EOC Private Sector Liaisons May 26, 2009 Meeting Hosted by City/County of San Francisco Dept. of Emergency Management (CCSF DEM) Welcome Introductions.


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Presentation transcript:

EOC Private Sector Liaisons May 26, 2009 Meeting Hosted by City/County of San Francisco Dept. of Emergency Management (CCSF DEM) Welcome Introductions History of the Initiative Activations and Exercises Future Objectives Open Discussion Next Meeting

Post-Katrina Lessons: Business Response Task Force  Nearly 100 Companies Interviewed –Private sector must be systematically integrated into the nation’s response to disasters. Government cannot respond alone. –Government and business know intuitively that they need to work together during crisis, but how to do so does not come without effort on both sides.  Key Recommendations –Institutionalize private sector EOC collaboration in states, urban areas, FEMA –Modernize logistics processes and improve government emergency-purchasing protocols

Private Sector Observers - Golden Guardian ‘06 Fireman’s Fund CH2M Hill Levi Strauss Charles Schwab Bank of the West Bay Area Council Delta Dental Employers Insurance First Republic Bank Levi Strauss Macy’s West Oracle Applied Biosystems Exponent Franklin Templeton Genentech Gilead Sciences NC4 SVB Financial Visa T-Mobile CH2M Hill Chevron Steele Found. State Operations Center (SOC) Mather, CA BENS Bank of America Calif. Grocers Assoc. T-Mobile Wells Fargo Coastal Region (REOC) BENS APL Bank of America Chevron Dreyer’s Fritz Institute Google McKesson Oracle Port of Oakland Safeway T-Mobile Wash. Mutual Cisco Systems Adaptec Applied Materials Google IBM Lockheed Martin Palo Alto Med. Found.

Golden Guardian Observations  How Does the Private Sector “Plug In”? –Need for trusted private sector liaison in EOC Accurate and timely information to/from private sector Facilitate moving resources into affected areas Work out the provision of private sector resources –Need for liaisons at multiple EOCs Operational Areas (county): information and resource provision/permission Coastal Region EOC (REOC): infrastructure info and resource deployment State Operations Center (SOC): resource procurement and access to region

Golden Guardian Observations  What Resources Can Your Business Provide? –Highest public sector priority: Must be two-way relationship Need to educate EOCs/agencies on what each industry sector can offer –Critical infrastructure continuity Need access to affected areas “Tell us what you need and where to deliver it” –Most companies willing to provide: Parking lots/warehouses for staging areas Transportation, distribution, or supply chain capabilities Communications equipment Skilled volunteers

SoCal Wildfires Oct. 07  Largest Evacuation in State History –Peak 321,000 evacuated –24,000 in shelters  Private Sector Liaison Activation –State Operations Center (SOC): Calif. Grocers Assoc. and BENS –Southern Region EOC (REOC) & FEMA JFO: HSAC-BENS  Coordinated Private Resources –Bottled water (>300k bottles), food, clothing, cots (30k) –Primarily in-kind donations “ Your work during the fires staffing OES’ State Operations Center provided a critical information link and ensured delivery of necessary resources to disaster victims in a timely manner. ” - CA OES Director Henry Renteria

SoCal Wildfires Oct. 07 Areas for Improvement:  Better Visibility on Resource Needs –Need liaison in affected county’s EOC –Direct link with Red Cross and other organizations –Aidmatrix?  Operational Integration in EOCs –Define roles and procedures of liaisons –RIMS access  Information Sharing with Private Sector –Need second liaison at SOC  Scalable for Earthquake or Pandemic?  Long-Term Recovery?

Bay Area EOC Liaison Network Federal Agencies State Operations Center (SOC) Companies w/Statewide Operations Event Require -ments 6 County (Operational Area) EOCs 6 County (Operational Area) EOCs Coastal Region (REOC) Coastal Region (REOC) State Agencies County Agencies and City EOCs Companies with Concentrated Operations Companies with Concentrated Operations Business & Utilities Operations Center (BUOC) Private Sector Liaison Private Sector Liaisons Virtual BOC Network (BARCfirst, BENS, BRMA, ACP) Virtual BOC Network (BARCfirst, BENS, BRMA, ACP) Local Business Organizations

Bay Area EOC Liaison Network  Liaison Pool for 8 EOCs (6 counties + 2 state) –Bay Area: BARCfirst, BENS, BRMA, ACP –SOC/REOC: CUEA, BENS, CGA –Nearly 40 volunteers from companies, organizations, consultants  Operational Guidelines –Liaison position description –Operational guidelines –Communications protocol  Training –EOC’s training schedule –ICS 100/200  Joint Exercises –Silver Sentinel Oct. 23: Hayward Quake, Bay Area EOCs activated –Golden Guardian Nov.13-14: Los Angeles Quake, LACEOC + SOC

BENS-California OES Memorandum of Understanding - June 2008  Business & Utilities Operations Center in SOC  Developing Business & Utilities Operations Center (“BUOC”) within the State Operations Center (“SOC”)  For creating and maintaining efficient and coordinated private sector interaction during emergencies statewide  Private Sector Liaisons in SOC and REOC  Upon OES request, pre ‑ designated representatives to the SOC and/or the affected Region’s Emergency Operations Center (“REOC”)  OES will provide regular training  Response Information Management System (“RIMS”)  Access situational information  Monitor resource needs

Silver Sentinel – Oct 2008  First Bay Area-wide Exercise Where EOC Liaisons Activated –Hayward earthquake / 4 hour activation –Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, CCSF, Santa Clara, REOC  Liaisons Unclear of Role/Not Comfortable –Need training and relationship building with EOCs  Resource Requests Not Tracked –Need to track resource requests (Who? How?)  Communications –From EOC liaisons to Communications Team –Communications Team inbox (Consolidate reports? How often?) –Alternate communications

H1N1 Outbreak – April/May 2009  EOC Private Sector Liaisons Activated: –CCSF, Santa Clara –On-call/virtual: CalEMA SOC & REOC  Consolidated Situation Reports –CCSF, Santa Clara, CalEMA, CDPH, DHS private sector  CCSF Conference Call  Discussion Forum at –Enabled benchmarking  Santa Clara County Joint Information Center (JIC) – SCCPHD, SCCOES –Drafted “Guidance for Employers”  Resource Requests –N95 respirators, hand sanitizers –Tamiflu –Warehouse for Santa Clara County Public Health

Bay Area Cross-Sector Pandemic Flu Summit Key Gaps Identified  Who’s in Charge? –Clear understanding of decision authorities –Temporary suspension of certain regulations –Allocation of scarce resources, like trucking, Internet  Improve collaboration between public health and private sector –Identify mechanisms for coordination of private sector resources –Facilitate the continuity of essential services  Community self-reliance must be enhanced –Shortage of volunteers: Improve social networks at community level  Media must be enlisted as a resource

What to Expect as a Liaison TaskSuggested Action Arrival/set-up Report into whoever activated – Liaison Officer, Duty Officer or EOC Director. Set up computer and phone. Report to CommTeam with your contact info. Create a log. Send SitReps Get briefing from Liaison Officer or Section Chief. Obtain EOC’s most recent SitRep or fill out template SitRep from Guide. Send to CommTeam. Send a SitRep each shift. If public health emergency, work with Joint Information Center (JIC). Introduce yourself Meet the Logistics Chief and team. Meet the Red Cross liaison, CARD/CADRE/ CalVolunteers, and any utility representative. Zip codes of impacted areas Ask Liaison Officer, who will probably refer you to Planning/Intelligence, specifically GIS. Send to CommTeam. Resource request Log contact info, mission #, and as much specifics as possible incl. rationale. Send to CommTeam. Follow up later with CommTeam if no response. Resource donation Log contact info, location, and as much specifics as possible. Report to Logistics Team (OpAreas) or Donations Mgt (SOC). Resource deployment Work with Operations to find out road closures (county transportation or CalTrans/CHP) Organize conference call Probably day 2? Talk to Liaison Officer, may need to ask PIO or JIC. Send dial- in info to CommTeam.

Improvement Priorities County/Operational Areas:  Build Relationships with EOCs –Periodic liaison team meetings with assigned EOC –Participate in training and exercises  Resource Request Tracking –Potential regional business resource registry  Communications –Procedures –Alternate communications CalEMA SOC/REOC:  Resource Procedures –Donations management –Transition to procurement  Identify ‘Typical’ Resource Needs −Link with CBOs  Build REOC Team  Integrate EPAW –Calif. emergency functions  Alternate Communications  Recovery

EOC Liaisons Group Webpage  Documents  Position description  Operational guidelines  After-Action reports (Silver Sentinel, Iowa floods)  Good Samaritan law AB2796  Links  Online ICS 100, 200  Discussion Forum  Post situation reports  Collaborate on improvements  Post EOC training schedules?  How to track resource requests?

For Further Information BARCfirstSteve BENS Peter CCSFMichael Cummings BRMADave ACPRay

Business Resource Registry  Secure Web database of private sector resources that businesses agree to make available to emergency management officials, on a voluntary basis  Resources include: –Equipment (trucks, vans, telecom, etc.) –Buildings (warehouse, cafeteria, office space) –Volunteers (specialties, language skills, etc.)  Aidmatrix Foundation (  Feeds into the CA Aidmatrix portal and the FEMA-sponsored National Donations Management Network – also run on Aidmatrix

What’s the Business Case?  “Continuity of Community” = Economic Resiliency  Organizing ahead of time saves time and facilitates recovery  Pooling business resources leverages state/local efforts in a disaster  Protect our most important asset – our workforce  “Bridge the Silos”: Collaboration Leads to Trust  Working relationships build trust between public and private sectors  Improved situational awareness enables better decisions  Facilitate movement of resources to where they’re needed  Corporate Citizenship