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Presentation transcript:



, Gaming or Instant messaging May provide personal information. Learn how to block people You don’t know who you are talking to.

Hi, my name is Manny… I am 22 years old, 6 foot with blonde hair and blue eyes. I work as a fitness instructor. I am interested in reading and romantic evenings in. I also really enjoy socialising with friends. I am looking to meet someone with similar interests and a great personality.

I bet you were not expecting to see me.

Cyber-bullying Saying something that may be rude or hurtful to someone else against the law. If someone says something rude or hurtful to you on the internet or in a text, do not respond. Tell an adult straight away.

Chat rooms

Facts Facebook, Bebo and Myspace are age restricted. Users must be over 13! Any information (including photos) that you upload to the internet is then open to public access.

Safety tips for Google

What can we do ? Check out good sites for younger children Be actively involved in your child’s internet use. Emphasise safe online behaviour and discuss why this is needed. Investigate any chat rooms or online clubs that your child wants to join. Use family-friendly search engines designed for children ( Keep the computer in a public area of the home to supervise children’s use.

How to help children be safer surfers Keep the computer in a family area of the house. Talk to your children about the risks on the internet. Set some ground rules on how the internet is to be used.

Computers are very important in today’s society… But there are other ways to spend you time!