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The UN-REDD Programme 1 st Policy Board Meeting 9-10 March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The UN-REDD Programme 1 st Policy Board Meeting 9-10 March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The UN-REDD Programme 1 st Policy Board Meeting 9-10 March 2009

2 International Support Functions Global Joint Programme Objectives of this session 1.Quick overview of programme & progress made 2.Confirm the budget approval arrangement for the International Support Functions

3 International actions Normative solutions and standardized approaches Analytical work Convening expertise and providing venue for dialogue Sharing experience and knowledge In support of country actions In support of UNFCCC process To advance REDD

4 Outcomes 1: Measuring, Assessment, Reporting & Verification (FAO) 2: Stakeholder engagement (UNEP) 3: Co-benefits / multiple benefits (UNDP & UNEP) 4: Increased cooperation (3 agencies)

5 1: Improved guidance on Measuring, Assessment, Reporting and Verification Expert consultations –MV Roadmap Training/capacity development –national reporting of GHG inventories (IPCC Guidelines) –national forest monitoring systems –REL Technical reviews, guidelines, standards Remote sensing data (supply and coordination) Testing tools & methodologies

6 2: Increased stakeholder engagement in REDD Indigenous peoples and other forest dependent stakeholders engaged Non-Annex I negotiators and decision-makers informed REDD communicated to stakeholders

7 3: Improved analytical/technical framework of co-benefits 1) Framework for pro-poor REDD UNDP indicators studies & analyses (land tenure, decentralization, institutional reforms, conflict resolution) 2) Tools to capture multiple benefits: biodiversity, water, livelihoods workshop (Oct 09) UN-REDD role: generate, synthesize, provide guidance, share knowledge & experiences

8 4: Increased collaborative support among UN Agencies Inter-agency coordination mechanism Support to national programmes formulation analyses of progress made lessons learned Manage/share UN-REDD knowledge experience of countries expert networks website workspace communication

9 Budget approval In absence of the Policy Board, the 3 agencies agreed the budget allocations for the international support functions –described in Global Joint Programme Document 6,9 Million USD$ –to facilitate the establishment of the entire UN-REDD Programme –to start the support actions (they have started already) Policy Board is requested to confirm this arrangement Budget revision forthcoming

10 International Support Functions Global Joint Programme Document Policy Board is invited to Confirm the extraordinary budget approval arrangement for the International Support Functions that was done to facilitate the establishment of the UN-REDD Programme -> endorsement of the Global Joint Programme Discuss priorities up to Copenhagen and beyond

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