Comets, Centaurs, & TNOs AS3141 Benda Kecil dalam Tata Surya Prodi Astronomi 2006/2007 B. Dermawan AS3141 Benda Kecil dalam Tata Surya Prodi Astronomi 2006/2007 B. Dermawan
Benda Kecil Tata Surya Asteroids (MBAs, NEAs) Comets (periode pendek, panjang; ekliptik, isotropik) Meteoroids ( meteors, meteorites) (Edgeworth)-Kuiper Belt Objects or Trans- Neptunian Objects Centaurs (Jupiter-Neptune), Damocloids Hipotesis: vulcanoids, ‘awan’ Oort Asteroids (MBAs, NEAs) Comets (periode pendek, panjang; ekliptik, isotropik) Meteoroids ( meteors, meteorites) (Edgeworth)-Kuiper Belt Objects or Trans- Neptunian Objects Centaurs (Jupiter-Neptune), Damocloids Hipotesis: vulcanoids, ‘awan’ Oort
Comets, Centaurs, Damocloids, & TNOs
Comets (1)
Comets (2) Periode Pendek (SPC, < 200 th) - Halley Type Comets (HTC, th) - Jupiter Family Comets (JFC, < 20 th) Periode Panjang (LPC, > 200 th) Periode Pendek (SPC, < 200 th) - Halley Type Comets (HTC, th) - Jupiter Family Comets (JFC, < 20 th) Periode Panjang (LPC, > 200 th) Ekliptik: T > 2 JFC Isotropik: T < 2 LPC, HTC, Damocloids Ekliptik: T > 2 JFC Isotropik: T < 2 LPC, HTC, Damocloids Parameter Tisserand:
Comets (3) Active comet: detectable coma volatile & dust Inactive comet: no detectable coma Dormant comet: lost the ability to generate a detectable coma in any part of its present orbit might be reactivated Extinct comet: incapable of generating a coma (lost its ices, or its ices buried under a nonvolatile crust) Active comet: detectable coma volatile & dust Inactive comet: no detectable coma Dormant comet: lost the ability to generate a detectable coma in any part of its present orbit might be reactivated Extinct comet: incapable of generating a coma (lost its ices, or its ices buried under a nonvolatile crust)
Dormant & Extinct Comets Weissman et al. 2003
Comet-like Asteroids & Extinct Comets Weissman et al. 2003
Sun-grazing Comets
Insitu Explorations Giotto → Halley Deep Space 1 – Borrelly Stardust – Wild2 Deep Impact → Temple 1 Giotto → Halley Deep Space 1 – Borrelly Stardust – Wild2 Deep Impact → Temple 1
Isotopic Abundances Hutsemékers 2005
Centaurs: Asteroid-like objects with semimajor axes between those of Jupiter and Neptune Centaurs unusual Johnston 2005
Centaurs Albedo Colors Dotto & Barucci 2004
Damocloids (1) Jewitt (2004) Comet-like asteroids whose T 2 Inactive nuclei of HTC & LPC Have subsequently developed comae About 25% possess retrograde orbits Jewitt (2004) Comet-like asteroids whose T 2 Inactive nuclei of HTC & LPC Have subsequently developed comae About 25% possess retrograde orbits
Damocloids (2) The distribution of inclinations is indistinguishable from that of the HFC Lack ultrared matter The distribution of inclinations is indistinguishable from that of the HFC Lack ultrared matter : ~4000Å - ~8000Å Jewitt 2004
(Edgeworth)-Kuiper Belt Objects [(E)KBO] Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs)
TNOs: Non-cometary objects with semimajor axes beyond Neptune's orbit Plutinos: Near the 2:3 resonance with Neptune. Pluto is the largest object near this resonance. Resonance objects: Other than Plutinos but near resonances (4:5, 3:4, 3:5, 4:7, 1:2, 2:5) with Neptune. Cubewanos: Eccentricities below 0.15 with semimajor axes between 41.8 AU and 48 AU. Scattered disk objects (SDOs): Aphelion distances near Neptune's orbit and semimajor axes greater than 50 AU. Other TNOs not fitting in the above groups. Plutinos: Near the 2:3 resonance with Neptune. Pluto is the largest object near this resonance. Resonance objects: Other than Plutinos but near resonances (4:5, 3:4, 3:5, 4:7, 1:2, 2:5) with Neptune. Cubewanos: Eccentricities below 0.15 with semimajor axes between 41.8 AU and 48 AU. Scattered disk objects (SDOs): Aphelion distances near Neptune's orbit and semimajor axes greater than 50 AU. Other TNOs not fitting in the above groups.
TNOs: Orbital Dist. (1) Johnston 2005
TNOs: Orbital Dist. (2) Lykawka & Mukai 2005
TNOs: Orbital Dist. (3) Jewitt 2004
TNOs: Sizes (1) Thermal Flux: Density: Effective temp.: Standard Thermal Model (STM, Lebofsky et al. 1989) Near-Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM, Harris 1998) Thermo-Physical Model (TPM, Lagerros 1997) Bond Albedo & Geometric Albedo: Optical Constraints:
Size & Albedo of Unusual Minor Planet C/2002 CE 10 Sekiguchi et al. 2005
TNOs: Sizes (2) Johnston 2005
TNOs: Spectrum Dotto & Barucci 2004
TNOs: Binary (1) Richardson & Walsh 2005 NEAsMBAs Trojan Pluto- Charon TNOs
TNOs: Binary (2) Richardson & Walsh 2005 NEAsMBAs Trojan Pluto- Charon TNOs
Albedo & Spectral Gradient Jewitt 2004 Dotto & Barucci 2004
Albedo vs Diameter Lykawka & Mukai 2005
Colors (1) Jewitt 2004 Peixinho 2003
Colors (2) Doressoundiram & Peixinho 2005
Atmospheres? Lykawka & Mukai 2005
Stellar Encounter (1) Kenyon & Bromley 2004
Stellar Encounter (2) Kenyon & Bromley 2004
Stellar Encounter (3) Kenyon & Bromley 2004