Words for Production 13. refuse [ rI`fjuz ] vt. to say or show that one does not want to do, give or accept something 拒絕 Ruth refused my offer to help,


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Presentation transcript:

Words for Production 13. refuse [ rI`fjuz ] vt. to say or show that one does not want to do, give or accept something 拒絕 Ruth refused my offer to help, for she thought she could handle it on her own. 詞類變化 * refuse accept 反義字 * on one’s own = independently

refusal [ rI`fjuzL ] n. [U] 拒絕 Her refusal to see the doctor made her illness even more serious.

Words for Production 14. purpose [ `p3p1s ] n. [C] an aim, or something one wants to achieve 目標,目的 Juliet listens to English radio programs whenever she is awake. Her purpose is to improve her English. * purpose = aim

Words for Production 15. inner [ `In2 ] adj. of the mind or spirit 內在的,內心的 Just when I felt we were going to lose the game, I heard an inner voice whisper to me, “Nothing great is ever done without enthusiasm. Don’t lose heart.” * lose heart = feel discouraged 灰心 ; 氣餒

Words for Production 16. philosophy [ f1`lAs1fI ] n. [U] a set of beliefs that one has about how to live or how to deal with a particular situation 生活哲學 My philosophy is: “Do to others what I would have others do to me.” Therefore, I always try my best to help others in my daily life. 詞類變化 * a set of 一套 * deal with 處理 * Do to others what I would have others do to me. 己所欲, 施於人.

philosopher [ f1`lAs1f2 ] n. [C] 哲學家 Daniel, like a philosopher, always thinks seriously about the meaning of life.

Words for Production 17. plea [ pli ] n. [C] an appeal or request, made in an intense or emotional way 懇求,懇請 The prisoner made a plea for forgiveness before he was put to death. 詞類變化 * put to death 處死

plead [ plid ] vi. 懇求,懇請 The environmentalists pleaded with those present to protect endangered wildlife.

Words for Production 18. miracle [ `mIr1kL ] n. [U] something that is surprising and fortunate 奇蹟般的事情,令人驚訝的 事 It’s a miracle that you could persuade such a stubborn person to change his mind. 詞類變化

miraculous [ m1`r8kj1l1s ] adj. 奇蹟般的,不可思議的 It’s miraculous that the dog could find its way home from 500 miles away.

miraculously [ m1`r8kj1l1slI ] adv. 奇蹟般地,不可思議地 Miraculously, the young man survived the earthquake and was dug out of the collapsed building ten days later. * miraculously, = it is miraculous that

Words for Production 19. process [ `prAsEs ] n. [C] a series of actions which are carried out to achieve a particular result 過 程,流程 Ever since the boy’s head was hurt in a car accident, teaching him to read has been a slow process. * a series of 一連串 * carry out = fulfill = complete 實現

Words for Production 20. discourage [ dIs`k3IdZ ] vt. to cause someone to lose enthusiasm about doing something 使氣餒,使沮 喪 My parents’ objection to my going out with my friends discouraged me deeply. 詞類變化

discouraged [ dIs`k3IdZd ] adj. 感到氣餒的,感到沮喪的 I felt discouraged to see our environment polluted by some selfish people.

discouraging [ dIs`k3IdZI9 ] adj. 令人氣餒的,令人沮喪的 It is discouraging to find that I made little progress in English after having studied so hard. * make progress 進步

discouragement [ dIs`k3IdZm1nt ] n. [C][U] ( 令人 ) 沮喪 ( 的事情 ) Losing the game was a discouragement to the players. On the other hand, it motivated them to do better next time. * on one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

1. John F. Kennedy [ dZAn Ef `kEn1dI ] n. the 35th US President ( ) 約 翰‧甘迺迪 Words for Recognition

2. paraplegic [ &p8r1`plidZIk ] adj. being unable to move the lower part of the body 下肢癱瘓的 Words for Recognition

3. Hawaii [ h1`wA(j)i ] n. a state of the US in the Pacific Ocean 夏威夷 Words for Recognition

4. jump start [ `dZ^mp `stArt ] n. [C] (sing. only) the act of starting an activity, system or process ( 某事物的 ) 開始 Words for Recognition

5. self-starter [ &sElf`stArt2 ] n. [C] an electric device that starts a car engine 自動啟動裝置 Words for Recognition

8. on somebody’s behalf /on behalf of somebody for someone; in the interests of someone 代表某人 The vice president is speaking on behalf of the president, who is very ill now. Idioms and Phrases

9. take care of to arrange or deal with 安排,處理 Don’t worry. I’ll take care of the food for the party. Idioms and Phrases

10. bring about to cause something to happen 引起, 導致,帶來 Science has brought about many changes in our lives. Idioms and Phrases * bring about = lead to = result in 導致

11. have much going for somebody to have many advantages or good qualities that will bring success to somebody 有很多有利條件 Stop being so depressed. You have much going for you. Idioms and Phrases

12. put...down to treat someone in an unpleasant way by finding fault with him/her and making him/her appear foolish 奚落,貶低 After regaining self-confidence, she stopped putting herself down and comparing herself with others. Idioms and Phrases * find fault with = criticize