School Accountability Ratings What Are Our District’s Accountability Ratings? What do they mean?


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Presentation transcript:

School Accountability Ratings What Are Our District’s Accountability Ratings? What do they mean?

Who are our Students? # of students –% white students –% African American students –% Hispanic students –% Economically disadvantaged students –% Students in Special Education –% Limited English Proficient students Number of campuses subject to ratings –High schools –Middle schools –Elementary schools

Two Rating Systems State Accountability System –Ratings: “Exemplary,” “Recognized,” “Academically Acceptable,” “Academically Unacceptable” and “Not Rated” –Indicators: TAKS tests, dropout rate (grades 7, 8), and completion rate (grades 9-12) –5 Subgroups: All students, White, African American, Hispanic, and Economically Disadvantaged Federal Accountability System (No Child Left Behind Act) –Rating Categories: “Meets Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)” or “Missed AYP” and “Not Rated” –Indicators: TAKS tests, TAKS participation rate, and graduation rate (for high schools) or attendance rate (for middle or elementary schools) –7 Subgroups: Same as state plus Limited English Proficient and Special Ed

District’s State Rating for Rating:________ Rating: ________ Areas of challenge:

Campus State Ratings for (#) campuses rated “Exemplary” (#) campuses rated “Recognized” (#) campuses rated “Academically Acceptable” Change from last year (if any) Areas of challenge

District’s Federal Rating for AYP status Change from last year (if any) Reason(s) district didn’t make AYP (if applicable)

Campus’ Federal Ratings for (#) of campuses rated “Meets AYP” (#) of campuses rated “Missed AYP” Change from last year (if any) Reason(s) why all campuses did not “Meet AYP” (if applicable)

Improvement Goals and Strategies for Improvement Goal #1: Program(s) to achieve the goal Improvement Goal #2: Program(s) to achieve the goal

How you can help…. Become a pen-pal to a student Read to our students during your lunch period Tutor a student after school or on weekends Participate in a “Financial Aid” workshop to help parents fill out financial aid forms Contact: