1 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001. 2 The Social Process Neighborhood Family Summits Family Economi c Success Employment- Workforce Attachment Income-


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Presentation transcript:

1 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001

2 The Social Process Neighborhood Family Summits Family Economi c Success Employment- Workforce Attachment Income- Financial assets Equal access to financial services Families Connecte d to Supportiv e Services Development supports and services Crisis supports and services Effective, accessible, affordable... Family Relationa l Success Information access Role models – positive reinforcements Respite, solace, support...

3 I. Home Ownership & Improvement At Sector 2s Neighborhood Family Summit, residents said they want: + opportunity to buy their own homes + support for home repairs + recognition of tenants rights At their Summit, Sector 3 residents called for: + housing for everyone + Improvements to existing homes Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001

4 II. Senior Services & Resources Sector 1 and Sector 3 residents are concerned about seniors access to: nutrition, medicine and healthcare services help with home maintenance and transportation social interaction with their peers and across generations community centers Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001

5 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 … churches and schools stayed open for evening classes and community activities … adults could take GED classes in Spanish … more teachers met the families of their students … people were more connected to each other … new parents had support of a neighborhood mom … more students were mentored and encouraged to stay in school Sector 2 residents said their quality of life would be improved if... III. Formal & Informal Education

6 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 At Sector 3s family summit, residents asked for: + bilingual/bicultural studies from K through 12 + better schools + more college scholarships + elimination of prejudice and racism + quality, value-centered education for everyone + parenting and sex education for boys and girls + educational opportunities for school drop-outs and unwed moms III. Formal & Informal Education

7 In a series of community meetings, Sector 4 residents called for: a long-term strategy for culturally relevant/bilingual curriculum and materials technology training and access for youth and families more teachers and teacher support access to school and church facilities for training and programs Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III. Formal & Informal Education

8 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IV. Strengthening Family Foundations Sector 3 residents believe families can be made stronger through: Family education + instilling family values + increasing environmental awareness + prevention education about family violence Better communication and understanding + strengthening intergenerational ties + attending church as a family + having more respect for children + reaching out to neighbors Implementing a community dream team

9 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 Families getting to know each other Men taking responsibility for their children Family violence intervention Parental accountability and supervision of their children Support from the faith community Accessible parenting programs and support Education/activity programs for youth too old for daycare but too young to work In Sector 5, residents want to see more... IV. Strengthening Family Foundations

10 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. Youth Development In Sector 1, residents want neighborhood children and teenagers to have better... Education + preparing children to read before entering school + strong, caring principals and teachers + parent involvement + more educational opportunities for everyone Out of school activities + quality after-school care for all youth + computer centers for kids + programs that teach teens about community responsibility

11 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 listen to teens concerns create good jobs for young people locate basketball courts and recreational centers close to neighborhoods plant more trees build clubhouses for families to use change the legal age for driving provide more parks and playgrounds, and keep them clean and safe Sector 2 residents expressed the need to: V. Youth Development

12 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 Young people and adults in Sector 3 want: more recreational and cultural programs for youth + summer and other out-of-school programs + supervised sports activities + youth centers and gyms to help gang members better coordination between schools and youth-serving programs + transportation for teens after school to centers + more positive Hispanic role models + better adults:child ratios in daycare centers V. Youth Development

13 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 Sector 4 residents want: more developmental programsarts, spiritual, sportsfor youth safe gathering places for young people programs based on self- esteem, youth input and parental support/ involvement Sector 5 residents want: seniors to mentor kids in community centers more enrichment and treatment services for young adults youth-governed safe places where they can talk counseling services for parents of troubled youth V. Youth Development

14 VI. Neighborhood Security Sector 1 residents dream of living in safe neighborhoods. They want to... … get rid of drugs … eliminate fear and violence … stop all gang violence … increase school traffic safety … create neighborhood watches … increase police visibility Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001

15 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 For Sector 2 residents, living in a safe neighborhood means: Creating a safe environment + better street and park lighting + better animal control + slower traffic Working for a drug-free neighborhood + informing people about drugs + getting rid of drug hangouts Caring for others + provide homes for the homeless + preventing child abuse + working closely with families VI. Neighborhood Security

16 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 … better lighting … fewer bars … more police patrols … help for victims of domestic violence … no more gangs and drugs … more attention from city hall In Sector 3, residents want to have... VI. Neighborhood Security

17 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 … wide sidewalks … more stop signs and speed bumps … more street lights … less violence … fewer robberies … safe and clean parks Sector 4 residents want to live in a neighborhood with... VI. Neighborhood Security

18 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. Neighborhood Improvement & Beautification Improved living conditions + more individual housing + fewer projects--crowded housing + public housing improvements Better infrastructure + speed bumps on small streets + better streets and sidewalks + trolley service Sector 2 residents felt strongly about the need for: Cleaner neighborhoods + neighborhood clean-up groups + attractive murals + no graffiti + clean yards + repairs to old houses + trash pick-up + attention to vacant houses

19 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 Better infrastructure housing rehab street and drainage repairs street lights and sidewalks speed bumps neighborhood parks Sector 3 residents had similar concerns: Neighborhood clean-up individual and mutual responsibility cleaner yards and homes old buildings torn down neighborhood bars closed VII. Neighborhood Improvement & Beautification

20 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 … taking pride in neighborhood to prevent dumping … helping elderly keep up their homes … getting involved; mowing lawns, making changes … keeping sidewalks clean … picking up trash … cleaning up abandoned homes At their summit, Sector 5 residents stressed the need for... VII. Neighborhood Improvement & Beautification

21 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. Civic Involvement & Government Accountability Take ownership + Develop pride in home + Create neighborhood associations Get community involved + Get to know neighbors + Engage more families + Work together for change In Sector 1, residents looked at what they could do to improve their neighborhoods: Demand more services + Code compliance + Programs to help homeowners + Workshops on home improvement

22 Sector 2 residents stressed need for helping each other. Help elderly neighbors. Get project residents and others involved. Advocate for seniors. Work to get rid of poverty. Help those in need. Work for more assistance and better health care for seniors. Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. Civic Involvement & Government Accountability

23 In Sector 5, residents talked about the need to … … know ones elected officials … register to vote … get city leaders to hear what they have to say … get Code Compliance to enforce law against dumping … have a central location for public services and 24/7 hotline Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. Civic Involvement & Government Accountability

24 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. Increased Programs, Centers & Parks Recreation and enrichment + parks and playgrounds + community activity centers + sports activities for all ages + programs for latch-key kids + teen centers + cultural arts programs + bookstores + fun reading programs + Chicano studies in schools Sector 1 residents want more resources in the areas of: Economic development + more jobs + living wages + small business incubators + a community bank for small business and housing loans + more buses Community/information resources + one-stop information center + city information number: e.g., 711

25 Sector 3 residents want...: … an information center in the West Side They spoke specifically about the need for… … more child care facilities … daycare for the children of unwed moms Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. Increased Programs, Centers & Parks

26 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 X. Health Care through Prevention & Intervention Access to + dental care + affordable medicine + health care for prostitutes + health care for undocumented families Treatment and prevention of + alcohol and drug addiction Sector 4 residents expressed the need for: Community education in + nutrition and food preparation + obesity prevention and intervention + teen pregnancy prevention + prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse

27 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 employment for every adult in every household employment consideration for women with handicapped children health benefits for all workers Sector 2 residents said they want: XI. More Economic Opportunities & Financial Stability more locally-owned businesses family-owned child care centers job skills training a conveniently located supermarket

28 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 XI. More Economic Opportunities & Financial Stability Better jobs and wages + equitable salaries + increased pay scales +training for better jobs Business development + more business opportunities + attracting large businesses Sector 3 residents stressed the need for: More support for workers + better benefits + support for families during times of crisis + affordable housing + accessible adult education

29 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 I.A. Support Home Improvement Sector 3 input Modernize/improve homes Better housing –paint, level Fix homes Repair homes Fix up homes Vivienda Que mejorara la vivienda Mejoras en las viviendas Que arreglen la casa donde vivimos Vivienda para todos

30 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 I.B. Viviendas (Housing) Sector 2 input Viviendas Una oportunidad para una casa propia Orientacion para hacer valer nuestros derechos como rentador Programa para componer casas

31 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 II.A. Assistance for Seniors Sector 1 input Seniors Help the person who needs help Help seniors with their needs Help the elderly people who need help Improve homes of the elderly Provide health care for everyone No penalization of any kind Volunteers for home maintenance Community Center for senior citizens Recruit seniors for programs

32 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 II.B. Senior Services Sector 3 input Seniors Help for the elderlyesp. medicine Strengthen intergenerational ties Help for seniors Build hall at church for seniors Senior nutrition centers Aware of older persons needs: medical, go to store, etc. Create a new world Have more centers for elderly for health reasons and recreation

33 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 II.B. Senior Services Sector 3 input Create a New World (continued) Hallgym Community center Ayudar Ancianos Mas ayuda para los ancianos Que se ayude a los ancianos Mas ayuda para los ancianos

34 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III.A. Better Education Sector 3 input Educate youth Much more help for our teens but really start at younger age Sex education for male teens given by males Educate teenage mothers or parents Parenting classes Sex educationteens Advice for kids Work with school drop-outs Better education More scholarships for college

35 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III. B. Quality Education Sector 2 input Neighborhood resources to increase quality of life Keep churches/schools open (esp. churches) with activities, classes, places to gather Make lots of fun, safe activities for children and teenagers After school special interest clubs Childrens playground/senior citizens Build community center Connect people to each other

36 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III. B. Quality Education Sector 2 input Neighborhood resources to increase quality of life (continued) Connect people to each other Inventory capacities/gifts Recreation--learn to play Teens stay out of trouble Make sure new parents have a neighbor mom for support Provide education for families Teach people to respect everything Classes for adults and teens on responsibility

37 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III. B. Quality Education Sector 2 input Provide education for families (continued) Create a community high school campus Build on pride and success Open up more centers Free classes on fun activities for whole family Early drug awareness Bring back SANYO (employment for teens) Ensure quality education through partnerships Work with businesses, neighborhoods, schools, etc.

38 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III. B. Quality Education Sector 2 input Ensure quality education through partnerships (continued) Have all teachers meet families of students Teenagers would graduate from high school Education--learning to be someone Generate encouragement Mentoring after school Have more informing Parents more involved with kids Parent involvement in school

39 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III. B. Quality Education Sector 2 input Mejor educacion Una buena escuela para todo el pueblo (ninos y adultos) Centro de ninos Dar consejos ninos y jovenes Que Dios cambie a las personas a buenos pensamientos Oportunidad de terminar la escuela para adultos en espanol

40 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 III. C. Education Sector 4 input Education Develop a long-term strategy for curriculum and materials (culturally relevant & bilingual) More teachers & teacher support (Resident education about role in neighborhood) Technological training & access for youth and families (after school summer programs) Access to existing facilities for training and programs (Example: use of schools/churches)

41 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IV. A. Family Education Sector 5 input Family education Affordable higher education Proveer mas informacion y orientacion a los padres Parenting classes Acceso de programas para padres (de-centralizacion) Better teachers Education and entertainment for youth too old for day care but too young for jobs Education--morals/values (pre-K and up) Peer program

42 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IV.B. Strengthen Families through Education Sector 3 input Instill family values Teach Love Faith Unity Educate families Educate whole families Attend church as family More school uniforms Environmental awareness More technology opportunities

43 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IV.B. Strengthen Families through Education Sector 3 input Family programs Strengthen intergenerational ties Eliminate family violence Education More respect from children Implement community dream team

44 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IV.C. Family Strengthening Sector 5 input Family strengthening Intercambio mas positivo entre familias (mejor orientacion) More families getting to know each other Domestic violence Mas intervencion en la violencia familiar Find roots of problems (absence of love) Get people to come together Faith-based outreach program Una expectativa que los hombres tomen responsabilidad de sus hijos

45 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IV.C. Family Strengthening Sector 5 input Family strengthening (continued) Más respaldo de parte de los padres Más supervision de parte de los padres sobre sus hijos Iglesias: mas servicios; necesitan mas respaldo Necesitamos centros recreativos Substance abuse treatment when needed Drug follow-up rehab Fine parents--accountability

46 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IV.D. Neighbors Talking to Neighbors Sector 3 input Respeto mutuo Que tengamos armonia Que seamos unidos Mas paz en la vecindad Respeto mutuo para todos La comunicación Comunicación mejor entre vecinos Mas comunicación entre vecinos Mas comunicación entre familias

47 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V.A. Youth Issues Sector 5 input Make children more responsive Oportunidades para que hablen los jovenes Community center for seniors with mentoring program, open in evening for kids Mas tiempo/cuidado/orientacion a la juventud A place to go in the neighborhood, governed by youth

48 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V.A. Youth Issues Sector 5 input (continued) Consejos papa padres papa corregir jovenes rebeldes Safe place for playing basketball Centro de recreacion para jovenes y mayores de edad More services for young adultsenrichment and treatment Que quieren los jovenes?

49 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. B. Youth Sector 4 input Guiding principles Self esteem Youth input Parental support/involvement Programs Developmental retreats: art/spiritual/sports Establish Safe gathering places

50 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. C. Teens and Recreation Sector 2 input Making things better for you Better neighborhoods schools More and better daycare Young people have jobs Put playgrounds in the communities Listen to teens concerns Change legal age for driving Help more teens Pool club (billiards)

51 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. C. Teens and Recreation Sector 2 input Build neighborhood recreational facilities Make basketball courts closer to the houses More playgrounds and courts Safe playgrounds Build parks and clubhouses for families Develop safe youth activities More activities for older teens Program for kids strength Pondria un parque

52 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. C. Teens and Recreation Sector 2 input Parques y recreación Centro de recreacion para nuestros adolecentes Plant more trees Deportes para chamacos y ninos Un parque grande con juegos y canchas limpias Que hicieran un parque cerca de donde vivo Develop parks for neighborhood Pondria un parque

53 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. D. Youth Services and Programs Sector 3 input Jovenes Programas buenos para ninos es verano Mejores comidas en las escuelas Mejores canchas para los jovenes y cerca de aqui Haria un lugar recreativo (como canchas de basketball)

54 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. D. Youth Services and Programs Sector 3 input Jovenes (continued) Juegos para ninos Deportes Mas recreaciones para los ninos Deportes y actividades para jovenes Mas vigilancia a ninos en daycare Recreation and Cultura Centros deportivos, recreativos y culturales More parks, community centers (family oriented swimming pools) Park in area

55 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. D. Youth Services and Programs Sector 3 input Youth Services Make a center for kids Transportation for teens after school to centers Safe teen activities High schools more involved in centers Que hicieran un parque cerca de donde vivo

56 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. D. Youth Services and Programs Sector 3 input Youth Programs Have more Hispanic role models Recreation centers for all youth Build youth center A gym for children Gym to help gang members Punish truants and graffiti writers with community services A civic center-computers and art

57 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. E. More Education and Youth Services Sector 1 input Make it possible for every child to be prepared to read before entering school Good education Academic programs Tener buenas principales para tener un buen control en las escuelas Que haiga buena seguridad para los ninos Have educational opportunities for everyone Every parent involved in childs school

58 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. E. More Education and Youth Services Sector 1 input (cont) Tener la oportunidad de trabajar mas con los ninos en las escuelas Teachers authority Discipline in school Corporal punishment back (spankings) Scholarship for all graduates ….mas computadoras… Establish comprehensive after school program to take care of all youth and children Impart ambition

59 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 V. E. More Education and Youth Services Sector 1 input (cont) Build a computer center for kids Get teens off street (programs) Keep the children safe! Get more help for teens Employ barrio youth to clean neighborhood Transportation for teenagers after school Community responsibility for teens Teen volunteers to clean up neighborhood

60 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. A. Neighborhood Security Sector 3 input Suguridad Tener mas policia para proteger Ayuda a sobrevivientes de violencia domestica Mas policias en nuestras calles (esp. en los courts) Seguridad publica Tener mas policia Bares-que no hay Drogras-que no hay La condicion de los Lincoln courts Recibir mas atencion del alcalde Que no haiga pandillas Se acaben: las drogas abuso de niñoa gangas

61 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. A. Neighborhood Security Sector 3 input Protect the neighborhood Unite the community Start-up watch programs Make community safe Police protection Security More lights in neighborhood Lighting around dark areas More police patrols Seguridad Mas vigilancia Ayuden y cuiden uno al otro

62 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. B. Security Sector 2 input Suguridad Quitaria tienta de arabes porque venden cigarros y cervezas a nuestros ninos Mas seguridad en mi barrio Light up areas better La ciudad ponga mas seguridad Poner un sign para que pasen los carros mas despacio Mas seguridad y honestidad Mas mejor luz en las calles Sentirse seguro en el lugar donde estamos sin presion

63 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. B. Security Sector 2 input (cont) Create a Safe Environment Safe neighborhood parks, school Work closer with family Create awareness with family Put a playing area for children Improve neighborhood and recreational lighting Better lighting in playground areas Have better lighting Better lighting on streets

64 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. C. Animal Control Sector 2 input Develop Pet Care Program Start pet care responsibility programs Tie up all loose pets Put cats in home Dogs in fences Control de Perros/Animales Que no hubiera tantos perros en las calle por los ninos y la gente mayor Quitar los perros Amarrar a los perros sueltos Control dogs

65 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. D. Security Sector V input More security Wide sidewalks Mas luces More stop signs Put in speed bumps Mas luces en las calles Bordos (speed bumps) Add speed bumps Stop robberies…feel safe Corner street lights Mas seguridad/vigilancia Get drinkers out of parks No violence

66 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. E. Increase Safety Sector I input Increase safety Increase police visibility Community police-not more cops Stop all gang violence Increase police patrol More policias Eliminate domestic violence No more drugs Quitar la droga de mi barrio

67 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VI. E. Increase Safety Sector I input Increase safety No graffiti Eliminate fear Speed bumps in school zones Neighborhood watches Safety and environment Post more speed zones with lights Improve traffic safety: speed bumps Increase school traffic safety

68 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. A. Cleaner Neighborhoods Sector 3 input Safe and more beautiful Westside Remodel or tear down bad houses Fix houses in need of repair Clean houses Repair side walks and streets Beautiful westside Fix the streets Remove graffiti Remove stray animals Better traffic control Remove the bars

69 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. A. Cleaner Neighborhoods Sector 3 input (cont) Limpieza Mas limpio Barrios limpios de basura y grafiti Responsabilidad individual y mutua Limpieza en la jardin Mas limpieza For everyone to have a clean place

70 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. B. Neighborhood Beautification Sector V input Physical conditions of environment Take pride in neighborhood to prevent dumping Keep side walks clean New definition of affordable housing Clean up dirty/abandoned areas Help elderly keep up their homes Get involved to mow lawns and make changes More affordable, quality housing for everyone Get trash off grounds Graffiti

71 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. C. Neighborhood Beautification Sector 2 input Organize neighborhood clean-up groups Remove trash from streets Clean up all trash Have clean-up groups Keep neighborhoods neat and clean Trash-needs to be picked up Fix up old houses Clean up streets Keep streets clean Clean vacant houses Cleaner play grounds Create neighborhood clean-up groups

72 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. C. Neighborhood Beautification Sector 2 input (cont) Work for better streets Sidewalks, parks, trees Stop the graffiti Make courts nicer to live in Create Better Environment Clean the neighborhoods Neighborhood clean-up Clean up the streets Westside trolley service

73 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. C. Neighborhood Beautification Sector 2 input Limpiar y componer Que tengan conciencia las personas que sacan su basura grande con mucho tiempo Limpiar las calles Limpiar casas por fuera y por dentro Mejorar la pintura en paredes que hacen los muchachos I would clean the house next door that is vacant Fix up houses-paint, fence, clean

74 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. C. Neighborhood Beautification Sector 2 input (cont) Limpiar y componer Clean yards Quitar graffiti Desborrar las letras en las banquetas Quitar malos olores Good pluming, good electricity Levantar papeles

75 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. C. Neighborhood Beautification Sector 2 input Improve living conditions Less project and crowded housing, more individual housing Clean and protect environment Safe neighborhood and better streets Beautify the Community Clean up gang tagging Change the community Clean up the community

76 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. C. Neighborhood Beautification Sector 2 input Improve Community Infrastructure Put speed bumps on my street Make a speed limit Encourage good building art Limit for cars to slow down on small streets Encourage city-build good infrastructure

77 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. D. Better Infrastructure Sector 3 input Community Clean Up Water drainage on Perez & Hamilton A fund for paint for our houses Fix Lyons Street Fix St. Agnes Senior Center Clean the lot on Pace Alley Rehabilitate housing Clean graffiti Cleaner yards and homes Mejoramientos (infrastructure) Mas luces Mejores calles para los ninis (banquetas/pavimients) Repair sidewalks Mas luces en las calles

78 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. D. Better Infrastructure Sector 3 input (cont) Restore the Neighborhood Clean up the West Side Clean the neighborhood Close down neighborhood bars Pave the streets Fix the streets Street lights Tear down old buildings Fix old buildings

79 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. D. Better Infrastructure Sector 3 input Mejorar las Calles Las banquetas de las calles Poner mas luz electrica en la calle Que las calles esten limpias Que haya luz en las calles Que se camine con confianza a la hora que sea Luz en calle Topes en las calles

80 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. D. Better Infrastructure Sector 3 input (cont) Mejorar las Calles Las condiciones de las calles Poner mas drainages entre las calles Mejorar las calles y poner mas luces Mejoras en el drenaje Luces en los callejones Las calles sin pozos Componer las calles

81 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VII. D. Better Infrastructure Sector 3 input (cont) Neighborhood Improvements Neighborhood programs to improve homes Cleaner neighborhood! Street-Yards! We need sidewalks Street and side walks for school children Free housing for everyone Parks in the neighborhood Street repairs Speed bumps

82 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. A. Community Improvements thru Involvement Sector 1 input Have everyone take ownership of their community! More people at our summit Community involvement More involvement Get community involved Create neighborhood associations

83 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. A. Community Improvements thru Involvement Sector 1 input (cont) Family engagement Working together Create environment in which we can all get along- peace, love, friends Know neighbors Sense of trust among neighbors Write on common goals

84 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. A. Community Improvements thru Involvement Sector 1 input (cont) More community participation Neighborhood associations more active Develop pride regarding homes Fix these two houses that look awful on my street Make my neighborhood look beautiful Programs to help homeowners

85 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. A. Community Improvements thru Involvement Sector 1 input (cont) Workshops on home improvement Homeowners home improvement grants Code compliance call your councilman Clean up the neighborhood Spiritual (focus on God)

86 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. B. Community Involvement Sector 2 input Making a difference for seniors More recreation centers More bingo places Better health care for seniors Advocate for seniors Get involved with my community Get people involved Install a sense of pride Get involved with the neighborhood Project residents involved

87 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. B. Community Involvement Sector 2 input (cont) Work with Caring Families Get rid of poverty Help those in need Fix up my neighbors house Help the elderly on my block People Helping People Help families to gather more More elderly assistance More people involved in the community

88 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 VIII. C. Civic Action Sector 5 input Know elected officials City leaders hear what residents have to say Get registered to vote Code compliance: keep clean after brush pick- up, enforce law about dumping Central location for services, 24/7 hotline, walk-in okay Double up on police force Enforce curfew

89 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. A. Increase Community Resources and Cultural Arts Sector 1 input Create more recreation for children-playgrounds and activities Improve Kennedy Park Repair our church Provide transportation to all students in need of after school activities Teen/Senior Activity Center Teen Center for children who are alone A playground for our neighborhood Help my family/elderly/childsitting

90 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. A. Increase Community Resources and Cultural Arts Sector 1 input (cont) Community center built-children and senior citizen Unlimited amount of resources to build stronger and safer neighborhoods Promote program availability One-stop center information (housing, code compliance, etc.) City-wide information number, like 711 Living wage

91 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. A. Increase Community Resources and Cultural Arts Sector 1 input (cont) Create more recreation for children-playgrounds and activities Improve Kennedy Park Repair our church Provide transportation to all students in need of after school activities Teen/Senior Activity Center Teen Center for children who are alone A playground for our neighborhood Help my family/elderly/childsitting Improve information about available resources

92 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. A. Increase Community Resources and Cultural Arts Sector 1 input (cont) Remove poverty No more two parents working Develop community bank to encourage economic development Neighborhood banks for loans for housing Incubator centers for small business development More businesses= more jobs Publicity

93 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. A. Increase Community Resources and Cultural Arts Sector 1 input (cont) Cultural arts programs in all neighborhoods Xicano/a studies in schools Fun reading programs Fine art programs Build bookstores Bookstores

94 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. B. Resource awareness Sector 3 input Information Clearinghouse Information Center-West

95 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 IX. C. Child Care Sector 3 input Child Care Start a child care center Child care facility Daycare for unwed moms

96 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 X. A. Health Care Sector 4 input Accessible Health Care Dental care Medicine purchase assistance Undocumented health Health care for prostitutes Health Care Education Nutrition Cooking classes Obesity Teen pregnancy Training

97 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 X. A. Health Care Sector 4 input (cont) Neighborhood Drug Prevention and Rehabilitation Counseling alcohol/drugs/addiction programs for youth, parents Affordable health care

98 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 X. B. Health Care Sector 3 input Servicios Clinicas en el barrio Mejores escuelas (instrucción y condiciones fisicas) Parque o centro actividades para todos Health Care Free health care Better health care

99 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 XI. A. Jobs and Wages Sector 3 input Desarrollo Economico Aumentar el salario minimo Mejores beneficios en los trabajos Mas escuelas para adultos aqui cerca de la comunidad La pobreza de nuestra gente Mejores salarios Salarios Mas negocios grandes More equal funding Funding (monies) Maintain families at safe economic level during crisis

100 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 XI. A. Jobs and Wages Sector 3 input (cont) Raise Pay Scale Training for better jobs Raise pay scale Jobs & Wages The rent too high of house Centros de capacitacion laboral Give everyone a good job Salarios justos para todos Job Opportunities No vagrants (find jobs) Small business development Wages and Income More business opportunities Better jobs

101 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 XI. B. Economic Development Sector 2 input Develop Economic Opportunities Adults would have employment in every household Auto tech training and other job skills Neighborhood family owned child care centers Neighborhood owned businesses/shops

102 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 XI. B. Economic Development Sector 2 input (cont) Beneficios a Trabajadores Facilidad de trabajo para las madres con ninon incapacitados Servicios medicos para todos los trabajarodres

103 Neighborhood Family Summits June 2001 XI. B. Economic Development Sector 2 input (cont) Condiciones generales Ayuda personal para c/u de nosotros segun nuestras necesidades Pescar un pescado Cambiar mi barrio donde vivo Mejor gobierno La ciudad ponga mas atencion en distrito #6 Desarrollo economico Que pusieran una tienda grande cerca como el HEB