. Hessians d. Conquerors 57 What were the name of the mercenaries from Germany called that helped the British fight against the colonists in the War for Independence? a. Vikings b. Conquistadors c. Hessians d. Conquerors

c. Hessians

58 Who was the leader that stepped up and helped General Washington command troops at the Battle of Yorktown? a. Baron de Kalb b. Baron Von Steuben c. Comte de Rochambeau d. Francis Marion

c. Comte de Rochambeau

59 What was the last major battle of the American Revolution? Battle of Saratoga b. Battle of Bunker Hill c. Battle of Charleston d. Battle of Yorktown

d. Battle of Yorktown

60 What was the name of the treaty that ended the American Revolution? Treaty of London of 1784 b. Treaty of Madrid of 1782 c. Treaty of Paris of 1783 d. Treaty of Rome of 1785

c. Treaty of Paris of 1783

The Americans had better knowledge of the land 61 Which of the following was NOT a main reason that Americans won the American Revolution over the British? a. The Americans had better knowledge of the land b. The Americans had better motivation to win the war since the war was being fought on American or colonial lands c. The Americans had a superior army and navy that dominated the under-trained British military d. The Americans were able to receive more financial aid from foreign nations than the British were able to do

c. The Americans had a superior army and navy that dominated the under-trained British military

That Britain would recognize the United States as independent 62 Which of the following was NOT one of the six conditions of the treaty that ended the American Revolution? a. The boundaries of the United States would be the Mississippi River on the west, Canada to the North, and Spanish Florida in the South b. That Britain would recognize the United States as independent c. That the United States would have to give Native Americans the right to vote, because of their support for the United States during the American Revolution d. The British would return any enslaved persons back to slave owners that they had captured during the war

c. That the United States would have to give Native Americans the right to vote, because of their support for the United States during the American Revolution

Each side would repay the debts it owed to the other 63 Which of the following was NOT one of the six conditions of the treaty that ended the American Revolution? a. Congress would recommend that the states return property to Loyalists that had left the country following the beginning of the war b. That the United States had the right to fish off Canada’s Atlantic Coast, near Newfoundland and Nova Scotia c. Each side would repay the debts it owed to the other d. The Americans agreed not to form a new plan of government until Britain put forth all new rules for a new economy

d. The Americans agreed not to form a new plan of government until Britain put forth all new rules for a new economy

a. Samuel Adams b. Horatio Gates c. Benjamin Franklin d. 64 Which of the following was not only a member of the Second Continental Congress, but the major leader of the Boston Sons of Liberty? a. Samuel Adams b. Horatio Gates c. Benjamin Franklin d. Samuel Prescott

a. Samuel Adams

The Ten Thoughts of Freedom c. The Olive Branch Petition d. 65 What was the name of the last ditch effort for peace from the colonists that was sent to King George III of Great Britain? a. The Peace Petition b. The Ten Thoughts of Freedom c. The Olive Branch Petition d. The Ten Ideas of Oppression

c. The Olive Branch Petition

66 What was the primary way that most women helped the Patriot cause during the war? They put on the uniform and took the places of their dead husbands b. They joined the military to learn the proper military commands in battle c. They cooked for the soldiers and provided care to the sick and wounded d. They took over the roles of lawmakers while they were off fighting the war

c. They cooked for the soldiers and provided care to the sick and wounded

a. The Bluecoats b. The Greycoats c. The Redcoats d. The Orangecoats 67 What were the British soldiers called because of the color of their jackets? a. The Bluecoats b. The Greycoats c. The Redcoats d. The Orangecoats

c. The Redcoats

a. Thomas Paine b. Everett McGill c. Ethan Allen d. Benedict Arnold 68 Who was the leader of the Green Mountain Boys that helped win at Fort Ticonderoga? a. Thomas Paine b. Everett McGill c. Ethan Allen d. Benedict Arnold

c. Ethan Allen

69 Where was the Battle of Bunker Hill actually fought? Breeds Hill c. Bum’s Hill d. Beepers Hill

b. Breeds Hill

a. the Spanish b. the Japanese c. the French d. the Canadians 70 In 1753, who fought the British over settlements in the Ohio River Valley? a. the Spanish b. the Japanese c. the French d. the Canadians

c. the French

71 What event marked the start of the French and Indian War? George Washington surrendered to the British as Fort Necessity b. The Seven Years’ War broke out in Europe c. George Washington attacked the British in Quebec d. Great Britain and France signed the War Act of France in 1754

a. George Washington surrendered to the British as Fort Necessity

a. It was the first time Parliament had tried to tax the colonists directly

72 Why was the Stamp Act of 1765 particularly upsetting to the colonists? It was the first time Parliament had tried to tax the colonists directly b. It was the first attempt by Parliament to tax exports, not just imports c. To enforce it, Britain’s standing army used violence to frighten taxpayers d. To enforce it, Britain placed its own judges on the benches of colonial courts

73 Why did Parliament repeal almost all of the Townshend Acts? It wanted to give colonists more of a sense of independence b. It could make more money paying to catch smugglers than paying to collect taxes c. It could make the same money on taxing tea as it could on almost all the other goods combined d. It wanted to reduce the tension between the colonists and the British

d. It wanted to reduce the tension between the colonists and the British

74 What did the colonists call The Coercive Acts, passed by Parliament in the spring of 1774? “The Tariff of Abominations” b. “Acts of Cruelty” c. “The Intolerable Acts” d. “King Charles’ Revenge”

c. “The Intolerable Acts”

a. Sugar b. Rum c. Tea d. Molasses 75 The British East India Company was in charge of what type of trade based on an act passed in 1773? a. Sugar b. Rum c. Tea d. Molasses  

c. Tea

a. the Seven Year’s War b. Vietnam War c. War of 1812 d. World War I 76 The French and Indian War fought in North America was part of which of the following wars fought in Europe? a. the Seven Year’s War b. Vietnam War c. War of 1812 d. World War I

a. the Seven Year’s War

a. Montreal b. Vancouver c. Quebec d. Toronto 77 The victory at this Canadian city was the major turning point of the French and Indian War turning it in the favor of the British a. Montreal b. Vancouver c. Quebec d. Toronto

c. Quebec

78 The treaty that ended the French and Indian War was the Treaty of Rome of 1755 b. Treaty of Philadelphia of 1769 c. Treaty of Tordesillas of 1758 d. Treaty of Paris of 1763

d. Treaty of Paris of 1763

a. Fishing b. Furs c. Timber d. Slaves 79 Other than the struggle for land, this business was the other major reason that the French and Indian War was fought in North America a. Fishing b. Furs c. Timber d. Slaves

b. Furs

a. Paul Revere b. James Otis c. Samuel Prescott d. Patrick Henry 80 His famous engraving of the Boston Massacre from the colonial point of view helped incite many of the colonists to want Britain to pay for what they had done. a. Paul Revere b. James Otis c. Samuel Prescott d. Patrick Henry

a. Paul Revere

81 This act was passed by Britain when they repealed the Stamp Act to tell the colonies that Britain had complete authority over them a. Townshend Act b. Authoritative Act c. Coercive Act d. Declaratory Act

d. Declaratory Act

Committees of Correspondence 82 Samuel Adams put this organization together to communicate with people from all the colonies by letter to keep them informed of the goings on a. Daughters of Liberty b. Committees of Correspondence c. Sons of Society d. Pony Express

b. Committees of Correspondence

83 Which of the following was NOT part of the Intolerable Acts that Britain decided to put on the colonists following the Boston Tea Party? a. The colonists had to swear allegiance to King James b. The charter of Massachusetts was canceled and the legislature could only meet if the governor gave permission c. A new Quartering Act required colonists to house British soldiers d. British General Thomas Gage became the new governor of Massachusetts  

a. The colonists had to swear allegiance to King James

a. Consumer challenging b. Boycott c. Marketing d. Inflation 84 What do we call a form of protest in which you refuse to buy a certain good to force some kind of change? a. Consumer challenging b. Boycott c. Marketing d. Inflation

b. Boycott

Committees of Correspondence 85 What secret society was formed by Samuel Adams to help organize protests and resistance to British laws and taxes? a. Committees of Correspondence b. Secret Police c. Sons of Liberty d. Men of Freedom

c. Sons of Liberty

86 Which of the following would have been taxed under the Stamp Act of 1765? Marriage license b. Newspapers c. Playing cards d. All of these choices

d. All of these choices

87 How did the British soldiers use Writs of Assistance? It allowed the British soldiers to enter colonists houses and search for smuggled goods. b. It allowed the British soldiers to stop colonists on the street and search them for notes or pamphlets that protested the British c. It allowed the British soldiers to arrest colonists who were protesting in public d. It allowed the British soldiers to take any property from colonists they thought would help them in war

a. It allowed the British soldiers to enter colonists houses and search for smuggled goods.

Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys 88 What group dressed as Indians, allegedly led the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773 a. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys b. Society of Friends c. Red Light Brigade d. Sons of Liberty

d. Sons of Liberty

a. Loyalists b. Patriots c. Tories d. Confederates 89 What was the name for people in the colonies that sided with the rebels that wanted to fight for independence? a. Loyalists b. Patriots c. Tories d. Confederates

b. Patriots

He seldom had enough equipment, food or supplies for his troops 90 Which of the following was NOT a challenge that Washington faced as Commander of the Continental Army? a. He was trying to avoid a major defeat until his army was large enough, trained better and more equipped to face the professional British troops b. He seldom had enough equipment, food or supplies for his troops c. Most of his troops were too old and had trouble trying to keep up with the marching, carrying of their supplies, the long hours and lack of adequate sleeping quarters d. Fighting with an army of volunteers who often went home when their time of service was up made it difficult to produce a cohesive professional army

c. Most of his troops were too old and had trouble trying to keep up with the marching, carrying of their supplies, the long hours and lack of adequate sleeping quarters

The End Good Luck on the Celebration of Knowledge