(The Global Programme of Research On Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation) Adaptation Knowledge Day V: Climate Change Adaptation Gaps BONN,


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Presentation transcript:

(The Global Programme of Research On Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation) Adaptation Knowledge Day V: Climate Change Adaptation Gaps BONN, 9 June 2014 Dr. Saleemul Huq Co-chair PROVIA Scientific Steering Committee 1

What is PROVIA? PROVIA is a global initiative which aims to provide direction, coherence, and capacity- building at the international level for research on vulnerability, impacts and adaptation (VIA) Parent organizations are UN ‘Joint Programme’ of UNEP and WMO; Secretariat at UNEP; counterpart to WCRP PROVIA responds to the urgent call by the scientific community for a more cohesive and coordinated approach, and the critical need to harmonize, mobilize, and communicate the growing knowledge-base on VIA 2

PROVIA compliments to Adaptation Knowledge: Advance policy-relevant research on VIA Coordinate and facilitate dissemination of VIA knowledge Identifying VIA Research Gaps Capacity building: PROVIA Young Scientist Forum PROVIA OBJECTIVES AIMS TO ADDRESS ADAPTATION KNOWLEDG 3

PROVIA First Phase Activities ( ) 1.Develop a prioritised international agenda for research on VIA, and communicate to governments and international agencies 2.Provide VIA information to the UNFCCC and similar bodies, especially information that will enable more effective adaptation 3.A biennial conference to improve the coherence of VIA research 4.Improve the robustness of VIA assessments and build capacity, by revising guidance on research methods 4

PROVIA promotes climate change adaptation knowledge through its activities: A report on research gaps in VIA to advance policy-relevant research on VIA PROVIA Guidance: SIDS online training supports integrate adaptation to climate change in development planning. Good practices and lessons learned PROVIA ACTIVITIES 5

Experts Identify VIA Research Priorities –Gap analysis based on VIA literature review produced an initial list of 172 topics –Based on Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) feedback, a 54- topic electronic consultation of the expert community (~150 experts globally) was undertaken Policymakers Identify VIA Research Priorities –International Policymaker meetings (~60 participants) with straw poll held in Washington D.C., London, and Bonn (LDCs) Policymaker and Expert Pathways Integrated –Additional feedback provided by the expert and policymaker communities –Outcome is the 33-topic Global Research Priorities Document Activity 1 Research Priorities Process 6


Section A. Information Needed to Support a Broad Range of Policymaker Activities A.1 Identifying the Problem A.2 Advancing Vulnerability Reduction and Adaptation Solutions A.3 Providing Improved Cost-Benefit Estimates A.4 Enhancing Communication and Stakeholder/Public Participation Research Priorities Framework 8

Section B.Systems and Regions B.1 Key Systems B.2 Human Well-being B.3 Critical Geographical Areas Section C.Emerging Topics A total of 33 priority topics PROVIA Research Priorities Framework 9

C.Emerging Topics C.1Transformative Change C.2Impacts of Geoengineering C.3Legal Principles and Role of Law C.4Food-Water-Energy-Security Nexus C.5Participatory Processes for Mitigation and Adaptation Scenarios C.6Integrated Impact Model Intercomparisons C.7Decision Theory C.8Risk Perception, Climate Knowledge and Behavior C.9Governance, Collaborative Frameworks and Networks C.10Long-Term Planning and Design 10

Contribute to country and national group research agendas –Governments of Thailand and The Gambia, EC, GIZ –National Science Agencies and Adaptation Planning Groups –Distribution to UN Countries Interactions with International Organizations –WHO, Climate Services, GCOS, Future Earth, etc … Present at Seminars, Workshops and Conferences –UNU, Adaptation Futures Peer-reviewed Journal Article PROVIA Research Priorities Outreach and Engagement 11

First conference: 2010 Climate Adaptation Futures Conference, Queensland, Australia2010 Climate Adaptation Futures Conference, Queensland, Australia Second conference: 2012 Climate Adaptation Futures Conference, Tucson, USA2012 Climate Adaptation Futures Conference, Tucson, USA PROVIA Biannual International Climate Change Adaptation Conference 12 PROVIA is one of the strategic partners and conveners of a biennial International Adaptation Conference PROVIA brought together research scientists, policy makers and practitioners from developed and developing countries to share knowledge about adaptation challenges and opportunities

2014 Third Adaptation Futures Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil 13 Co-hosted and convened by the Earth System Science Center of the National Institute for Space Studies (CCST-INPE) and the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and adaptation (PROVIA)

4 th Adaptation Futures Conference 2016 Adaptation Practice and Solutions Joint conference and exhibition hosted by Directorate-General for Research and Innovation Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Global Research Programme on Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation Welcome to Rotterdam in May 2016