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第二节. 广告牌为什么会被风吹倒? 结构的稳定性: 指结构在负载的作用下 维持其原有平衡状态的能力。 它是结构的重要性质之一。
中食安食品安全科技服务有限公司 多维彩码技术介绍多维彩码技术介绍. ■ 目录 1. 多维彩码 2. 多维彩码追溯系统 4. 多彩追溯 APP5. 中食安业务模式 中食安食品安全科技服务有限公司 2 3. 中食安平台.
杂种植株杂种植株 融合的 原生质 体 AB 再 生 出 细 胞 壁 脱分化脱分化 愈伤组织愈伤组织 再分化再分化 复习:植物体细胞杂交 植物细胞的融合植物组织培养 植物细胞 A 原生质体 B 原生质体 A 杂种 细胞 AB 去 壁去 壁 去 壁去 壁 人工诱导人工诱导 方法? 促进融合.
02_05_ 元素和化合物晶体结合的规律性 —— 固体的结合 02_05 元素和化合物晶体结合的规律性 晶体基本结合方式 —— 取决于原子束缚电子能力的强弱 Mulliken 原子负电性定义 电离能 —— 使原子失去一个电子所需要的能量 亲和能 —— 中性原子吸收一个电子成为负离子所放出的能量 原子的负电性.
高压绕组制造 《微电机制造工艺学》 由 NordriDesign 提供
§9. 恒定电流场 第一章 静电场 恒定电流场. 电流强度  电流:电荷的定向移动  正负电荷反方向运动产生的电磁效应相同 ( 霍尔效应 特例 ) 规定正电荷流动的方向为正方向  电流方向:正方向、反方向  电流强度 ( 电流 ) A 安培 标量 单位时间通过某一截面的电荷.
第二节 财政的基本特征 第二节 财政的基本特征 一、财政分配以政府为主体 二、财政分配一般具有强制性 三、财政分配一般具有无偿性 第一章 财政概论 四、财政分配一般具有非营利性.
一、中国梦与中国特色社会主义道路创新 中国梦即实现中华民族的伟大复兴 中国梦的实现路径是中国道路 中国特色社会主义道路的科学表述 中国特色社会主义道路的形成 是对新中国成 立 60 年成功经 验的总结 是对中国近代 170 年以来历 史经验的总结 是对五千年中 华优秀文化文 化的总结.
你知道多细胞动物 和人的生长发育是 从什么细胞开始的 吗 ? 受精卵 分化 肌肉细胞 上皮细胞 人体的各种细胞图.
 5-FU 为嘧啶类的氟化物,属于抗代谢抗癌药,是消化道肿瘤化疗最常用的药物之一。  5-FU 在体内必须转化为相应的核苷酸才能发挥其抑制肿瘤的作用。当 5-FU 处于低浓度时 (10-l00mol/L) ,经磷酸化生成 1- 磷酸 -5- 氟脱氧尿嘧啶核苷,与还原型叶酸及胸腺嘧啶核苷酸 合成酶形成三联复合物,抑制.
Presentation transcript:

American Life Energy Holding Group, Inc.

dermagold100 美国和德国的科技结晶

The biological effect of shock waves can be specifically utilized to generate new tissue formation and successfully treat skin lesions

The biological effect of shock waves can be specifically utilized to generate new tissue formation and successfully treat skin lesions 冲击波的生物效应可以专门用来 生成新的身体细胞组织,治疗皮肤损伤

What are shock waves? Shock waves are high-energy acoustic waves that behave much like other sound waves except that they have much greater pressure and energy. As with sound waves, shock waves can travel great distances with ease as long as the acoustic impedance stays the same. However, when the acoustic impedance changes, energy is released and the greater the change in impedance the greater the release of energy. There is a much higher release of energy at a soft tissue/bone interface than at a muscle/fascia interface. The release of energy from the shock wave within the region of the affected tissues and the resultant compression and tension of cells creates a positive physiological effect. Mechano-transduction is the physiological effect thought to be responsible for stimulating normal and injured cells to produce healing factors.

什么是冲击波 ? 冲击波是高能量的声波,就像一般的声 波,只是能量和压力都要强多了。 它可 以在阻抗不变的情况下,一直往前进。 当阻抗改变的时候,它就会释放出能量。 当阻抗变化越大时,能量就释放的更多。 能量的释放在骨头和肌肉组织的界面, 比较皮肤和肌肉界面要强得多。 在冲击波能量的释放下,身体的细胞组 织收到了挤压和伸缩,进而产生有效的 物理效应。这种效应使得细胞产生了治 疗的作用。

What are the effects of shock waves? ESWT (Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy) had various effects on bone and soft tissue. ESWT acts through mechanotransduction, which produces therapeutic benefits through complex biological pathways including neovascularization and tissue regeneration in the therapeutic target. Generally speaking, in sub-acute and chronic conditions, ESWT stimulates the re-initiation of stagnant healing processes, which causes re-modeling, and hence promotes healing, whereas in acute conditions, ESWT appears to initiate a more rapid and effective healing phase. increase blood supply to the treated area by stimulation of neovascularization and growth factors; influence on the expression of growth factors and -indicators such as e-NOS, TGF-ß, BMP, VEGF, PCNA; re-initiate stagnant healing processes in chronic injuries; decrease inflammatory processes; stimulate osteoclasts and fibroblasts to rebuild injured tissues; facilitate resorption of calcifications in tendons and ligaments; and stimulate migration (differentiation) of stem cells.

冲击波的效果是什么 ? 体外冲击波对骨头和软组织有数种效果,通过机械传导,从而产生 治疗效益,经过复杂的生物途径,包括新生血管形成和组织再生。 它刺激启动了人体本身迟滞的自我治疗的过程。 由于新生血管和生长因子的刺激,能增加血液的供应 ; 对于以下生长因子,产生良好的影响 e-NOS, TGF-ß, BMP, VEGF, PCNA; 从新启动长期迟滞的自我治疗能力 ; 降低发炎 ; 刺激成骨细胞和成纤维细胞,以重建损伤的组织 ; 促进肌腱和韧带钙化的吸收 刺激干细胞的移动.

This is the first technology to provide: Promotion of growth Factors Promotion of Nitric Oxide Improves vascularity Promotion and migration and differentiation of stem cells Advantages of Softwave technology are: Treatments do not require anesthesia Larger surfaces such as wounds can be treated faster and easier with shockwave devices Units are smaller and much more economical to operate that “hardwave” technologies and traditional treatments Alleviates costly field service organizations to maintain Benefits of Softwave Technology

创新的科技 : 刺激生长因子 促进一氧化氮 增进血液的通顺 促进干细胞的繁殖生长 软性波的优点 : 治疗并不需要麻醉 使用冲击波设备,大面積的伤口,可以很快治疗 比起硬性波技术和一般传统设备的治疗方法,本设备的体积更小,更经济 维修容易,减少现场维修服务,降低成本 Benefits of Softwave Technology 软性波的优点 软性波的优点

Shoulder Tendinopathies Case example: 2 sessions of shock wave therapy, a total of 1000 impulses were applied in 3 minutes. Recover in 12 weeks. 2 次治疗,每次 3 分钟,共 1000 次波击, 12 周恢复期

Achillodynia 跟腱炎 Case example: 2 sessions of shock wave therapy, a total of impulses were applied in 3 minutes. Recover in 12 weeks. 2 次治疗,每次 3 分钟,共 次波击, 12 周恢复期

Greater trochanteric pain syndrome 股骨大转子疼痛综合征 Case example: 2 sessions of shock wave therapy, a total of impulses were applied in 3 minutes. Recover in 12 weeks. 2 次治疗,每次 3 分钟,共 次波击, 12 周恢复期

Myofascial syndrome 肌筋膜综合征 Case example: sessions of shock wave therapy, a total of impulses were applied in 3 minutes. Recover in 12 weeks. 1 – 6 次治疗,每次 3 分钟,共 次波击, 每周一次, 12 周恢复期

Arthritis 风湿性关节炎 Case example: sessions of shock wave therapy, a total of impulses were applied in 3 minutes. Recover in 24 weeks. 6 – 12 次治疗,每次 3 分钟,共 次波击, 每周一次, 52 周恢复期

Post-operative healing disorders 手术后愈合困难 Case example: 2 sessions of shock wave therapy, a total of 1400 impulses were applied in 4 minutes and 40 seconds. 2 次治疗,每次 4 分又 40 秒,共 1400 次波击 17 weeks

Post-traumatic lesions 外伤口复合 Case example: dog bite, 4 sessions of shock wave therapy, a total of 3400 impulses were applied in 11 minutes and 20 seconds. 狗咬伤, 4 次治疗,共 11 分又 20 秒,共 3400 次冲击波 11 weeks

Venous ulcers 静脉溃疡 Case example: a venous ulcer at the lower limb persisting for many years, after 14 sessions of shock wave therapy with a total of 5500 impulses applied in 18 minutes and 20 seconds. 14 次的治疗,总共 18 分又 20 秒, 5500 次冲击波 1.5 years

Decubitus ulcers 褥疮溃疡 Case example: Weekly sessions were performed over a period of 6 months. 6 个月,每星期一次的治疗 2 years

Diabetic foot syndrome 糖尿病足综合症 Case example: 6 sessions of shock wave therapy using a total of 2300 impulses applied in 7 minutes and 40 seconds. 6 次治疗,总共 7 分又 40 秒, 2300 次冲击波 12 weeks

Arterial ulcer 动脉溃疡 Case example: after 2 sessions of shock wave therapy using a total of 900 impulses applied in 3 minutes. 2 次的治疗,共 3 分钟, 900 次的冲击波

Burns 烫伤 Case example: 4 times shock wave therapy with a total of 3000 impulses applied in 10 minutes of total treatment time. 4 次治疗,总共 10 分钟, 3000 次冲击波 7 weeks

Results after shock wave treatment Infection after dog bite Dermagold100 represents the first therapy system which specifically utilizes the biological effects of shock waves. In cooperation with TRT Tissue Regeneration Technologies LLC, USA, MTS opens up a new field of therapy for chronic wounds and skin lesions. The effectiveness of ESWT is fully proven for numerous indications. Recent research has shown that shock waves have highly beneficial effects on skin lesions. It is proven that tissue which is exposed to shock waves initiates the production of VEGF (vessel endothelial growth factor), which in turn activates the growth of new blood vessels. In addition, it has also been established that shock waves produce an antibacterial effect. The combination of these two effects initiates a healing process in skin lesions and stimulates the development of new tissue.

69 y, male – caught in a door (7 days after trauma) Result after 4 treatments / 4 week s (2300 impulses in total/ ~ 8 min.

52y, male (injury with lawn-mower); 4 weeks after injury 8Treatments (3000 pulses/ ~ 10min.) 4 weeks and 3 months after first ESWT treatment

71y, female, diabetic, polyneuropathy, ulcer for 2 months 6 treatments (4800 impulses in total / ~ 16 minutes) 4 months -> two surgical revisions

71y, female, diabetic, polyneuropathy, after two surgical revisions 5 treatments (2500 impulses in total / ~ 8 minutes) 2 months

86 y, female – infected hematoma (5 weeks after trauma), for 3 weeks no improvement, 4 treatments (1,600 pulses/ ~ 5min.) 5 weeks

8 days after burning injury 7 months later after 3 ESWT´s

82y, female (insulin dependent diabetes, chronic renal failure) 3 treatments ( 2300 pulses in total/~ 8 min.); 7 weeks after first ESWT; 3 treatments ( 2300 pulses in total/~ 8 min.); 7 weeks after first ESWT; 2 years follow-up 2 years follow-up

65 year old, male, fall over steps, HIV-positive, diabetic I° open tibia fracturesame day UTN

65 year old, male, fall over steps, HIV-positive, diabetic 3 months after trauma => ESWT3 months after ESWT3 years after ESWT

ProceduresProcedures Infection after trauma injury Results after shock wave treatment Procedures approved for dermagold100 Non-healing lesions Acute and chronic lesions Post traumatic lesions Post-operative healing disorders Procedures under current investigation Venous ulcers Arterial ulcers Decubitus ulcers Diabetic foot syndrome Burns

ProceduresProcedures Infection after trauma injury Results after shock wave treatment Procedures approved for dermagold100 Non-healing lesions 无法愈合的傷口 Acute and chronic lesions 急性,慢性皮肤病 Post traumatic lesions 外伤口 Post-operative healing disorders 手术后愈合困 难 Procedures under current investigation Venous ulcers 静脉溃疡 Arterial ulcers 动脉溃疡 Decubitus ulcers 褥疮 Diabetic foot syndrome 糖尿病足综合症 Burns 烧伤

Shock Waves - Application 1. Undertake wound debridement 2. Apply sterile ultrasound gel directly on the wound 3. Cover the wound with sterile foil 4. Apply further ultrasound gel on top of foil 5. Put applicator on top of foil and release spark waves whilst moving over wound area – number of spark waves depends on wound size and type 6. Apply appropriate dressing after treatment

治疗程序 1. 清理傷口 2. 在傷口抹上超声波胶 3. 使用消毒过的薄膜,盖住傷口 il 4. 抹上超声波使用的胶 5. 使用冲击头冲击,在傷口,和 附近的部位移动冲击,时间和次 数,按照傷口的大小和种类来适 度调整。 6. 冲击完毕后,换药

Treatment Parameters Energy Flux density: ~ 0.1 mJ/mm 2 Frequency: 4-5 Hz Number of pulses: min.: /cm 2 Wound size Wound area number of pulses 1 x 1 cm 1 cm = x 2 cm 4 cm = x 4 cm 8 cm = x 5 cm 20 cm = x 8 cm 48 cm = x 12 cm 120 cm = 1550

Treatment Parameters Energy Flux density: ~ 0.1 mJ/mm 2 Frequency: 4-5 Hz Number of pulses: min.: /cm 2 伤口大小伤口面积脉冲次数 1 x 1 cm 1 cm = x 2 cm 4 cm = x 4 cm 8 cm = x 5 cm 20 cm = x 8 cm 48 cm = x 12 cm 120 cm = 1550

Director Director Combat Wound Initiative Program Complex Wound and Limb Salvage Center COL Alexander Stojadinovic, M.D., FACS

Combat Wound Initiative Program + Translation of fundamental research into individualized treatments for patients through: for patients through: Advanced therapies, Bioinformatics, Tissue Banking

Tissue regeneration – unfocused applicator The clinically tested unfocused applicator, an innovation of MTS & TRT group, emits unique and mainly unfocused shock waves that are specially designed for skin indications. To achieve optimal treatment results the energy volume and energy arrangement were accommodated for the treatment of skin lesions. Treatment without anesthesia The treatment does not require any anesthesia because the broad surface distribution of the optimal treatment energy with the Dermagold100 applicator significantly reduces the pain associated with shock wave treatment. The number of required treatments for each skin lesion varies, depending on the type of lesion and the wound surface.

Tissue regeneration – unfocused applicator 身体细胞组织再生 - 未聚焦波治疗 能发出独特而非聚焦性的冲击波,特别针对皮肤的治疗。为了达到最佳的治疗 效果,波能源的大小和能源的安排 是设定于治疗皮肤损伤。 Treatment without anesthesia 无需麻醉的治疗 由于发射面是比较广的,所以治疗是无需麻醉的。针对肌肤 创伤的种类和表面 积,所需要的治疗次数也有所不同。

Uses for the equipment include: Chronic wounds, burns and ulcers Pseudoarthrosis Tendinopathies and non-healing bone fractures Avascular conditions of the bone Multiple periodontal applications Ischemic heart disease Tibia Non-union fractures Pain therapy Increased blood flow for diabetics Erectile Dysfunction Massage therapy Spasticity Osteomyelitis Osteoporosis Nerve Regeneration Benefits of Softwave Technology

Uses for the equipment include: Chronic wounds, burns and ulcers 慢性伤口,烧伤和溃疡 Pseudoarthrosis 不愈合骨折 Tendinopathies and non-healing bone fractures 肌腱炎,不愈合骨折 Avascular conditions of the bone 骨缺血 Multiple periodontal applications 牙周病 Ischemic heart disease 缺血性心脏疾病 Tibia Non-union fractures 胫骨骨折 Pain therapy 痛楚治疗 Increased blood flow for diabetics 增加糖尿病患者的血流量 Erectile Dysfunction 勃起功能障碍 Massage therapy 按摩疗法 Spasticity 痉挛 Osteomyelitis 骨髓炎 Osteoporosis 骨质疏松 Nerve Regeneration 神经再生 Benefits of Softwave Technology

Benefits by Category CARDIO 25% increase in ejection fraction Improves wound healing after vein harvesting for coronary artery by-pass Decreases morbidity and reduces hospital stay, lower costs, higher patient satisfaction. Causes recruitment of stem cell (VEGF) mitigation to myocardia tissue ASETHETIC DERMOTOLOGY Creates softer tissue with higher skin elasticity Reduces appearance of stretch marks and cellulite Revitalizes connective tissue Performs cosmetic lymph drainage Regenerates vaxcular system and efficiently downgrades necrosis

Benefits by Category CARDIO 心脏科 射出率 (ejection fraction) 增加 25% 心导管手术后,改进傷口的复原。 降低死亡率,减少住院,减低成本,提供病人满意度. 导致干细胞的形成,扩散到心细胞 ASETHETIC DERMOTOLOGY 美容皮肤科 产生较软的组织,表皮更富弹性 减少妊娠纹和脂肪的外观 重新恢复连接的组织 执行淋巴引流 血管系统再生,有效降低坏死

Benefits by Category (cont) Benefits by Category (cont) Orthopedic, Arthritis and Joint Pain 骨科,关节炎,关节疼痛 每一年, 1-2 次治疗以后,减低 80% 的疼痛 25% 的病人有种疼痛 消除足底筋膜炎 治疗骨折 OTHER 其他 有效治疗创伤和需要皮肤移植的烧伤 冲击波大大加速上皮的形成 减少抗体药物的使用 ( 最高减低 7 倍 ) 有效治疗糖尿病造成的静脉溃疡

Benefits by Category (cont) Benefits by Category (cont) Orthopedic, Arthritis and Joint Pain Reduces up to 80% of pain with 1-2 treatments annually 25% of people have this affliction Eliminates Plantar Fascitius Treats non-unions OTHER Effective in treating traumas and burns requiring skin grafts Shock wave significantly accelerates donor site epithalization Reduces the need for anti-biotics (up to 7 times less) Effective treatment for diabetic and vascular ulcers

Reference from American Medical Association Journal The “patented unfocused software technology has the potential to become the new standard in wound care management” Leads to more rapid closure and repair of wounds on organs, skin and heart. Substantially lower cost and therapy time than current treatment standard Proven to increase permability of cell membranes Increased blood flow through angiogenesis Up regulation of growth factors Stem Cell Activation Beneficial to non-bacterial prostatitis (chronic pelvic pain syndrome) and cancer treatment.

美国医疗协会杂志的推荐 美国医疗协会杂志的推荐 “ 非聚焦型的冲击波技术将成为傷口治疗的新标准 ” 器官,皮肤,心脏的傷口复合,将会更快. 比起目前的治疗方式,成本降低更多 已经证明能够增进细胞膜的通透性。 通过血管新生,增加血液的流通 刺激生长因子 干细胞活化 有利于非细菌性前列腺炎(慢性骨盆疼痛综合征)和癌症的治疗。

Providers who can benefit from DermaGold TM Hospitals  Cardiology Surgeons  Orthopedics Surgeons  Plastic Surgeons Sports Medicine Clinics Pain Management Clinics Podiatrists Chiropractors General Practices of Medicine Veterinarians Dentists

Providers who can benefit from DermaGold TM Hospitals 医院  Cardiology Surgeons 心脏外科  Orthopedics Surgeons 骨科医生  Plastic Surgeons 整形外科 Sports Medicine Clinics 运动医学诊所 Pain Management Clinics 疼痛管理诊所 Podiatrists 足病 Chiropractors 按摩师 General Practices of Medicine 全科医生 Veterinarians 兽医 Dentists 牙医

Product Lines Total product line is comprised of: LithoGold TM (lithotripsy) DermaGoldTM (wound care) OrthoGold 280 (orthopedics) CardioGoldTM (cardiovascular) VetGold (veterinary) Swisspuls (sports medicine, cosmetic and Veterinary medicine All Devices hold CE approval for international distribution and FDA approval is pending Devices are used in 30 countries including China, Japan, Taiwan and Russia Equipment is made with precision in Germany Warranty on material and workmanship for one year Maintenance after 100,000 pulses

Product Lines 产品系列 Total product line is comprised of: LithoGold TM (lithotripsy) 碎石 DermaGoldTM (wound care) 傷口治疗 OrthoGold 280 (orthopedics) 骨科 CardioGoldTM (cardiovascular) 心血管 VetGold (veterinary) 兽医 Swisspuls (sports medicine, cosmetic and Veterinary medicine 运动,美容 All Devices hold CE approval for international distribution and FDA approval is pending Devices are used in 30 countries including China, Japan, Taiwan and Russia 30 个使用国家,包括中国,日本,台湾,俄国 Equipment is made with precision in Germany 德国制做 Warranty on material and workmanship for one year 一年保证 Maintenance after 100,000 pulses 每 10 万次,需更换放射头

Technical Data 技术数据 Applicator OP155 Therapeutic Focus fz (-6dB):0 – 82 mm Energy Flux Density (ED): 0.01 – 0.19 mJ/mm2 Focus Energy (E total / -6dB): 0.40 – 3.88 mJ Dimensions: 21.8 x 40 x 45.9 cm Power Supply: AC V, Hz Power Input: 200 VA Repetition Rate: Hz Weight: 16.5 kg dermagold100

ManagementManagement 美国生命能源控股公司是中国唯一的总代理 American Life Energy Holding Group, Inc. (“ALE”) is an exclusive distributor of softwave devices. Softwave devices 的 团队包挂诺贝尔奖得主, Dr. Ferid Murad. Distributorships available by contacting: 联系方式 American Life Energy Holding Group, Inc Governors Lake Drive Building 100 Suite 500 Norcross, GA , USA